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President Dent had just finished a three Presidents call that obviously pleased him enormously. It was very early in the morning but he knew that his assistant would be at her desk working. So he called her into his office. Nova Kaufman noticed Dent's good mood straight away. She wondered if this was an opportune moment to get a favor done that would pay back a certain National Security Director an old debt of revenge. But Dent gave her no chance to speak he began talking at the rate of a mile a minute. He said in an excited tone of voice,

"I have just got off a conference call with our two allied Presidents. They are of course coming for our Southern Hemisphere Games opening ceremony. The presence of the northern hemisphere's marines in some of our events as individual athletes gives her attendance credibility. Of course our nearest larger neighbor's President has a whole national team in our games. But my exciting news is that they will publicly endorse my decision to go for a third term as Australian President. Exceptional circumstances will be the official reason for this extended period as President. The last six years has not been long enough to completely wipe out all the rebel scum."

Nova said what she was expected to say by this paranoid man. She used a falsely cheery tone of voice,

"Oh congratulations sir. With both those Presidents endorsing you there will be little opposition to your reelection in two years time."

Dent was nodding when he said in a threatening tone of voice,

"I will make sure that there is no internal opposition. You will get the government legal staff to draw up arrest warrants for the opposition leader in parliament and these other political enemies whose name I have placed on this thumb disk. It is not to leave your possession. The international media hounds would love to get to see what is on that little storage disk."

Now Nova was nodding. She held explosive political material that needed secret handling. So she asked a question in a hesitant tone of voice

"Do you want me to inform anyone in cabinet of your arrest orders?'

Scowling Dent said in an angry tone of voice

"In no way do I want those leakers to get any whiff of my arrest plans. I want those political enemies named on that disk locked up in that special federal prison I had built for political prisoners. Then lets see anyone challenge my campaign for a thirds term as President. Speaking of which I need you to get General Mackenzie here as soon as his duties permit him to be away for a couple of hours. Just between you and me I am going to get rid of my hopeless Vice-President. She is asking too many questions about my Swiss bank accounts. No she has to go. That's good news for Mackenzie and that ambitious wife of his. Nova get going on those two matters. They have the highest priority."

When Kaufman had left his office Dent went to a secret draw in his desk. He took out a smartphone. Then he called a special number

"Doras is that you. Good I have another special ops hit for you. No do this one for you and your sisters. This not for the record. Lets call it a phantom op for want of a better phrase. The main target is the Vice-President. Just the VP and her partner for now. Make it look like the rebel alliance did the hit. You are best at working out the necessary details. But make it quick. No blow back on this office is acceptable. Do you understand?...... Good then lets say the deadline is the end of this month. No more calls on this or anything else except on a properly encrypted smartphone. Your reward will depend on your success. Now get on with it and do the job right"

When Dent had finished all of his morning activities a lot of people faced either, a quick death, or, a lone term in prison. Dent did not believe in tolerating opposition no matter who dished it out. Such opponents were always dealt with savagely.

A young female not quiet a teenager feels frustrated with her adult authority figures. Mossy was no different. She had been trying to contact her Mum to get off her piano lessons that afternoon. Her animal friends were out in the fields or waiting at the veterinary office of the United Nations refugee camp. Really she was too old for piano lessons thought an aggrieved Mossy. Finally she got through on her Mum's smartphone. Not very diplomatically she said in a frustrated tone of voice,

"Where were you Mum? I have been trying to contact you for hours."

Mossy thought she detected a slight hint of embarrassment when her mother replied in a faltering tone of voice,

"Oh don't over dramatise Mossy. I have only had my phone off for two hours. What is so urgent that you had to disturb me on my one day of?"

Strange, thought Mossy, her mother sounded like she was out of breath from some exercising or running. Still being a near teen Mossy launched straight into her beef with piano lessons on a great weather day. So she said in a whining tone of voice,

"Do I have to go to piano lessons the new vet at the UN animal shelter has offered to let me help him calm the young animals. Please can I skip it this once?"

Her mother used the tone of voice with which she always answered Mossy's complaints. In a firm and unrelenting in tone Hera said,

"By my reckoning that makes ten missed lessons this year alone. Hardly a oncer as you suggested. But I know that the new vet at the shelter is seriously understaffed so I will let you skip today's lesson. Back home by six o'clock! Tomorrow is a school day."

Too delighted to have got her own way so easily Mossy forgot about her mother's out of breath opening remarks. Just as well because she only had to bring her natural gift online to realize why her mother would be short of breath at three o'clock in the afternoon.

Hera turned to the man lying beside her and kissed him. They had no inclination to move from this rare golden moment of happiness. But over the next hour both their smartphones would not leave them to peacefully enjoy each other's company. Finally Hutch took a call from his second in command. He had been stalling forwarding the details of a call from General Headquarters in the capital city. Colonel Lee had an urgent message for Colonel Hutchinson. And he was not going to be put off by some Major citing communication problems in locating his Colonel.

Sighing at the unfairness of life Hutch got up to get dressed back into his uniform. But Hera had other ideas. It took him forty minutes to finish dressing. Then he said in a loving tone of voice,

"I hate to say it at a time like this but I do have to go. My second will get roasted if he keeps blocking access by a full lieutenant Colonel. Sorry darling. You know I would not leave you for all the world. "

Hera looked with genuine love at this apologetic man. Then she said in a tender tone of voice,

"I will give you your liberty Colonel but only temporarily. Don't you think its about time we got married?"

Stunned beyond belief , Hutch could only get off these words in a grateful tone of voice,

"Oh darling beautiful Hera, if you only knew how long I have waited for those words to come from your lips."

Hera was beaming with pleasure when she said in a teasing tone of voice,

"Hutch Matterson I will take that as a yes. But I still expect an engagement ring. We can go and pick it out on our next day off. Do you really have to rush off now. I will get so lonely!"

Laughing as he had never laughed before in his whole life Hutch replied in a reckless tone of voice,

"Poor Major Babic! Still I will make it up to him. As for Lieutenant Colonel Lee, he can just go hang. I am not leaving you looking like that no way."

Luckily they were well away from the camp because the noise they made certainly scared all the animals away from their little nook.

Female Snipers

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