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AREIANS ( Ἄρειοι, οἱ)



University of Notre Dame

Areians (or Arians, but see the separate entry) appear in Old Persian INSCRIPTIONS as Haraiva (e.g., DB §6). They occupied territory in present‐day Afghanistan around Herat (BA 98 B4). In providing a list of the provinces (archai or SATRAPIES, 3.89.1) into which DARIUS I divided the Persian Empire, Herodotus states (3.93.3) that the Areians were part of the sixteenth administrative district (νομός, nome). They also appear in the CATALOGUE of XERXES’ invasion force, carrying Median bows but otherwise equipped like the BACTRIANS (7.66.1, spelled Arioi here).

SEE ALSO: Archery; Arians; Sisamnes

The Herodotus Encyclopedia

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