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List of Illustrations


1 Chapter 1Figure 1.1. Revenues distributionFigure 1.2. Tax claim distribution. For a color version of this figure, see www...Figure 1.3. Determining interesting and not interesting taxpayers. For a color ...Figure 1.4. Coercive procedures and tax claim. For a color version of this figu...Figure 1.5. The two models togetherFigure 1.6. First model statistics and confusion matrixFigure 1.7. Total tax claim and discounted tax claim. For a color version of th...Figure 1.8. Average total tax claim and discounted tax claim. For a color versi...Figure 1.9. Second model statistics and confusion matrixFigure 1.10. Coercive procedures’ rates. For a color version of this figure, se...Figure 1.11. Total tax claim. For a color version of this figure, see www.iste....Figure 1.12. Average tax claim. For a color version of this figure, see www.ist...Figure 1.13. Coercive procedures’ rate. For a color version of this figure, see...Figure 1.14. Models’ maximum and minimum collected tax. For a color version of ...Figure 1.15. Models’ approximation. For a color version of this figure, see www...Figure 1.16. Values of θ’ and θ” determining the best model. For a color versio...

2 Chapter 3Figure 3.1. Form of EV(x,b) as function of b for fixed x. For a color version o...Figure 3.2. Simulation of the process Yt and dividends Vt(χ,b). For a color ver...Figure 3.3. Surplus and dividends under barrier strategy. For a color version o...Figure 3.4. Surplus and dividends under threshold strategy For a color version ...

3 Chapter 4Figure 4.1. Projection of the demographic ratio of CMRFigure 4.2. Evolution of wage trajectory by age. For a color version of this fi...Figure 4.3. Projection Of contribution rates and replacement rate in DB. For a ...Figure 4.4. Projection Of contribution rates and replacement rate under the Mus...Figure 4.5. Projection of the reserve fund Without adjustmentFigure 4.6. Projection of the reserve fund with adjustment

4 Chapter 5Figure 5.1. Exchange rate data. Note that SEK/RWF (× 10) and KES/RWF(× 100). Fo...Figure 5.2. Logarithmic returns. For a color version of this figure, see www.is...Figure 5.3. Rolling volatility. For a color version of this figure, see www.ist...Figure 5.4. One-week volatility forecasts with λ = 0.97. For a color version of...Figure 5.5. One-month volatility forecasts with λ = 0.97. For a color version o...Figure 5.6. One-quarter volatility forecasts with λ = 0.97. For a color version...

5 Chapter 7Figure 7.1. Life expectancy (LE) and healthy life expectancy (HLE) in Sweden, f...Figure 7.2. Healthy life years lost (HLYL) in Sweden, females (1751-2016)Figure 7.3. Logistic model fit and forecasts to 2060 for females in Sweden. For...

6 Chapter 8Figure 8.1. Participation of respondents from the Health Centers and Local Heal...Figure 8.2. Self-reported frequency of influenza vaccinations 2017-2020. For a ...Figure 8.3. % frequency and 95% CI of influenza vaccination among staff

7 Chapter 9Figure 9.1. COVID-19 pandemic timeline. For a color version of this figure, see...Figure 9.2. European national lockdown timeline. For a color version of this fi...Figure 9.3. European regional and partial lockdown timeline. For a color versio...Figure 9.4a. Total cases per 100,000 population with low prevalence. For a colo...Figure 9.4b. Total cases per 100,000 population with medium prevalence. For a c...Figure 9.4c. Total cases per 100,000 population with a high prevalence. For a c...Figure 9.5. Tests and cases per 100,000 persons. For a color version of this fi...Figure 9.6. Cases per 1,000 tests. For a color version of this figure, see www....Figure 9.7. Deaths per 100,000 cases. For a color version of this figure, see w...

8 Chapter 10Figure 10.1. DFD clustermeans structure. α = (5,13,5)T. Left: τ = 15, right: τ ...Figure 10.2. DFD cluster means with α = (5,5,5)T and τ = 10. Left: p11 = p22 = ...Figure 10.3. Ternary diagrams with isodensity contour plot of the true density ...

9 Chapter 11Figure 11.1. Comparison of Γ[-∞,u] and for the gamma process. For a colorvers...Figure 11.2. Comparison of Γ[-∞,w] and for the Cauchy process. For a color ve...

10 Chapter 12Figure 12.1. Clockwise from top-left panel: ternary plots at baseline (i) and i...Figure 12.2. Logarithm of CPO values for the DirReg (left panels) and FDReg (ri...Figure 12.3. Top-left panel: ternary plot of one simulated sample from simulati...Figure 12.4. Top-left panel: ternary plot of one simulated sample from simulati...

11 Chapter 16Figure 16.1. Visual histogram comparison is difficult. For a color version of t...Figure 16.2. Deterministic evolution of the transition parameter. For a colorve...Figure 16.3. Transition for the deterministic model. For a color version of thi...Figure 16.4. Probability distribution of the transition parameter. For a color ...Figure 16.5. Transitions for companies Alcola Inc. (AA), Bank of America Corpor...

Applied Modeling Techniques and Data Analysis 2

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