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BRYGI (Βρύγοι, οἱ)



University of Notre Dame

Thracian tribe, location unknown. The Brygi inflicted heavy losses on the Persian army of MARDONIUS, during its campaign in MACEDONIA in 492 BCE, with a night‐time attack; nevertheless they were conquered and enslaved by the Persians (6.45). Later, in his CATALOGUE of peoples in EUROPE who fought for XERXES in 480, Herodotus includes the Brygi separately from the Thracians (7.185.2). Scholars commonly conflate the Brygi with the Briges—the name of the PHRYGIANS before they migrated to ASIA (7.73)—but Herodotus gives no hint of this. Stephen of Byzantium places a Macedonian tribe named Brygai (s.v. Βρύξ (Β 182)) near the Illyrians, and he lists Brygias and Brygion as Macedonian CITIES.

SEE ALSO: Conquest; Thrace

The Herodotus Encyclopedia

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