Читать книгу Biologics, Biosimilars, and Biobetters - Группа авторов - Страница 27

1.6.4 Definition of Frequency of Adverse Effects


Pharmacists and doctors need to understand the accepted definitions of the frequency of adverse drug reactions. The Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences (CIOMS), an international nongovernment organization established jointly by WHO and UNESCO in 1949, and its Uppsala Monitoring Centre, UMC, define48 the frequency of adverse reactions as:

Very Common (≥1 in 10); Common/Frequent (≥1 in 100 and <1 in 10); Uncommon/Infrequent (≥1 in 1 000 and <1 in 100); Rare (≥1 in 10 000 & <1 in 1 000); and Very Rare (<1 in 10 000).

Biologics, Biosimilars, and Biobetters

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