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BOGES (Βόγης, ὁ)



Metropolitan Museum of Art

Boges was the Persian governor of EÏON in THRACE. According to Herodotus (7.107), when the city was besieged by the Athenians under CIMON THE YOUNGER in 476/5 BCE (cf. Thuc. 1.98.1), Boges refused to surrender, and instead killed his entire FAMILY, threw his WEALTH into the river STRYMON, and jumped into a pyre. XERXES considered the deed “noble and courageous,” Herodotus says, adding that the Persians continue to PRAISE Boges down to his own day. PLUTARCH (Cim. 7.2) calls him “Boutes.” The action at Eïon is one of the few post‐Persian War events mentioned by Herodotus.

SEE ALSO: Courage; Delian League; Siege Warfare; Suicide; Time

The Herodotus Encyclopedia

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