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AZIRIS ( Ἄζιρις, ὁ)



University of Notre Dame

A region in LIBYA (north Africa), settled by colonists from THERA after they lived on the offshore island of PLATEA for two years; after six years at Aziris, they moved on to establish CYRENE (4.157–58, 169.1). Later sources place Aziris on the coast east of Darnis (modern Derna) at the mouth of the Wadi el‐Khalij (thus BA 38 D1; Purcaro Pagano 1976, 330; cf. Ps.‐Scylax 108.1). But Herodotus describes Aziris as being “on the mainland opposite” Platea, which would indicate a site farther east and south, in the Gulf of Bomba (Jähne 1988, 148–50).

SEE ALSO: Colonization

The Herodotus Encyclopedia

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