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ALPENUS (Ἀλπηνός) or ALPENOI (Ἀλπηνοί)



University of Notre Dame

A settlement in Opountian (Eastern) Locris (BA 55 D3; Müller I, 292–93). Herodotus places Alpenus (or Alpenoi) east of THERMOPYLAE where the ANOPAEA path ends, and notes that it is the first Locrian city one reaches when traveling to LOCRIS (Opountian) from Malis. He adds that it is near Melampygus (“Black‐Bottom”) Rock and the seats of the Cercopes (7.216). Herodotus refers to Alpenus here as a POLIS, but elsewhere as a village called Alpenoi (κώμη Ἀλπηνοί, 7.176.5), which is likely more fitting. It served as a base camp for the Greeks during the Thermopylae campaign in 480 BCE: they counted on getting supplies from Alpenus (7.176.5), and two Spartans who missed the battle due to a DISEASE of the eye were convalescing here (7.229.1).

SEE ALSO: Aristodemus the Spartan; Eurytus; Malians; Persian Wars

The Herodotus Encyclopedia

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