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Notes on contributors

Dominic Aitken is a research associate in environmental gerontology who joined Newcastle University in 2017 following a post at Northumbria University. With a background in medical sciences and urban regeneration, Dominic’s work focuses on the contribution better housing can make to health, most recently, home adaptations.

Paul Benneworth was Professor of Innovation and Regional Development at the Department of Business Administration at the Western Norway University of Applied Sciences. His research focused on better conceptualising the connections between higher education and society, and the implications this raised for policy and practice.

Elizabeth Brooks is a research associate at the School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape, Newcastle University, specialising in social and environmental justice. She has worked in research for almost 25 years and is currently employed by two European Union studies, RELOCAL and BEMINE, exploring, respectively, community development and levels of governance.

Sara Bryson is a community organiser for Tyne and Wear Citizens. Citizens UK organises communities to act together for power, social justice and the common good. Launched by Citizens UK in 2001, the living wage campaign has won over £210 million of additional wages, lifting over 70,000 families out of working poverty.

Lizzie Coles-Kemp is a qualitative researcher at Royal Holloway University of London. She uses creative engagement methods to research the intersections between human security and digital security. Lizzie is currently an Economic and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) research fellow and coordinates the ‘Digital Security for All’ theme as part of the UK Research and Innovation NetworkPlus Not-Equal.

Clara Crivellaro is a Human–Computer Interaction researcher at Newcastle University’s Open Lab. She explores the design of social technologies to support democracy, social innovation and socio-economic justice. Clara is currently leading the UK Research and Innovation NetworkPlus Not-Equal, ‘Social Justice through the Digital Economy’.

Simin Davoudi is Professor of Environment and Planning, and Director of the Global Urban Research Unit, at Newcastle University. She is past President of the Association of European Schools of Planning, and Fellow of the Royal Town Planning Institute, Academy of Social Sciences and Royal Society of Arts. Her research focuses on governance, power, knowledge, justice and democracy.

Anne de A’Echevarria works as a freelance creative learning consultant and writer, directing her own consultancy, Thinkwell. She has worked with many teams within the education, media and health sectors – any group that is interested in exploring how best to develop a culture of enquiry, creativity and creative learning within their organisation.

Ben Dickenson was Executive Producer of City of Dreams, appointed by NewcastleGateshead Cultural Venues, from 2017 until the end of 2020. His career has involved community arts, writing for stage and screen, filmmaking, teaching, and managing supported housing, youth citizenship and children and young people’s programmes. He has written two critically acclaimed books and, since 2014, has led Alphabetti Theatre’s literary development.

Caroline Emmerson is based in Newcastle. For 40 years, she has worked in various community and youth work settings, including 11 years at the CHAT (Churches Acting Together) Trust. Her key areas of expertise are empowering people and bringing together diverse community groups to build community resilience.

Lindy Gilliland is Project Manager of Common Ground in Sacred Space. She previously led the redevelopment of the Great North Museum and the Hatton Gallery (Newcastle University) while working at Tyne and Wear Archives and Museums. She is an experienced museum professional formerly working in university and local authority sectors.

Rose Gilroy is Professor of Ageing, Planning and Policy at Newcastle University. She has published extensively on the city, neighbourhood and housing as arenas for ageing well. She founded the Future Homes Alliance community interest company that will build innovative housing in Newcastle.

John Goddard OBE is Emeritus Professor of Regional Development Studies at Newcastle University and formerly Deputy Vice Chancellor responsible for the university’s civic engagement. In that role, he was appointed a member of the Council of St Nicholas’s Cathedral and subsequently chaired the board for its Common Ground in Sacred Space project. He was Vice Chair of the Civic University Commission.

Jill Haley is Chief Executive of Byker Community Trust, Housing Association, Newcastle. She is a demonstrated and experienced professional with a long history of working in the civil and social organisation industry, also attaining private sector practice. She has strategic housing, community development, finance, governance, business development and risk management skills. She is a qualified coach, passionate about excellence in leadership, empowerment and customer excellence.

Annette Hastings is Professor of Urban Studies in the School of Social and Political Sciences at the University of Glasgow. Annette’s research and teaching focuses on the drivers of urban inequality and approaches to tackling this, with a particular focus on the role of public services.

Kirsty Hayward is STEM Engagement Manager at Success4All, a small educational charity based in the North East of England. Success4All supports children and young people in community centres and schools where it is needed most. Success4All believes that young people learn best from each other and embeds open-ended, young person-led learning throughout all its services.

Patsy Healey (an elected trustee of Glendale Gateway Trust) is Professor Emeritus in the School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape at Newcastle University. She has qualifications in geography and planning, and is a specialist in planning theory and practice. She was Chair of the Glendale Gateway Trust from 2012 to 2015.

Tom Johnston is the Chief Executive and a founder trustee of Glendale Gateway Trust, and active community volunteer. Tom became a paid member of staff for the trust and has been employed by them since 2000, championing community enterprise and ownership projects, including local housing, refurbished retail units and a community resource centre.

Louise Kempton is a researcher in the Centre for Urban and Regional Development Studies at Newcastle University. Her main interest is the role of universities in local/regional economic growth and innovation. In 2019, Louise was appointed Associate Dean for Research and Innovation in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.

David Leat is Professor of Curriculum Innovation at Newcastle University and the University of South East Norway. His original research interest in thinking skills has developed over the last 20 years, through projects on metacognition, Learning2Learn and innovative coaching, to focus on ‘enquiry-based learning’ and ‘community curriculum making’.

Daniel Mallo is an architect and lecturer in architecture at Newcastle University. His practice-led research focuses on socially engaged spatial practice and design activism. In recent years, Daniel has led projects in both the UK and Europe with institutions including KU Leuven (Belgium), Creative Partnerships and Economic and Social Research Council Impact Acceleration Account-funded projects.

Frank Mansfield is an elected trustee of Glendale Gateway Trust. Frank was a broadcast journalist (mainly with the BBC), also teaching part-time at Sheffield University. Having lived in Tyneside, London, Sheffield and Liverpool, he bought a bungalow in Wooler in 1996 and moved there permanently in 2004. He was Chair of the Glendale Gateway Trust from 2015 to 2018.

David Marlow is a development economist and place-making strategist who runs Third Life Economics and is Visiting Professor of Practice at the Centre for Urban and Regional Development Studies, Newcastle University. After a 25-year senior public service career – eight as chief executive – David currently works on supporting local growth, devolution and place-based strategy in England and overseas.

Jane Midgley is Reader in Urban Social and Economic Practice at Newcastle University. Jane’s research explores responsibility and vulnerability within communities, and specifically the food system, leading to her specific focus on surplus food redistribution and the practices of industry and charitable actors in this process.

Philip Miller is a senior architect at Ryder Architecture. He joined the practice in 2013 and has been involved in a number of key national healthcare projects, including the Emergency Care Centre, Dumfries and Galloway Royal Infirmary and The Children’s Heart Unit. He studied at Sheffield and Newcastle Universities.

Mark Pardoe is a Fenham resident with a young family. In 2015, after compulsory redundancy, Mark got involved with the DIY Streets project on Fenham Hall Drive. Mark established a constitution for the group and is secretary. Mark has been a Sustrans supporter since 1996.

John Pendlebury is Professor of Urban Conservation at Newcastle University. John is a town planner and urban conservationist, with ten years’ practice experience in local government, central government and consultancy before re-entering academia. He has had many university roles, including serving as head of school. John teaches and undertakes research on heritage, conservation and planning.

Venda Louise Pollock is Dean of Culture and Creative Arts, and Professor of Public Art, at Newcastle University. She works to catalyse initiatives contributing to research and wider economic, cultural and societal benefit. Her broader research relates to the relationship between art and the urban environment.

Mark Shucksmith OBE is Professor of Planning, former Director of Newcastle University’s Institute for Social Renewal and Trustee of Carnegie UK Trust and Action with Communities in Rural England. Mark’s research addresses social exclusion in rural areas and rural development. He chaired the Committee of Inquiry into Crofting and engages actively in policy and practice.

Sam Slatcher is a community music practitioner and the director of Citizen Songwriters, a social enterprise that encourages social harmony through songwriting. At the time of writing, Sam was the refugee volunteer coordinator at REFUSE. He has a PhD in human geography on encounters in creative community engagement projects in West Yorkshire.

Mel Steer is Vice Chancellor’s Fellow at Northumbria University and previously worked as a researcher at Newcastle University. Her research interests include social policy, social justice, reducing poverty and disadvantage, health and social inequality, and the public and voluntary sectors.

Marion Talbot has worked in a variety of jobs in the statutory, voluntary and private sectors, and has a range of experience at senior management level. She recently stepped down after seven years as a Newcastle City councillor representing West Fenham ward. As a ward councillor Marion was involved in a number of initiatives to improve the environment, health and well-being of residents, especially those who are socially isolated.

Armelle Tardiveau is a lecturer in architecture at Newcastle University, design practitioner, educator and researcher in the disciplines of architecture and urban design. Her multidisciplinary research, involving artists, landscape architects and ethnographers, focuses on participatory design, design activism and co-production in the public realm.

Ulrike Thomas is a research associate in the Centre for Learning and Teaching at Newcastle University. Formerly a primary school teacher, her research interest focuses on curriculum and pedagogic innovation. She is currently working with teachers and community partners to develop projects and resources underpinned by the principles of enquiry/project-based learning.

Liz Todd is Professor of Educational Inclusion at Newcastle University. Liz engages in research with a strong social justice agenda, being known for her work on the interaction between communities and schools, the engagement of young people in development and research, and respectful democratic approaches to change (personal and organisational).

Michael Walker drives Gateshead’s anti-poverty approach, working with strategic partners and businesses. He has worked for Gateshead Council for 13 years, including as financial inclusion lead and employment support manager, and is passionate about tackling poverty in the place where he lives and works, aiming to make Gateshead a place where everyone thrives.

David Webb is Senior Lecturer in Planning and also Director of Engagement at the School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape, Newcastle University. His work centres on the government of people and places, and the way this unfolds over time to reflect pressures exerted socially and geographically.

Karen Wood has worked in the community for over 20 years supporting those most vulnerable. She is a voice for those who need to be heard. As the Manager of Pallion Action Group, a charity based in Sunderland, Karen has now become a local councillor to help influence decision-making.

Hope Under Neoliberal Austerity

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