Читать книгу The Future of Social Democracy - Группа авторов - Страница 5



Notes on the authors


Colin McDougall, George Kendall and Wendy Chamberlain MP

Introduction: what are the priorities for social democrats?

Vince Cable

oneAfter the failed alternative vote referendum, how can electoral reform have a future?

Wendy Chamberlain MP

twoHow could a government actually deliver more housing?

Chris Huhne

threeHow will technology change the future of work?

Ian Kearns

fourCan better public ownership promote efficiency and social justice?

Roger Liddle

fiveHow do we grow the economy without damaging the environment?

Dick Newby

sixHow can global free trade work for everyone?

Sarah Olney

sevenTowards a social democratic foreign policy?

Julie Smith

eightHow do we deliver social justice through education?

Stephen Williams

nineWhat is the Social Democrat Group?

Colin McDougall and George Kendall


The Future of Social Democracy

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