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The ousting of Hippias paved the way for CLEISTHENES SON OF MEGACLES to implement a set of reforms in 508/7, which formed the backbone of the classical DEMOCRACY ([Arist.] Ath. pol. 20–21). Rather than the old tribal structure based on familial connections, Cleisthenes divided Attica into thirty geographical sections called trittyes (“thirds”), using the DEME as the basic political unit. Ten trittyes were in the environs of the city, ten inland, and ten on the coast. Cleisthenes created ten new tribes, which consisted of one trittyes from each region (Traill 1975; Whitehead 1986). This made military organization more efficient and broke up regional aristocratic bases of power. Each tribe then sent fifty citizens yearly to serve on a new council of 500. In order to prevent another tyranny, Cleisthenes also introduced the practice of ostracism ([Arist.] Ath. pol. 22; Sealey 1976, 164–68).

The Herodotus Encyclopedia

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