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BRIANTICE (ἡ Βριαντικὴ χώρη)



University of Notre Dame

Coastal region of THRACE between the cities of MESAMBRIA and STRYME (BA 51 E3). XERXES’ invasion force passes through Briantice in 480 BCE (7.108.3). Herodotus notes that in ancient times Briantice was called Gallaice, a name which is otherwise unattested; in any case, he continues, it is most correctly called the land of the CICONES. The Roman author Livy (38.41.8) refers to Priaticus Campus in this region, and Pliny the Elder to a people, the Priantae (HN 4.41; see also SEG 46‐849).

SEE ALSO: Geography; Persian Wars

The Herodotus Encyclopedia

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