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ARISTOPHILIDES (Ἀριστοϕιλίδης, ὁ)



University of Notre Dame

King or perhaps TYRANT of TARENTUM (Taras) in southern ITALY in the late sixth century BCE. Herodotus recounts how, when the Greek doctor DEMOCEDES reached Italy with a Persian scouting expedition during the reign of DARIUS I, Aristophilides helped Democedes escape to CROTON by removing the steering oars from the two Persian ships and placing the crews under arrest (3.136.2). Aristophilides, whom Herodotus labels basileus, is not attested in other sources, which are admittedly thin for southern Italy in the ARCHAIC AGE. Tarentum was ruled by a DEMOCRACY in the mid‐fifth century, but as a colony of SPARTA it is possible the city originally had a king (see Malkin 1994, 132, though the date of the episode Herodotus narrates cannot be “492”; it must be earlier than Darius’ Scythian expedition (cf. 3.139.1, 3.150.1, and 4.1.1), thus c. 515 BCE). But it is also possible that Herodotus’ term refers to a magistracy, not a kingship (Jacquemin 1993, 21 n. 24).

SEE ALSO: Colonization; Gillus; Monarchy; Ships and Sailing

The Herodotus Encyclopedia

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