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APATURIA (Ἀπατούρια, τά)



Brooklyn College and the Graduate Center, CUNY

The Apaturia (or Apatouria) was a FESTIVAL considered a marker of Ionian identity, according to Herodotus, who says that IONIANS were those “who derive from Athens and celebrate the Apaturia festival. All Ionians celebrate it except the Ephesians and Colophonians” (1.47). Most of our knowledge of the festival comes from ATHENS. The Apaturia was associated with the phratries, social groups in which membership was hereditary, and whose main function in the classical period in Attica was supervision of the legitimacy of the CHILDREN of members. The phratries celebrated the Apaturia during the month of Pyanopsion at individual phratry centers throughout Attica. It lasted for three days, and the main function was to enroll new phratry members (see schol. Ar. Ach. 146 for the names of the days of the festival and the main SACRIFICES and observances).

SEE ALSO: Ethnicity; Religion, Greek

The Herodotus Encyclopedia

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