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Many people have contributed to this anthology, sometimes unsuspectingly. Throughout its long genesis countless suggestions have been made. Some bore fruit; others were added to the compost heap of rejection; all were very welcome. Two newspapers, Scotland on Sunday and The Scotsman, were enlightened enough to run diary columns for some years and their then editors deserve our thanks. In an enterprise such as this libraries play an essential role, none more so than Edinburgh City Libraries, principally the Central Lending Library whose long-suffering staff were unfailingly helpful. From the outset, our publisher, Canongate, provided enthusiasm, commitment and ideas, many of which have significantly improved the quality of the book. In particular, Jamie Byng and Judy Moir ferreted out diarists we had overlooked or never heard of and were a constant source of advice. Our biggest debt of gratitude, however, is to the diarists whose personal revelations and indiscreet observations made this anthology such fun to compile.
Irene and Alan Taylor
August 2000