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List of boxes, figures and tables

List of abbreviations

Notes on contributors



1The ‘social’ in the age of sustainability

Christopher Deeming

2‘No such thing as society’? Neoliberalism and the social

John Clarke

3The social question: reconciling social and economic imperatives in policy

Bradley W. Bateman

4Disputing the economization and the de-politicization of ‘social’ investment in global social policy

Jean-Michel Bonvin and Francesco Laruffa

5The social dimension of sustainable development at the UN: from Brundtland to the SDGs

Iris Borowy

6Paradigm lost? Blocking the path to ecosocial welfare and post-productivism

Tony Fitzpatrick

7World population prospects at the UN: our numbers are not our problem?

Danny Dorling

8Ageing sustainably

Alan Walker

9The political challenges to governing global migration and social welfare

Edward A. Koning

10Bringing in ‘the social’: an intersectional analysis of global crises and welfare

Fiona Williams

11Global social policy and the quasi-concept of social cohesion

Jane Jenson

12Putting the global in social justice?

Gary Craig

13‘Go-social’? Inclusive growth and global social governance

Christopher Deeming

14For better or worse?

Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett

15The struggle for social sustainability

Christopher Deeming


The Struggle for Social Sustainability

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