Читать книгу CKD-Associated Complications: Progress in the Last Half Century - Группа авторов - Страница 7



This book presents a record of some of the outstanding presentations given at the 63rd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Dialysis Therapy (JSDT), which was held from June 29 to July 1, 2018, in Kobe. At that meeting, the JSDT celebrated the 50-year anniversary of its founding as a voluntary academic association in 1968. With this experience of half a century as a backdrop, therapy for end-stage kidney disease (ESKD) now faces a number of vital issues besides the management of renal anemia and chronic kidney disease-mineral and bone disorder and the selection of the optimal treatment modality for each patient. These issues include the increasing incidence of malnutrition and frailty in the elderly, fragile vascular access, and the balance between medical costs and budgets. Here, expert members of the JSDT present 15 articles that address these issues. We truly appreciate the contributions of all the authors and hope that this book will promote further progress in understanding the pathogenesis of complications associated with ESKD and in providing optimal therapy for patients.

We dedicate this book to our patients, to whom we provide care as medical experts while we are actively engaged in the development of the JSDT.

Takeshi Nakanishi, Guest Editor

Takahiro Kuragano, Guest Co-Editor

CKD-Associated Complications: Progress in the Last Half Century

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