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Pre‐operative Assessment


Once the decision to operate has been established and the intended procedure is planned as a day case, a dedicated pre‐assessment team, generally made up of trained nurses, should comprehensively assess the patient. This assessment should ideally take place in the same unit in which the procedure will take place but can be undertaken remotely via telephone or computer. It should happen far enough in advance so that patients' co‐morbidities, medications, and social factors can be optimised preoperatively.

The pre‐operative assessment begins with gathering information about health, medications, and social circumstance. The health assessment is generally history‐based and most commonly involves a questionnaire with basic screening questions and more detailed history where appropriate. Pre‐operative examination and investigations including blood tests, ECG, and X‐rays are less useful in most patients. A decision is then made regarding whether the patient is suitable for day surgery. Modern ambulatory units have moved away from a specific set of contraindications and instead assess patient suitability individually according to the combination of physiological status, social circumstance and intended procedure.

Ambulatory Urology and Urogynaecology

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