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List of Illustrations


1 Chapter 1Figure 1.1 Fundamental classification of hydraulic silicate cements at the p...

2 Chapter 2Figure 2.1 Schematic representation of the reparative process after pulp exp...Figure 2.2 Histological response to pulp capping. (a) Macrophotographic view...Figure 2.3 Intraoral photographs of an indirect pulp‐capping procedure. (a) ...Figure 2.4 Direct pulp capping. (a) Deep carious lesion extending to the pul...Figure 2.5 Partial pulpotomy. (a) Deep carious lesion extending to the pulp....Figure 2.6 Full pulpotomy. (a) Deep carious lesion extending to the pulp. (b...Figure 2.7 Pulpectomy. (a) Deep carious lesion extending to the pulp, result...Figure 2.8 (a) Diagrammatic representation of dentine, including inorganic a...Figure 2.9 Discoloured maxillary left lateral incisor one year after a parti...

3 Chapter 3Figure 3.1 MTA root‐end closure in a necrotic immature central incisor. (a) ...Figure 3.2 Revitalization in a necrotic immature central incisor. (a) Preope...Figure 3.3 Schematic of the processes of tertiary dentine formation. Reactio...Figure 3.4 Schematic representation showing the localization of stem cells r...

4 Chapter 4Figure 4.1 Ingle’s first standardization proposal.Figure 4.2 Standardization of endodontic instruments: sizing, numbering, and...Figure 4.3 Tip modification.Figure 4.4 Instrument components.Figure 4.5 Cores.Figure 4.6 Flute, edge, pitch, and helix angle.Figure 4.7 Radial land, rake, and cutting angles.Figure 4.8 Active tip (ProTaper Retreatment D1) and non‐active tip (ProTaper...Figure 4.9 K‐files.Figure 4.10 K‐reamer and H‐files.Figure 4.11 Flex‐R files (Miltex), with their rounded patented tips.Figure 4.12 Barbed broach, Gates Glidden drill, and Peeso drill.Figure 4.13 Dentsply Sirona/Maillefer systems.Figure 4.14 Sybron Endo/Kerr systems.Figure 4.15 FKG Race system.Figure 4.16 SAF system, XP Shaper, and XP Finishers.Figure 4.17 Parameter comparison between WaveOne and Reciproc: WOG Glider an...Figure 4.18 Irrisafe tip (Acteon) and ultrasonic endo tips: ProUltra (Dentsp...Figure 4.19 Transformation from austenite (A) to martensite (M) by temperatu...Figure 4.20 Martensitic transformation: 1) induced by temperature; 2) stress...Figure 4.21 Superelasticity.Figure 4.22 Detwinned or reorientated martensite.Figure 4.23 Transformation temperature ranges.Figure 4.24 Example of a NiTi alloy DSC diagram: orange, A ⇔ R; blue, R ⇔ M....Figure 4.25 DSC diagram of several endodontic instruments.Figure 4.26 Variation in nickel concentration close to a Ni4Ti3 precipitate ...Figure 4.27 Bending curves of several endodontic instruments at 37 °C.Figure 4.28 (a) DSC results and (b) bending curves for ProTaper Universal, W...Figure 4.29 Impact of temperature on the bending behaviour of a ProTaper Nex...Figure 4.30 Standardized preparation. An apical is box is established 1–2 mm...Figure 4.31 Mechanism of internal transportation. If larger and stiffer inst...Figure 4.32 Mechanism of external transportation. As larger and stiffer inst...Figure 4.33 From left to right: sequences of events during plastic deformati...Figure 4.34 Step‐back preparation.Figure 4.35 Overzealous use of Gates Glidden drills predispose to furcal per...Figure 4.36 Envelope of motion of reamers in Schilder’s technique.Figure 4.37 Continuously tapered preparation.Figure 4.38 Kinematics of the balanced‐force technique.Figure 4.39 Crown‐down technique applied to NiTi rotary instrumentation. Lar...Figure 4.40 Modification of the flute’s pitch and helical angle from the Pro...Figure 4.41 Distinctive tapers along the active parts of different instrumen...Figure 4.42 Cross‐sections and maximal flute diameters (MFDs) of different f...Figure 4.43 Accumulation of debris in the flutes of ProTaper instruments acc...Figure 4.44 Pre‐ and post‐instrumentation microCT reconstructions of canals,...Figure 4.45 Evolution of cross‐section designs over the years. Top: 1990s – ...Figure 4.46 Different presentations of off‐centred cross‐section designs.Figure 4.47 Example of an instrument with variable cross‐sections along its ...

5 Chapter 5Figure 5.1 Scanning electron microscope photograph of a 24‐hour bacterial bi...Figure 5.2 Dentinal tubules contaminated with Enterococcus faecalis after tr...Figure 5.3 Scanning electron microscope photograph of a contaminated smear l...Figure 5.4 Syringes used for root canal irrigation. From top to bottom: 20, ...Figure 5.5 Various types of 30G stainless‐steel needles used for root canal ...Figure 5.6 Flexible 30G double side‐vented Irriflex needle made of plastic....Figure 5.7 Time‐averaged contours (left) and vectors (right) of irrigant vel...Figure 5.8 Time‐averaged irrigant velocity contours (left) and vectors (midd...Figure 5.9 Cannulas used for negative pressure irrigation: (a) 30G closed‐en...Figure 5.10 Ultrasonic instruments commonly used for irrigant activation: (a...Figure 5.11 Disinfection of the apical third of the main root canal and isth...Figure 5.12 (a) EndoActivator (Dentsply Sirona, Charlotte, NC, USA), with it...Figure 5.13 (a) Er:YAG laser (LightWalker ST‐E; Fotona, Ljubljana, Slovenia)...Figure 5.14 Manual dynamic agitation by a well‐fitting gutta‐percha point....Figure 5.15 ProUltra PiezoFlow ultrasonic needle (Dentsply Sirona, Charlotte...

6 Chapter 6Figure 6.1 Penetration of a sealer, dyed with Sudan Black B, at different le...Figure 6.2 Confocal microscope image (×10) of penetration of AH Plus (Dentsp...Figure 6.3 Confocal microscope image (×10) of penetration of MTA Fillapex (A...Figure 6.4 Mandibular left first molar root filled with silver points.Figure 6.5 Gutta‐percha cones of different sizes and tapers.Figure 6.6 Suboptimal, poorly condensed gutta‐percha root filling in a maxil...Figure 6.7 Extrusion of sealer from the mesiolingual canal of a mandibular r...Figure 6.8 Root canal sealer extruded through to reveal a lateral canal in a...Figure 6.9 Cold lateral condensation. (a) Spreader inserted and force used t...Figure 6.10 Maxillary left central incisor obturated using the single‐cone t...Figure 6.11 Continuous wave of condensation. (a) Down‐pack, heat, and vertic...Figure 6.12 Elements Free obturation unit (Kerr Endodontics).Figure 6.13 Gutta‐Condensor (Dentsply Maillefer).Figure 6.14 Malformed mandibular left second premolar. (a) Root canal treatm...Figure 6.15 Disposable MTA carriers with different tip sizes.

7 Chapter 7Figure 7.1 Flap outline showing (a) sulcular triangular flap with a mesial v...Figure 7.2 (a) Raised submarginal flap and buccal bone perforation around th...Figure 7.3 Details of an apical surgical procedure following incision and ra...Figure 7.4 Root‐end resection, preparation, and filling. (a) Resected root e...Figure 7.5 Clinical case showing the procedure for root perforation repair. ...Figure 7.6 Presentation of (a) IRM Figure 7.7 Various presentations of glass ionomer cement. (a) Fuji IX....Figure 7.8 Scanning electron micrograph of hydrated MTA, showing the microst...Figure 7.9 Scanning electron micrograph of hydrated MTA, showing porosity re...Figure 7.10 In‐house manufacturing process of MTA Angelus, showing the furna...Figure 7.11 (a) ProRoot MTA (Dentsply).Figure 7.12 Various MTA carrier systems developed to aid in dispensing mater...Figure 7.13 Characterization of BC‐RRM, showing the material microstructure....Figure 7.14 Presentation of BC‐RRM (Totalfill; FKG Dentaire, Switzerland): (...

8 Chapter 8Figure 8.1 Treatment decision tree for deciduous teeth with deep carious les...Figure 8.2 Pulpotomy technique. (a, b) Radiographic and clinical presentatio...Figure 8.3 Indirect pulp treatment in two deciduous molars of a healthy 5.5‐...Figure 8.4 Pulpotomy of deciduous molars with various HCSCs: radiographic pr...Figure 8.5 Primary molar root canal morphology from microcomputed tomography...Figure 8.6 Pulpectomy of a left mandibular second molar with ZOE. Healthy fi...Figure 8.7 Pulpectomy of a right mandibular second molar with ZOE. Healthy f...Figure 8.8 Pulpectomy of a left mandibular second molar with Metapex (Meta B...Figure 8.9 Pulpectomy of a left upper second molar with Endoflas (Sanlor & C...

9 Chapter 9Figure 9.1 Image made with polarized light, showing the presence of dentinal...Figure 9.2 Detail of root dentine, showing its translucent appearance in the...Figure 9.3 (a) Occlusal cavity with irregularities that disturb the chewing ...Figure 9.4 (a) Extensive restorations on teeth 14 and 15 with adhesive failu...

Endodontic Materials in Clinical Practice

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