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Aagre, Willy (2006). Ungdom, pornografi og meningsskaping – en intervjuundersøkelse (Youth, pornography and creation of meaning – an interview study) In: Anette Dina Sørensen and Susanne V. Knudsen (Eds) Unge, køn og pornografi i Norden. Kvalitative studier (Youth, gender and pornography in the Nordic countries. Qualitative studies). Copenhagen: The Nordic Council of Ministers, TemaNord 2006:545.

Assiter, Allison (1989). Pornography, Feminism and the Individual. London: Pluto.

Baudrillard, Jean (1990)[1977]. Seduction. London: MacMillan.

Baudrillard, Jean (1993a). The Transparency of Evil. Essays on Extreme Phenomena. New York: Semiotext.

Baudrillard, Jean (1993b). Symbolic Exchange and Death. London: Sage.

Bauman, Zygmunt (1999). On Postmodern Uses of Sex. In: M. Featherstone (Ed) Love & Eroticism. London: Sage.

Berg, Lena (1999). Lagom är bäst. Unga tjejers syn på sexualitet och pornografi (Everything in moderation. Young girls’ opinions on sexuality and pornography). Uppsala: Department of Sociology, University of Uppsala.

Crosson, Cathy (1998). Den reaktionära kampen mot pornografin (The reactionary struggle against pornography), Arbetaren 1.

Dean, Carolyn (1996). Sexuality and Modern Western Culture. New York: Twayne.

Dworkin, Andrea (1991). Pornografi-kriget mot kvinnor (The war of pornography against women). In: Pornografi – verklighet eller fantasi? (Pornography – reality or fantasy?) Stockholm: Riksorganisationen för Kvinnojourer i Sverige (ROKS).

Dworkin, Andrea (1997). Life and Death. New York: Free Press.

Forsberg, Margareta (2000). Ungdomar och sexualitet – en kunskapsöversikt år 2000 (Youth and sexuality – a survey of knowledge, year 2000). Report 2000:15. Stockholm: Folkhälsoinstitutet.

Forsberg, Margareta (2005). Brunetter och Blondiner. Om ungdom och sexualitet i det mångkulturella Sverige (Brunettes and blondes. Youth and sexuality in the multi cultural Sweden). Gøteborg: Department of social work: University og Gothenburg.

Foucault, Michel (1976). Sexualitetens historia. Viljan att veta, bd. I (The history of sexuality vol. 1: Will to knowledge). Stockholm: Gidlunds.

Frisell, Ann (1996). Kärlek utan sex går an… men inte sex utan kärlek. Om gymnasieflickors tankar kring kärlek och sexualitet (Love without sex is okay… but not sex without love. On the thoughts of upper secondary girls about love and sexuality). Stockholm: Mångkulturellt centrum.

Giddens, Anthony (1992). The Transformation of Intimacy. Cambridge: Polity Press.

Hammarén, Nils and Johansson, Thomas (2002). Könsordning eller könsoordning? Ungdomens sexuella landskap (Gender order or disorder? The sexual landscape of youth). Report 2. Gøteborg: Center of Cultural Studies, University of Gothenburg.

Hammarén, Nils (2005). Välkommen till förorten om du vågar! Territorialitet och manlighet (Welcome to the suburb if you dare! Territoriality and masculinity). In: Thomas Johansson (Ed) Manlighetens omvandlingar. Ungdom, sexualitet och kön i hetero normativitetens gränstrakter (The transformation of masculinity. Youth, sexuality and gender at the borders of heteronormativity). Gøteborg: Daidalos.

Hawkes, Gayl (1996). A Sociology of Sex and Sexuality. Milton Keynes: Open University Press.

Helmius, Gisela (1990). Mogen för sex? Det sexuella restriktiviserande samhället och ungdomars heterosexuella glädje (Mature for sex? The sexual restrictive society and the heterosexual joy of youth). Uppsala: Department of Sociology, University of Uppsala.

Herlitz, Claes (2001). Allmänheten och hiv/aids – kunskaper, attityder och beteenden 1989–2000 (The public and hiv/aids – knowledge, attitudes and behaviours 1989-2000). Report. Stockholm: Folkhälsoinstitutet.

Hirdman, Anja (2006). Visuellt genus – Internet, självbilder och mediala representationer (Visual gender – internet, identities and mediarepresentations). In: Anette Dina Sørensen and Susanne V. Knudsen (Eds) Unge, køn og pornografi i Norden. Medie studier. (Youth, gender and pornography in the Nordic countries. Media studies). Copenhagen: The Nordic Council of Ministers, TemaNord 2006:544.

Häggström-Nordin, Elisabeth; Hanson, Ulf and Tydén, Tanja (2005). Associations between pornography consumption and sexual practices among adolescents in Sweden, International Journal of STD & AIDS, pp. 102-107.

Håkansson, Gabriella (1999). Om pornografi (On pornography), Res Publica 1.

Johansson, Thomas (2007). The Transformation of Sexuality. Gender and Identity in Contemporary Youth Culture. Aldershot: Ashgate.

Johansson, Thomas and Hammarén, Nils (2007). Hegemonic masculinity and Pornography. Young people’s attitudes and relations towards pornography, Journal of Men’s Studies No 1.

Kvarning, Magdalena (1998). Vi är de nya porrfeministerna (We are the knew porn feminists), Aftonbladet August 26.

Kroker, Arthur and Kroker, Marie-Louise (1988). Body Invaders. Sexuality and the Postmodern Condition. London: MacMillan.

Löfgren-Mårtenson, Lotta and Månsson, Sven-Axel (2006). Sex överallt, typ?! Om unga och pornografi (Sex everywhere! Young people and pornography). Stockholm: Gothia Förlag AB.

Mestrovic, Stjepan (1997). Postemotional Society. London: Sage.

McLaren, Angus (1999). Twentieth Century Sexuality. A History. Oxford: Blackwell.

Månsson, Sven-Axel and Söderlind, Peter (2004). Sexindustrin på nätet. Aktörer, innehåll, relationer och ekonomiska flöden (Pornindustry on the net. Actors, content, relations and economic transactions). Stockholm: Egalité.

Plummer, Ken (1995). Telling Sexual Stories. Power, Change and Social Worlds. London: Routledge.

Plummer, Ken (1996). Intimate Citizenship and the Culture of Sexual Story Telling. In: Jeffrey Weeks and Janet Holland (Eds) Sexual Cultures. Communities, Values and Intimacy. London: MacMillan.

Rubin, Gayle (1998)[1984]. Thinking Sex: Notes for a Radical Theory of the Politics of Sexuality. In: Peter Nardi and Beth Schneider, Beth (Eds) Social Perspectives in Lesbian and Gay Studies. A Reader. London and New York: Routledge.

Strossen, Nadine (1995). Defending Pornography. Free Speech, Sex, and the Fight for Women’s Rights. New York: Scribner.

Sørensen, Niels Ulrik (2006). Bare billeder? – Konstruktion af køn, kroppe og seksualiteter i unge drenges brug af pornografi og mainstreamet pornografi. (Merely pictures – The construction of gender, bodies and sexuality in young men’s consumption of mainstream pornography). In: Anette Dina Sørensen and Susanne V. Knudsen (Eds.) Unge, køn og pornografi i Norden. Kvalitative studier (Youth, gender and pornography in the Nordic countries. Qualitative studies). Copenhagen: The Nordic Council of Ministers, TemaNord 2006: 545.

Sørensen, Anette Dina and Knudsen, Susanne V. (2006). Unge, køn og pornografi i Norden – Slut rapport (Youth, gender and pornography in the Nordic countries. Final report). Copenhagen: The Nordic Council of Ministers, ANP 2006:749.

Weeks, Jeffrey (1985). Sexuality and its Discontents. Meanings, Myths & Modern Sexuality. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.

Williams, Linda (1989). Hard core. Power, Pleasure and the Frenzy of the Visible. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Williams, Linda (1999). Fetischism och hardcore. Marx, Freud och ’kassascenen’ (Fetischism and hardcore. Marx, Freud and the ‘moneyshot’), Res Publica.

1. Lively discussions have been pursued among different feminist ‘camps’; see, for example, Assiter (1989), Dworkin (1991, 1997), Strossen (1995), Williams (1989, 1999), Crosson (1998), Håkansson (1999) and Kvarning (1998).

Generation P?

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