Читать книгу Blockchain for Business - Группа авторов - Страница 69 Model 2: BaaS


This model provides the link between the organization and the companies with blockchain platform. For example when a singer records a song, all the backend materials need consideration by the music director including mike, lyrics, recording room and bass volume, maintenance of software records, etc. which tend to be time-consuming and expensive. BaaS works as similar type handles, all the backend things so that the music director gets only focused on song without concerning himself about the infrastructure, costing and maintenance. It enables the client to focus only on the frontend instead of backend stuff. An agreement has been made between the organizations in which BaaS agrees to be responsible for all the blockchain technology including monitoring of the system, management of bandwidth and providing security of system against hacking attacks. By making contract with the BaaS partners the startups/entrepreneurs transfer the load of infrastructure and system performance allowing them to focus on their main business and competitive strategies. BaaS enables customers to develop their own blockchain applications by using cloud-based services, ensuring its functioning, hosting and usage which resemble that with the web hosting providers.

Apart from this if entrepreneur manages to get blockchain up, then he/she has to deal with all the maintenance. The can be overcome by making smart contract with the organizations with blockchain technology platforms.

In the market there are some famous existing BaaS providers such as: Oracle, IBM-blue mix, Google Firebase Microsoft-Azure module and Amazon-AWS. It includes providing businesses with an ecosystem to help manage their blockchain system. The costing varies while using Baas services. It depends on multiple factors like how much transaction has been done, how many simultaneous transaction made at what rate. It implies pay according to the units of the services that are in use.

Blockchain for Business

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