Читать книгу Twitch and Shout, Hallelujah, Amen - Gregory John Nashif - Страница 4

My Tribute


Sometimes, when life gets the best of us, and we get lonely, down and feeling afraid of what things in life will come my way.

And when it looks like all things are lost, at that moment The Lord brings to me a kind and loving spirit, with a firm but gentle hand;

Who shares with me the willingness of his human heart to guide me through the darkest moments of my life.

To teach me about integrity, and honesty. Leading me to find the Lord’s ever abiding love.

Because of your kindness, and gentle heart, you have taught me that I am never alone, if I have a friend in Jesus.

I want you to know how much you mean to me, and how much I will miss your gentle touch, your warm smile, and those special hugs.

And when I die, and Leave this earth, as His little child now safely in the soft embrace of Jesus’ arms. I will come ever close and softly whisper in His ear, and let the Lord know how good you truly were to me.

And Jesus smiled.

In Jesus Name this Book is Written

This volume of poetry is dedicated to all the “unlovelies” of the world, who because of their disabilities have been outcasts in society

And to all my friends who over the years have loved, supported me, and have given me comfort, through all the trials of my life.

For in Him we live and move, and have our being, as certain also your own poets have said, “for we are his offspring.”

—Acts 17:28

Twitch and Shout, Hallelujah, Amen

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