Читать книгу Pet-Specific Care for the Veterinary Team - Группа авторов - Страница 346 Pain Assessment Questionnaires


Validated pet owner questionnaires exist that can help increase a clinician's index of suspicion for orthopedic (or other painful) disease in pets. When orthopedic disease is anticipated or suspected based upon breed, age, activity level, or other factors, having the client fill out one of the validated pain assessment questionnaires can help move the diagnostic process along and also assess response to interventions. Currently available pain assessment questionnaires include (see links to questionnaires in Recommended Reading section):

 Canine Brief Pain Inventory (PennVet)

 Helsinki Chronic Pain Index

 Cincinnati Orthopedic Disability Index

 Feline Musculoskeletal Pain Index (NC State CVM)

 Montreal Instrument for Cat Arthritis Testing.

Pet-Specific Care for the Veterinary Team

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