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List of Illustrations


1 Chapter 1Figure 1.1 The average atmospheric absorption of waves at a sea level at the...Figure 1.2 (a) Aperture antennas and (b) microstrip antennas.Figure 1.3 Slot antennas.Figure 1.4 (a) Reflector antennas and (b) lens antennas.Figure 1.5 Simplified descriptions of PCB and LTCC processes. (a) PCB and (b...Figure 1.6 A bent MS transmission‐line on a LTCC board.Figure 1.7 The comparison of |S11| and |S21| of a bent MS transmission‐line ...Figure 1.8 The main losses at 60 GHz of a bent MS transmission‐line on a LTC...Figure 1.9 A 10‐mm long bent SIW in a LTCC board.Figure 1.10 The main losses at 60 GHz of a bent SIW in a LTCC board with var...Figure 1.11 Potential mmW applications in 5G NR and future networks.

2 Chapter 2Figure 2.1 Free‐space range using an anechoic chamber.Figure 2.2 Compact antenna test range.Figure 2.3 Planar near‐field antenna measurement setup. (a) Block diagram an...Figure 2.4 ETH‐MMW‐1000 system (courtesy of Ethertronics Inc.).Figure 2.5 The μ‐Lab (courtesy of MVG).Figure 2.6 Mini‐compact range (courtesy of MVG).Figure 2.7 Gain measurement of two identical antennas on a probe station [28...Figure 2.8 Simplified manual on‐wafer antenna measurement setup [29–31].Figure 2.9 (a) Overview of the system configuration and (b) standard‐gain ho...Figure 2.10 Automatic on‐wafer mmW antenna measurement setup diagram [33].Figure 2.11 Nearly 3‐D radiation pattern measurement setups [34, 35].Figure 2.12 (a) A photo of the measurement setup and (b) a closer view of th...Figure 2.13 (a) Antenna measurement setup with backside probing technique an...Figure 2.14 NSI planar near‐field scanner model NSI‐905 V‐8x8 shown during t...Figure 2.15 NSI tiltable planar near‐field scanner model NSI‐906HT‐3 × 3 bui...Figure 2.16 Image of the volumetric mmW measurement facility [40].Figure 2.17 Robotic based near‐field antenna measurement setup [41].Figure 2.18 The layout of the mechanical positioning and measurement systems...Figure 2.19 Commercially available port extension modules.Figure 2.20 Interfaces for microwave antenna measurements. (a) Coax connecto...Figure 2.21 Interfaces for mmW antenna measurements up to 60 GHz. (a) End La...Figure 2.22 Interfaces for mmW antenna measurement above 75 GHz. (a) Wavegui...Figure 2.23 Examples of mmW antenna measurement setup with multiple reflecti...Figure 2.24 Schematic diagram of the measurement setup for antennas at a 60 ...Figure 2.25 Photos of the measurement setup for antennas at a 60 GHz‐band.Figure 2.26 Measured radiation patterns of an antipodal Fermi antenna at 60 ...Figure 2.28 Measured radiation patterns of a 60-GHz substrate‐integrated wav...Figure 2.29 Schematic diagram of the measurement setup for antennas at 140 G...Figure 2.30 Photos of the measurement setup for antennas at a 140 GHz band. ...Figure 2.31 Measured radiation pattern of 135-GHz antenna array on Benzocycl...Figure 2.32 Measured radiation patterns of a TE20‐mode substrate integrated ...Figure 2.33 Schematic diagram of the measurement setup for antennas at 270 G...Figure 2.34 Photo of the measurement setup for antennas at a 270‐GHz band.Figure 2.35 Measured radiation patterns of a 270-GHz LTCC‐integrated strip‐l...

3 Chapter 3Figure 3.1 (a) Geometry of the SIW simulation model and (b) the amplitude of...Figure 3.2 (a) The configuration of a 1 × 8 SIW linear array in simulation, ...Figure 3.3 (a) The configuration of an 8 × 8 SIW linear array in simulation,...Figure 3.4 (a) Side view of an SIW fed cavity array antenna in LTCC substrat...Figure 3.5 (a) Side view of the multilayer SIW‐RWG transition in LTCC substr...Figure 3.6 (a) Top view of apertures on the top of Layer 1 of open‐ended cav...Figure 3.7 |S11| of single element and the mutual couplings in two configura...Figure 3.8 (a) The model of parallel coupler in simulation and (b) the model...Figure 3.9 Top view of the antenna on LTCC multilayered structure of two‐ele...Figure 3.10 S‐parameters of the eight‐layered couplers. (a) Parallel coupler...Figure 3.11 Two‐element subarrays with (a) parallel coupler and (b) cross co...Figure 3.12 (a) Photograph of antenna array (left: top view, right: bottom v...Figure 3.13 The measured and simulated radiation patterns of the array anten...Figure 3.14 The measured and simulated gains of the 8 × 8 array.Figure 3.15 Configuration of the antenna array. (a) Power divider, (b) subar...Figure 3.16 (a) The cross‐section view of array in LTCC and (b) top view of ...Figure 3.17 The simulated |S11| of the antenna array versus w m.Figure 3.18 Photograph of the 4 × 4 antenna array prototype.Figure 3.19 (a) Schematic of the measurement setup and (b) photograph of AUT...Figure 3.20 (a) Measured and simulated |S11| of the antenna array including ...Figure 3.21 Measured and simulated radiation patterns. (a) H‐plane and (b) E Figure 3.22 Large‐via‐fence and large‐aperture dielectric loading of antenna...Figure 3.23 Photographs of the measurement setup with a standard horn and th...Figure 3.24 Comparison of measured and simulated |S11|.Figure 3.25 Comparison of measured and simulated gains as well as efficiency...Figure 3.26 Measured and simulated radiation patterns at 140 GHz (a) in H‐pl...Figure 3.27 Top view of functionality portions of antenna array operating at...Figure 3.28 The three‐dimensional schematic view of pair of the radiating sl...Figure 3.29 Simulated E x component of pair of radiating slots with a dielect...Figure 3.30 Three‐dimensional schematic view of an E‐plane coupler.Figure 3.31 Simulated E z component of the E‐plane coupler at 140 GHz. (a) In...Figure 3.32 Simulated S‐parameters of the E‐plane coupler. (a) Amplitude and...Figure 3.33 Photograph of the antenna array. (a) With transition (left: top ...Figure 3.34 (a) Measured and simulated |S11| of the antenna array with the t...Figure 3.35 Measured and simulated radiation patterns in (a) H‐plane and (b)...Figure 3.36 Comparison of simulated amplitudes of S‐parameters of a pair of ...Figure 3.37 Comparison of distributions of simulated electric fields in LTCC...Figure 3.38 Configuration of the FZP antenna in LTCC. (a) Top view of the FZ...Figure 3.39 Photograph of the LTCC‐FZP antenna. (a) Front view and (b) back ...Figure 3.40 Measured and simulated results. (a) |S11| and (b) boresight gain...Figure 3.41 Measured and simulated radiation patterns. (a) Simulated radiati...

4 Chapter 4Figure 4.1 The CRLH mushroom unit cell. (a) Simulation model, (b) equivalent...Figure 4.2 Dispersion diagram of surface waves of EBG mushroom unit cell.Figure 4.3 Configuration of the microstrip‐line‐slot fed CRLH‐mushroom anten...Figure 4.4 Dispersion diagram of the CRLH‐mushroom unit cell.Figure 4.5 Sketch of the electric field distributions at TM10 and antiphase ...Figure 4.6 Simulated results of the microstrip‐line‐slot fed CRLH‐mushroom a...Figure 4.7 Simulated electric field distributions on the planes of y = 5 mm ...Figure 4.8 Impedance matching study of the microstrip‐line‐slot fed CRLH‐mus...Figure 4.9 Configuration of the SIW fed metamaterial‐mushroom antenna elemen...Figure 4.10 Transmission‐line models for estimating the resonance frequencie...Figure 4.11 Simulated phase shift between Planes A and B.Figure 4.12 Simulated results of the metamaterial‐mushroom antenna element. ...Figure 4.13 Configurations of the SIW‐slot fed patch antennas.Figure 4.14 Simulated |S11| and realized gain of the SIW‐slot fed patch ante...Figure 4.15 Surface wave band gap of the mushroom structure served as an EBG...Figure 4.16 Arrangement of the general antenna elements for the mutual coupl...Figure 4.17 Mutual couplings of the antenna elements arrayed (a) in the E‐pl...Figure 4.18 Configuration of the two‐element metamaterial‐mushroom antenna s...Figure 4.19 Simulated |S11| and realized boresight gain of the metamaterial‐...Figure 4.20 Geometry of the metamaterial‐mushroom antenna subarrays configur...Figure 4.21 Mutual couplings of the subarrays arrayed in (a) E‐plane, and (b...Figure 4.22 Simulated electric filed amplitude distributions at 56.5 GHz on ...Figure 4.23 Configuration of the antenna array in LTCC. (a) Top view of the ...Figure 4.24 Photographs of (a) the LTCC antenna array and (b) measurement se...Figure 4.25 (a) Measured and simulated |S11| of the antenna array with the t...Figure 4.26 Measured and simulated normalized co/cross‐polarized radiation p...

5 Chapter 5Figure 5.1 Illustration of the SIW antennas integrated with RF circuits. (a)...Figure 5.2 Typical SIW slot antenna and array. (a) SIW longitudinal slot ant...Figure 5.3 Impedance matching structures in SIW. (a) Symmetry iris window, (...Figure 5.4 An SIW fed patch antenna at Q‐band [20]. (a) Circularly polarized...Figure 5.5 Input impedance (simulated by the circuit model) seen from Plane ...Figure 5.6 Reflection coefficients and power transmissions of the matched pa...Figure 5.7 Typical Substrate integrated cavities (SICs). (a) Rectangular SIC...Figure 5.8 Typical substrate integrated cavity backed single slot antenna [2...Figure 5.9 Substrate integrated cavity backed cross slot antenna [27].Figure 5.10 E‐field distribution in the substrate integrated square cavity b...Figure 5.11 S‐parameter of the circularly polarized substrate integrated cav...Figure 5.12 E‐field distribution in the substrate integrated rectangular cav...Figure 5.13 Reflection coefficient and gain of the substrate integrated rect...Figure 5.14 Hybrid‐mode rectangular SIW cavity backed slot antenna [28]. (a)...Figure 5.15 Field distributions in the SIW cavity of the hybrid‐mode rectang...Figure 5.16 Configurations of (a) triple‐resonance rectangular SIW cavity ba...Figure 5.17 Electric field distributions of the triple‐resonance SIW cavity ...Figure 5.18 Electric field distributions of the triple‐resonance SIW cavity ...Figure 5.19 (a) Input impedance and |S11| and (b) gain and efficiency, for t...Figure 5.20 Electric field distributions of the proposed quad‐resonance ante...Figure 5.21 (a) Input impedance and |S11| and (b) gain and efficiency, of th...Figure 5.22 Penta‐mode SIW cavity backed slot antenna [30]. (a) Geometry, (b...Figure 5.23 Electric field distributions of the penta‐mode SIW cavity backed...Figure 5.24 SIW cavity‐backed rectangular patch antenna [31]. (a) Geometry a...Figure 5.25 SIW cavity‐backed rectangular patch antenna. (a) Geometry and (b...Figure 5.26 SIW cavity‐backed rectangular patch antenna and array fed with s...Figure 5.27 |S11| of the SIW cavity‐backed rectangular patch array fed with ...Figure 5.28 Geometry of the SIW‐fed printed curl element [33].Figure 5.29 Surface current distributions in the curl element at (a) 34 and ...Figure 5.30 Simulated results of the proposed element. (a) |S11| and AR, (b)...Figure 5.31 Geometry of the SIW fed S‐shape dipole [34]. (a) Perspective vie...Figure 5.32 Geometry of the substrate integrated cavity fed two‐arm spiral e...Figure 5.33 Surface current distributions generated by the spiral antenna at...Figure 5.34 Gain and axial ratio of the proposed SIC‐excited CP 2 × 2 subarr...Figure 5.35 The SIW fed cavity antenna [24].Figure 5.36 Dielectric‐loaded cavity model of simplified resonator. (a) With...Figure 5.37 The first three eigenmodes and the E‐field in Planes 1, 2, and 3Figure 5.38 The equivalent circuit of the feeding structure.Figure 5.39 The simulated |S11| and the normalized input impedance of the pr...Figure 5.40 The simulated E‐field distribution at 35 GHz on Planes AA′ and B...Figure 5.41 The simulated radiation patterns of the proposed antenna at 35 G...Figure 5.42 The simulated gain of the antenna.Figure 5.43 The geometry of the proposed antenna array. W siw = 2.4, W tsiw = ...Figure 5.44 The reflection coefficients of the proposed four‐cell antenna ar...Figure 5.45 The measured normalized radiation patterns at 35 GHz. (a) E‐plan...Figure 5.46 The geometry of the proposed 60‐GHz antenna array. W siw = 1.5, W Figure 5.47 The simulated S‐parameters of the waveguide‐to‐SIW transition.Figure 5.48 (a) Simulated and (b) measured reflection coefficients of the pr...Figure 5.49 The measured normalized radiation patterns of the array at 58 GH...Figure 5.50 The maximum gain of the 2 × 2 antenna array.

6 Chapter 6Figure 6.1 Division of a CBA for electromagnetic analysis.Figure 6.2 Rectangular SIW CBA fed by (a) and (b) microstrip line, (c) and (...Figure 6.3 (a) Rectangular SIW backing‐cavity and (b) circular SIW backing‐c...Figure 6.4 Rectangular SIW backing‐cavity resonances at a single mode. (a) T...Figure 6.5 Rectangular SIW. (a) HM‐cavity I, (b) HM‐cavity II, (c) QM‐cavity...Figure 6.6 (a) Straight slot, (b) wide slot, and (c) I‐shaped slot.Figure 6.7 Dual‐slot configurations. (a) Parallel slot, (b) Greek cross‐slot...Figure 6.8 (a) T‐shape slot, (b) H‐shape slot, (c) triangular slot, (d) spoo...Figure 6.9 Non‐resonant slot configuration. (a) V‐shaped slot, (b) bow‐tie‐s...Figure 6.10 SIW CBSA with different slot WLR. (a) WLR = 0.12, (b) WLR = 0.4,...Figure 6.11 Simulated return loss of the SIW cavity‐backed slot antennas wit...Figure 6.12 Simulated radiation patterns of the SIW cavity‐backed slot anten...Figure 6.13 Simulated electric field distribution at 60 GHz in the slots of ...Figure 6.14 Simulated gain of the SIW cavity‐backed slot antennas with diffe...Figure 6.15 Geometry of the 2 × 4 antenna array prototypes. (a) Top view and...Figure 6.16 Photograph of the fabricated 2 × 4 arrays. (a) WLR = 0.12, (b) W...Figure 6.17 (a) Simulated return loss and (b) the measured return loss of th...Figure 6.18 Simulated and measured normalized radiation patterns of the 2 × ...Figure 6.19 (a) Simulated gain and (b) measured gain of the arrays with diff...

7 Chapter 7Figure 7.1 A summary of CP antenna element selection for mmW applications.Figure 7.2 Selected microstrip antennas as the elements of mmW CP antenna ar...Figure 7.3 Examples of helix or spiral antennas as the elements of mmW CP an...Figure 7.4 Examples of aperture or slot antennas as the elements of mmW CP a...Figure 7.5 Examples of other types of elements of mmW CP array. (a) Slot‐cou...Figure 7.6 AR bandwidth enhancement methods.Figure 7.7 Examples of different SRFNs. (a) Slot‐coupled SRFN in [11], (b) p...Figure 7.8 Side view of the 4 × 4 antenna array with a feed network [32].Figure 7.9 Geometry of the proposed antenna element (unit: mm). (a) Side vie...Figure 7.10 Simulated results of the element in Figure 7.9. (a) Reflection c...Figure 7.11 Snapshots of the time varying current distributions on the patch...Figure 7.12 Geometry and the simulated results of the two‐element array. (a)...Figure 7.13 Geometry and simulated results of the two‐element array with a m...Figure 7.14 Simulated results of the single element with the via‐fence. (a) ...Figure 7.15 (a) Photograph of the fabricated antenna prototype and the measu...Figure 7.16 (a) The thicknesses at different positions and (b) measured and ...Figure 7.17 Measured and simulated radiation patterns at 60 GHz of (a) xz‐pl...Figure 7.18 (a) Measured and simulated gains and (b) simulated gains using d...

8 Chapter 8Figure 8.1 Full reflection between the boundary of two media with different ...Figure 8.2 (a) The sketch of a probe‐fed microstrip patch antenna and (b) el...Figure 8.3 The geometry of an annular patch antenna and its magnetic current...Figure 8.4 (a) The annular patch having a central air core of radius of c an...Figure 8.5 The microstrip patch antenna backed by a cavity.Figure 8.6 (a) The EBG structure used for improving isolation between the pa...Figure 8.7 (a) Geometry, (b) simulated |S11| and gain of an aperture‐coupled...Figure 8.8 (a) Geometry and impedance matching against frequency and (b) nor...Figure 8.9 (a) Two aperture‐coupled patch antennas placed opposite to each o...Figure 8.10 Three aperture‐coupled patch antennas.Figure 8.11 Comparison of the simulated performance. (a) |S11| and (b) gain ...Figure 8.12 (a) A 4 × 4 array design with open air cavities by the radiating...

9 Chapter 9Figure 9.1 Radar subsystems in ADASs [4].Figure 9.2 Dielectric lens antenna with switched beams.Figure 9.3 Reflector antenna with switched beams.Figure 9.4 (a) Automotive radar sensor using microstrip antenna elements to ...Figure 9.5 Schematic diagram of beamforming techniques. (a) Analog beamformi...Figure 9.6 Array antenna with grounded parasitic rhombic patch antenna eleme...Figure 9.7 Geometry of the two‐layer Rotman lens‐fed antenna array that cons...Figure 9.8 The fabricated two‐layer Rotman lens‐fed antenna. (a) The bottom ...Figure 9.9 SIW parasitic antenna array [35].Figure 9.10 Exploded view of the pillbox antenna integrating monopulse ampli...Figure 9.11 Ideal radiation pattern of an antenna supporting MLRR (horizonta...Figure 9.12 Photograph of the SIW slot antenna array for MLRR sensors [37]....Figure 9.13 16‐element phased array antenna including antennas and LO rat‐ra...Figure 9.14 Micrograph of the bottom view of a four‐channel radar sensor wit...Figure 9.15 Top and bottom view of the CPW fed SIW slot array antenna. (a) T...Figure 9.16 Simulation model of the two 1 × 16 linear arrays located end to ...Figure 9.17 H‐plane radiation patterns of the linear arrays with different d Figure 9.18 Input impedances at various reference planes of the feeding netw...Figure 9.19 Detailed geometry of the feeding network. (a) CPW‐SIW transition...Figure 9.20 Simulated S‐parameters of the CPW feeding network. (a) Amplitude...Figure 9.21 Measured and simulated |S11| of the antenna array.Figure 9.22 Measured and simulated boresight gains of the antenna array.Figure 9.23 Measured and simulated H‐plane side lobe levels of the antenna a...Figure 9.24 Measured and simulated H‐plane HPBW of the antenna array.Figure 9.25 Measured and simulated H‐plane radiation patterns of the antenna...Figure 9.26 Measured and simulated E‐plane radiation patterns of the antenna...Figure 9.27 Configuration of the co‐planar unit‐cell. (a) Cross sectional vi...Figure 9.28 S‐parameter of the 0° and 180° unit‐cells. (a) Magnitude and (b)...Figure 9.29 Configuration of 1‐bit phase state of the 20 × 20 unit‐cells.Figure 9.30 Simulated gain patterns of the SIW slot antenna with/without tra...Figure 9.31 Transmit‐array prototype at 76.5 GHz. (a) Receive‐ and transmit‐...Figure 9.32 (a) Assembly of the co‐planar transmit‐array with four SIW slot ...Figure 9.33 Simulated and measured radiation patterns of the co‐planar trans...

10 Chapter 10Figure 10.1 Series‐fed SIW slot antenna array along the H‐plane.Figure 10.2 SIW based E‐plane series feeding network. (a) Series coupling sl...Figure 10.3 Examples of series‐fed SIW slot arrays. (a) Series coupling slot...Figure 10.4 Examples of parallel/corporate SIW feeding network. (a) Uniform ...Figure 10.5 Examples of quasi‐optics SIW feeding network. (a) Flat lens‐base...Figure 10.6 Configuration of SIW T‐junctions. (a) Conventional equal output ...Figure 10.7 Configuration of the double‐layer 8 × 8 SIW slot antenna array. ...Figure 10.8 Parameter extracting curves.Figure 10.9 Feeding network of 8 × 8 SIW slot array. (a) Simplified model an...Figure 10.10 Fabricated 8 × 8 SIW slot array.Figure 10.12 Simulated and measured reflection coefficients of the SIW slot ...Figure 10.11 Simulated and measured radiation pattern of the SIW slot array....Figure 10.13 Parametric study of fabrication error err x for the SIW slot arr...Figure 10.14 Configuration of a 16 × 16 SIW monopulse slot array. (a) First ...Figure 10.15 Simulated radiation pattern of the SIW radiating slots based on...Figure 10.16 Configuration of the series T‐junction feeding network for 16 ×...Figure 10.17 Simulated results of series T‐junction based feeding network. (...Figure 10.18 Configuration of (a) 90° 3‐dB directional coupler and (b) 90° p...Figure 10.20 Simulated (a) amplitude response and (b) phase response of mono...Figure 10.21 Photography of the fabricated 16 × 16 monopulse SIW slot array....Figure 10.22 Simulated and measured reflection coefficients.Figure 10.19 Simulated and measured radiation pattern of (a) sum beams and (...

11 Chapter 11Figure 11.1 Radiation from substrate edges [1]. (a) Three‐dimensional (3‐D) ...Figure 11.2 Propagating electric field in (a) SIW and (b) SIW H‐plane horn a...Figure 11.3 Dielectric loaded SIW horn antennas. (a) Rectangular dielectric ...Figure 11.4 Printed structures after SIW horn aperture for matching enhancem...Figure 11.5 Metallic via structures for impedance matching. (a) Mushroom met...Figure 11.6 Leaky‐wave antennas radiating from substrate edges. (a, b) Unifo...Figure 11.7 Tapered triangular strips with slots for wideband matching [28]....Figure 11.8 Reflection coefficients with the slotted triangular strips.Figure 11.9 Matching structure of two rectangular strips [29].Figure 11.10 Impedance matching structure of a group of tapered strips [29]....Figure 11.11 Reflection coefficients of different numbers of the strip‐slot ...Figure 11.12 Illustration of the wideband H‐plane horn antenna with a group ...Figure 11.13 Prototype of the wideband H‐plane horn antenna with a group of ...Figure 11.14 Reflection coefficients of the wideband horn antenna with taper...Figure 11.15 Radiation patterns of wideband horn antenna at 30, 32, 34, 36, ...Figure 11.16 (a) Sector horn loaded with a waveguide lens [30] and (b) analy...Figure 11.17 (a) Electric fields inside the SIW horn with metallic via lens,...Figure 11.18 Side and top view of SIW horn antenna with embedding gap lens [...Figure 11.19 Electric‐field distributions inside and on the cross section of...Figure 11.20 Electric field (a) and phase (b) distributions of the proposed ...Figure 11.21 Prototypes of the four SIW horn antennas with/without gap lens ...Figure 11.22 (a) Comparison of reflection coefficients of four prototypes bo...Figure 11.23 Radiation patterns of the SIW horn antenna with gap lens at 30,...Figure 11.24 Illustration of the principle of operation. (a) Radiation dispe...Figure 11.25 (a) Dispersion diagram and (b) equivalent refractive index of a...Figure 11.26 Radiation patterns between 33 and 38 GHz for the leaky‐wave SEA...Figure 11.27 Electric‐field distribution of the leaky‐wave SEAs with prism l...Figure 11.28 (a) Prototype and measurement setup of the leaky‐wave SEA with ...Figure 11.29 (a) Measured radiation patterns and (b) radiation levels at a s...

Substrate-Integrated Millimeter-Wave Antennas for Next-Generation Communication and Radar Systems

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