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So Great a Salvation: Soteriology in the Majority World


K. K. Yeo

As a young Chinese born and raised in Malaysia, I encountered the living Christ through reading the Bible for salvation in the middle of the flux and vicissitudes of life. In the nihilistic and secular worldview of my youth, I yearned for meaning in life amid despair and dissonance. I hoped for racial reconciliation and peaceful coexistence among all people in a multi-religious and racial country. I lamented that my relatives went through the Cultural Revolution (1966–76) and prayed often for the national salvation of China.[1] Although I knew the need of salvation for all, I was not clear about the meaning of “salvation” and how the biblical God had anything to do with actualizing salvation in our world. I was puzzled by sermons I heard that declared salvation was mainly about “saving one’s soul from the eternal torment of hell.”

So Great a Salvation

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