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Help Me Catch Our World


Dear Planet Earth,

I am sorry we have misused you, messed you up, and physically abused you.

Now we are pleading for forgiveness, although we have done nothing to stop it, we just brought it upon ourselves.

It’s like watching a paper fall, and instead of catching it you watch it drop to the floor.

It’s like watching a child drown, and instead of saving him, you slowly watch him sink, sink slowly to the ground.

Because planet earth, we had the chance to catch you. We had the chance to save you.

Though people chose to ignore you. They chose to look away and say, ‘that’s not my problem to face.’

I’m sorry that when you stumbled and fell, we didn’t kiss your bruise better: we didn’t place a plaster over your cut: we didn’t even blow it better, we just left it, untouched. I’m sorry that we paid more attention to our problems, than we did yours. For we forgot that you, planet earth, are the reason we breathe and live, and us humans let that message pass our minds, way too quickly.

And for that I am truly sorry.

Help me correct our mistake.

Help me catch our world: save our planet.

Jenny Ngugi, 13

Letters to the Earth

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