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ACHAEMENES (Ἀχαιμένης, ὁ) son of Darius



Università di Roma–La Sapienza

Son of DARIUS I and ATOSSA, daughter of CYRUS (II). Homonym of the eponymous founder of the ACHAEMENIDS, Achaemenes’ name has been traditionally interpreted as “having a friend’s mind,” but more probably means “characterized by a follower’s spirit” (Schmitt, IPGL 150–51). In 484 BCE, after the suppression of the Egyptian revolt which started in 486, Achaemenes was appointed satrap of EGYPT by his brother XERXES (7.7), and in 480 he commanded the Egyptian fleet during the Persian expedition against Greece (7.97; cf. 7.236.1). When the news of Xerxes’ death (465) and of the ensuing political struggle reached Egypt, and while Achaemenes was away from his satrapy, a new REBELLION broke out, led by the Libyan INAROS. Achaemenes died in Egypt c. 459/8, defeated by the Egyptian rebels in the Battle of PAPREMIS (Hdt. 3.12.4; Ctesias FGrHist 688 F14.36–39, where the name is “Achaemenides”; cf. also Diod. Sic. 11.74).

SEE ALSO: Artaxerxes; Persia; Satrapies

The Herodotus Encyclopedia

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