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The authors wish to thank reviewers from industry and various universities for their suggestions and everyone who supplied photos, including those not specifically mentioned:

Steve Bicen, University of Wisconsin anthracnose; aphanomyces, roots; Fusarium wilt, roots; Phytophthora, roots; root assessment; verticillium wilt, root

Dennis Cosgrove, University of Wisconsin autotoxicity

Jim Ducy title page photo

Del Gates, Kansas State University alfalfa weevils

Craig Grau, University of Wisconsin aphanomyces, stunting; bacterial wilt, stunting; black stem, lesions; Fusarium wilt, field; Phytophthora, plant; sclerotinia; stand assessment; verticillium wilt, plants

B. Wolfgang Hoffmann, University of Wisconsin alfalfa plant, page 1; alfalfa flowers

Eric Holub, University of Wisconsin aphanomyces, seedling

Jeffrey S. Jacobsen, Montana State University nutrient deficiencies—all except boron leaf (from Diagnosis of Nutrient Deficiencies in Alfalfa and Wheat)

Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc. alfalfa closeups; cover photo ; cow; inside cover

Lanie Rhodes, Ohio State University black stem, leaves; common leaf spot; lepto leaf spot

Marlin E. Rice, Iowa State University alfalfa weevil, blister beetles; clover leaf weevils; grasshopper; pea aphids; plant bug, adults; potato leafhopper, adult; spittlebug; variegated cutworm

Judy A. Thies, USDA-ARS root-lesion nematodes

John Wedberg, University of Wisconsin alfalfa blotch leafminer; clover root curculio, damage

Thanks also to Bruce Gossen and R´eal Michaud, research scientists at Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, for their contributions to the disease maps.

Alfalfa Management Guide

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