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Integrating a new cat with existing pets


Before you bring a second (or even a third) cat into your household, you should make sure you are familiar with cat behaviour, both territorial and aggressive, and the basic principles of cat training (see pp61–71). Some cats will accept a newcomer, especially a kitten (which may be perceived as less of a threat), but others will not.

You will help this integration by gradually introducing the newcomer to your cat(s), keeping it separated in one room until it has gained confidence (especially if it is a kitten) and your existing cats have got used to it. The newcomer is probably unsure and may be frightened, and it is moving into new and unfamiliar territory which is already occupied (and maybe defended) by the current feline inhabitants. Feed them separately to reduce competition for food, and make a fuss of your existing cats so that they do not feel neglected because of the new incumbent.

If you already own a dog, the introductory process is similar to that described above – gradual and non-threatening. Once again, the dog may immediately accept the cat. Sometimes a bitch will accept a kitten and relate to it rather like the way she would to one of her own pups, even to the extent of offering it some protection. Make sure that you give the incumbent dog as much fuss and attention as usual (or even more), and praise and reward it for good behaviour.

Goldfish and small mammals that are kept as pets need to be protected from the family cat – make sure their cages are secure, and avoid keeping a goldfish in an open bowl.

Introducing a new cat to pet birds can pose a problem. If it is a kitten purchased from a breeder, it may never have experienced the sight or stimulation that a bird presents. Although its basic hunting or playing instinct may cause it to react, it may be quite easy to train your cat to ignore the bird or even to accept it as a companion. If, however, it is a kitten from a domestic cat that has had the opportunity to introduce its kittens to bird prey, or is an adult cat that has already learned to catch birds, then you have a more difficult task on your hands. If you find that you do have such a problem, talk to your veterinarian.

Dogs, especially bitches, may willingly accept and mother kittens in the household.

Goldfish are yet another pet that can be threatened by an incoming cat. Those kept indoors in an aquarium tank with a glass lid and artificial lighting should be safe, but any that are exposed to an inquisitive cat may stimulate an unwanted reaction. Goldfish in an outdoor pond are also susceptible to a cat’s attentions, and you may need to train your cat to leave them alone. Protective measures include physical barriers such as netting, and the installation of plenty of water plants, such as water lilies – the fish can hide under the leaves.

The Cat Owners Handbook

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