Группа авторов
Группа авторов
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Всего книг: 23 482, из них: Электронных книг: 23 181 Аудио книг: 301
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Все произведения и книги автора Группа авторов
Classic Children's Storybooks McLellan Endowed Series Donald R. Ellegood International Publications Jessie and John Danz Lectures Emil and Kathleen Sick Book Series in Western History and Biography Samuel and Althea Stroum Lectures in Jewish Studies Samuel and Althea Stroum Books
1 935.
4 465 руб.
Электронная книга
Scott and Laurie Oki Series in Asian American Studies V. Ethel Willis White Books Высшая лига рукоделия. Тонкости и секреты мастерства Comparative cultural studies The Year in C-SPAN Archives Research Shofar supplements in jewish studies New directions in the human-animal bond Purdue Studies in Aeronautics and Astronautics The founders series Dagboek van ’n dork Tuttle Mini Dictionary Max's Lucha Libre Adventures Fruits & Favorites Cookbooks Arts and Traditions of the Table: Perspectives on Culinary History The Real Twentieth Century Borderlines: Russian and East European-Jewish Studies Ottoman and Turkish Studies Crop Production Science in Horticulture Anthropologies of American Medicine: Culture, Power, and Practice Critical Perspectives on Religion in International Politics Feminist Institutionalist Perspectives Media, Culture and Communication in Asia-Pacific Societies CEACOP East Asian Comparative Ethics, Politics and Philosophy of Law Kilombo: International Relations and Colonial Questions Founding Critical Theory Geopolitical Bodies, Material Worlds Protest, Media and Culture
1 982.
2 991 руб.
Электронная книга
Asian Cultural Studies: Transnational and Dialogic Approaches Collective Studies in Knowledge and Society Discourse, Power and Society Radical Subjects in International Politics Global Dialogues: Developing Non-Eurocentric IR and IPE Studies in Social and Global Justice Experiments/On the Political Critical Perspectives on Theory, Culture and Politics Continental Philosophy in Austral-Asia Global Critical Caribbean Thought Radical Cultural Studies Future Perfect: Images of the Time to Come in Philosophy, Politics and Cultural Studies Place, Memory, Affect Creolizing the Canon
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