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The History of the Scientific Classification of Cannabis


Older sources, such as the Encyclopaedia Brittanica, defines Cannabaceae as

of the hemp family of the nettle order (Urticales), containing two genera and three species of aromatic herbs distributed throughout temperate parts of the Northern Hemisphere. Older authorities included the two genera, Cannabis and Humulus, in the mulberry (fig) family (Moraceae).18

The order of Rosales has replaced Urticales, but cannabis (hemp) is still in the same family Cannabaceae along with Hops (Humulus) and Celtis (hackberries). This means that cannabis is only in the same order of Rosales (Urticales) as nettles but is of the different family Cannabaceae and is more distinctly called cannabis to distinguish itself from Hops and Celtis (including the genera Gironniera, Parasponia, Pteroceltis, and Trema). Proceeding from this formal classification is the question over cannabis species.

The Cannabis Grow Bible

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