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Duggie is of medium height, stocky build, dark and very quiet until you get him on a party; the type of bloke that never asks fool questions and thinks well before he answers. He has a peculiar short, nervous laugh, a grand sense of humour and a wonderful knack of enjoying every minute of life. He has an enormous beer-drinking capacity and once dumbfounded the petty-officers of a well-known destroyer by drinking all except one of them under the table.

He was the senior sergeant-pilot and one of the most important blokes in the squadron, a first-class peelow and very definite capabilities as an organiser and administrator.

I hope that shortly he will get his commission, and that we will be able to retain him in the squadron. I also look forward to the day when he will become a flight-commander, a job which I know he will do exceptionally well.

Ten Fighter Boys

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