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ABRONICHUS (Ἀβρώνιχος, ὁ)



University of Notre Dame

Athenian, son of LYSICLES, of the DEME Lamptrae, assigned to bring news of the fate of LEONIDAS and the Greek army at THERMOPYLAE to the fleet at ARTEMISIUM in 480 BCE Abronichus’ arrival there after the naval battle had been fought convinced the fleet to withdraw (8.21). After the war, Abronichus (perhaps more correctly spelled Habronichus) served as an ambassador to SPARTA in conjunction with THEMISTOCLES’ ruse to rebuild Athens’ WALLS despite Spartan reluctance to allow it (Thuc. 1.91.3). Abronichus’ name appears on a number of ostraca from the 480s (Lang 1990, 47 nos. 124–27; see DEMOCRACY). The fictional letters ascribed to Themistocles allude (4.24, after emendation) to a proposed MARRIAGE between Abronichus’ son, named Lysicles, and Themistocles’ daughter Sybaris (cf. Plut. Them. 32).

SEE ALSO: Athens; Messengers; Polyas; Sybaris

The Herodotus Encyclopedia

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