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I would like to express my appreciation to Katrina Ernst for the front cover. By creating the fascinating picture you now hold, she caught and conveyed my vision explicitly. I believe the story was completed because Hank Harrison--author of many high-quality literary works--gave me his straightforward critique of the MS. Thanks to his honesty and willingness to put a good tale ahead of a sensitive writer's feelings, I was able to trim much fat from the story, and to present a cleaner version. For vital readers' input, I also thank my friend Sally Kuehne, brother Brien Matson and his wife Cristine, sister Merideth Luippold, and Mom, Gloria Matson, who bravely read the manuscript and gave me much-needed feedback and encouragement. And, of course, thanks over and over to my wife Jolene, who put the whole jumbled mess together. Surely there are others, who I now thank anonymously.

Healthy, Wealthy, and Dead

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