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Acoustic Communication


Most of the social life of honey bees occurs within the darkness of the hive where vision plays a limited role (Kirchner 1993). Undeniably, pheromone communication provides the foundation for communication throughout this dark world of the honey bee (Slessor et al. 2005). However, honey bees can also detect and communicate via sound and vibrations that are transmitted throughout the beeswax structure of the hive (Hrncir et al. 2005; Kirchner 1993). Several types of acoustic communications are known within the honey bee colony and such signals may be transmitted via both substrate vibrations and airborne sound. These include the “tooting” and “quacking” signals among queens during the course of swarming, worker piping through dance language and swarming, as well as the hissing or shimmering behavior of honey bees during colony defense (Hrncir et al. 2005). Even though our knowledge of the complex interactions of the chemical, tactile, and acoustic sounds exploited by honey bees continues to advance, parts of their fascinating social lifestyle remain yet unknown.

Honey Bee Medicine for the Veterinary Practitioner

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