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About the Editors


Marcia Boniferro is a Chaplain with the Christian Reformed Campus Ministry at the University of Toronto, serving alongside Brian J. Walsh in leadership of the Wine Before Breakfast worshipping community. Marcia focuses on pastoral care within the community while also leading worship, discussions, silent retreats, and women’s gatherings. With a background in restorative justice and integrating high-risk people into communities, Marcia aims to help people engage deeply, safely, and meaningfully with the world, their faith, and each other.

Amanda Jagt is a writer and member of the Wine Before Breakfast community, where she served for three years as Emerging Leader alongside Brian J. Walsh and Marcia Boniferro, and where she continues to thoughtfully and creatively craft prayer litanies. Through her gifts of writing, editing, and administration, Amanda contributes to the spiritual formation, essential pruning, and Spirit-led growth of Christian communities throughout the city of Toronto.

Andrew Stephens-Rennie is a writer, preacher, and church planter serving as the Director of Ministry Innovation at Christ Church Anglican Cathedral in Vancouver, British Columbia. His work focuses on helping individuals and congregations to deepen their ministries and to better tell the story of what God is doing in their midst. With Brian J. Walsh, Andrew is co-founder and contributing editor at www.empireremixed.com, a blog exploring the intersection of faith, culture, and justice.

A Sort of Homecoming

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