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1 Adorno, Theodore (2013). Aesthetic Theory. London: Bloomsbury Academic.

2 Barry, Peter (2000). Contemporary British Poetry and the City. Manchester: Manchester University Press.

3 Barry, Peter (2006). Poetry Wars: British Poetry of the 1970s and the Battle of Earls Court. Cambridge: Salt Publishing.

4 Blanc, Alberto C. (1961). “Some evidence for the ideologies early man.” In: Social Life of Early Man (ed. Sherwood Larned Washburn), 119–136. Chicago: Aldine.

5 Brady, Andrea (2004). ““Meagrely Provided”: a response to Don Paterson.” Chicago Review 49–50 (3–4/1): 396–402.

6 Bridgewood, Ann and Hampson, John (eds.) (2000). Rhyme and Reason: Developing Contemporary Poetry. Great Britain: Arts Council England.

7 Cowdrey, Katherine (2016). “Poetry Market Celebrates National Poetry Day with Highest Sales Ever.” The Bookseller (5 October). http://www.thebookseller.com/news/poetry‐market‐celebrates‐national‐poetry‐day‐highest‐sales‐ever‐405931 (accessed 6 May 2020).

8 Duncan, Andrew (2011). “Irrepressible Creativity of the London Scene.” Angel Exhaust (28 March). http://angelexhaust.blogspot.co.uk/ 2011_ 03_01_archive.html (accessed 6 May 2020).

9 Edwards, Ken (2000). “The Two Poetries.” Angelaki 3 (1): 25–36.

10 Edwards, Ken (n.d.) “The History of Reality Street.” www.realitystreet.co.uk/about‐us.php (accessed 21 August 2017).

11 Fisher, Allen (1999). The Topological Shovel: Four Essays. Ontario: The Gig.

12 Fisher, Allen (2007). Confidence in Lack. London: Writers Forum.

13 Fisher, Allen (2016). Place, 2e. Hastings: Reality Street.

14 Flood, Alison (2014). “Jeremy Paxman Says Poets Must Start Engaging with Ordinary People.” The Guardian (1 June). http://www.theguardian.com/media/2014/jun/01/jeremy‐paxman‐poets‐engage‐ordinary‐people‐forward‐prize (accessed 6 May 2020).

15 Forrest‐Thompson, Veronica (1978). Poetic Artifice. Manchester: Manchester University Press.

16 Goode, Chris (ed.) (2011). Better than Language: An Anthology of New Modernist Poetries. Eastbourne: Ganzfeld Press.

17 Hamilton, Nathan (ed.) (2013). Dear World & Everyone in It: New Poetry in the UK. Wiltshire: Bloodaxe Books.

18 Hilson, Jeff (2012). “Maintenant #92 – Jeff Hilson: An interview with Jeff Hilson by S. J. Fowler.” 3:AM Magazine (22 April). http://www.3ammagazine.com/3am/maintenant‐92‐jeff‐hilson (accessed 6 May 2020).

19 Hi Zero (n.d.). “Hi Zero: Poetry Readings and Publications out of Brighton, UK.” http://hizeroreadings.tumblr.com (accessed 21 August 2017).

20 Iser, Wolfgang (2008). “The Reading Process: a Phenomenological Approach.” In: Modern Criticism and Theory: A Reader (eds. David Lodge and Nigel Wood), 294–310. London: Pearson Longman.

21 Larkin, Philip (1964). The Whitsun Weddings. London: Faber & Faber.

22 Loydell, Rupert, and Sheppard, Robert (2012). “Even the Bad Times are Good.” Stride Magazine (20 January). www.stridemagazine.co.uk/Stride%20mag%202012/Jan%202012/rupertandrobertint.htm (accessed 6 May 2020).

23 Middleton, Peter (2005). Distant Reading: Performance, Readership, and Consumption in Contemporary Poetry. Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press.

24 Mitchell, Adrian (1964). Poems. London: Jonathan Cape.

25 Mitchell, Adrian (n.d.) “Adrian Mitchell Interview.” The Poetry Archive. http://www.poetryarchive.org/interview/adrian‐mitchell‐interview (accessed 21 August 2017)

26 Mottram, Eric (1993). “The British Poetry Revival.” In: New British Poetries: The Scope of the Possible (eds. Robert Hampson and Peter Barry), 15–50. Manchester: Manchester University Press.

27 Mottram, Eric (2000). “Our education is political: Interview with Wolfgang Görtschacher.” In: Contemporary Views on the Little Magazine Scene (ed. Wolfgang Görtschacher), 48–94. Salzburg et al: Poetry Salzburg.

28 Nielsen BookScan (n.d.) “Measuring and analyzing sales around the world.” www.nielsenbookscan.co.uk/controller.php?page=48 (accessed 21 August 2017).

29 Paterson, Don and Simic, Charles (eds.) (2004). New British Poetry. Minneapolis: Graywolf Press.

30 Prynne, J. H. (2005). Poems. Wiltshire: Bloodaxe Books.

31 Sheppard, Robert (2005). The Poetry of Saying: British Poetry and Its Discontents 1950–2000. Liverpool: University of Liverpool Press.

32 Sheppard, Robert (2011). When Bad Times Made for Good Poetry: Episodes in the History of the Poetics of Innovation. Exeter: Shearsman.

33 Sinclair, Iain (ed.) (1996). Conductors of Chaos. Great Britain: Picador.

A Companion to Contemporary British and Irish Poetry, 1960 - 2015

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