Читать книгу Digital Workflow in Reconstructive Dentistry - Группа авторов - Страница 6
ОглавлениеAIartificial intelligence
ALARAas low as reasonably achievable
AWSactive wavefront sampling
BFTbite fusion technique
CADcomputer-aided design
CAIcomputer-aided impressioning
CAMcomputer-aided manufacturing
CBCTcone-beam computed tomography
CCDcharge-coupled device
CEJcementoenamel junction
CLIPcontinuous liquid interface production
CMOScomplementary metal oxide semiconductor
CNCcomputer numerical control
COSchairside oral scanner
CTcomputed tomography
CTEcoefficient of thermal expansion
DICOMDigital Imaging and Communications in Medicine
DLPdigital light processing
DPIdots per inch
DQEdetector quantum efficiency
DVTdigital volume tomography
EPRelectronic patient records
FDPfixed dental prostheses
FGPfunctional generated pathway
FOVfield of view
FPDflat panel detector (can also mean fixed partial denture)
GDPRGeneral Data Protection Regulation
IGSimage-guided surgery
IOSintraoral scanner
LEDlight emitting diode
LTDlow temperature degradation
MgPSZmagnesium-doped partially stabilized zirconia
MRImagnetic resonance imaging
OCToptical coherence tomography
PACSpicture archiving and communication system
PEEKpolyether ether ketone
PMTphotomultiplier tube
PSPphoto-stimulated phosphor plate
RDPremovable dental prosthesis
RNCresin nano ceramic
ROIregion of interest
SLMselective laser melting
SLSselective laser sintering
STLStandard Tessellation Language
TFTthin film transistor
TIFFTagged Image File Format
TMJtemporomandibular joint
VDOvertical dimension of occlusion