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1 Adger, D. 2003. Core Syntax. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

2 Alexiadou, A. 2001. Functional Structure in Nominals. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

3 Alexiadou, A., and E. Anagnostopoulou. 1998. Parametrizing AGR: word order, verb‐ movement and EPP‐checking. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 16: 491–539.

4 Alexiadou, A., and T. Lohndal. 2016. Editorial: The Grammar of Multilingualism. Frontiers in Psychology, doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2016.01397.

5 Alexiadou, A., and T. Lohndal. 2018. Units of language mixing: A cross‐linguistic perspective. Frontiers in Psychology, doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2018.01719.

6 Arad, M. 2003. Locality Constraints on the Interpretation of Roots: The Case of Hebrew Denominal Verbs. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 21: 737–778.

7 Baker, M. 2008. The microparameter in a microparametric world. In The Limits of Syntactic Variation, edited by T. Biberauer, 351–374. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

8 Benmamoun, E., S. Montrul, and M. Polinsky. 2013. Heritage languages and their speakers: Opportunities and challenges for linguistics. Theoretical Linguistics 39: 129–181.

9 Boeckx, C. 2006. Linguistic Minimalism. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

10 Boeckx, C. 2013. Syntactic Islands. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

11 Boeckx, C., and J. Uriagereka. 2006. Minimalism. In The Oxford Handbook of Linguistic Interfaces, edited by G. Ramchand and C. Reiss, 541–573. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

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19 Chomsky, N. 1973. Conditions on transformations. In A Festschrift for Morris Halle, edited by S. Anderson, and P. Kiparsky, 232–286. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston.

20 Chomsky, N. 1975. Reflections on Language. New York: Pantheon.

21 Chomsky, N. 1980. Rules and Representations. New York: Columbia University Press.

22 Chomsky, N. 1981. Lectures on Government and Binding. Dordrecht: Foris.

23 Chomsky, N. 1986. Knowledge of Language: Its Nature, Origin and Use. New York: Praeger.

24 Chomsky, N. 1993. A Minimalist Program for linguistic theory. In The View from Building 20, edited by K. Hale, and S. J. Keyser, 1–52. Cambridge: MIT Press.

25 Chomsky, N. 1995. The Minimalist Program. Cambridge: MIT Press.

26 Chomsky, N. 2000. Minimalist inquiries: The framework. In Step by Step: Essays on Minimalist Syntax in Honor of Howard Lasnik, edited by R. Martin, D. Michaels, and J. Uriagereka, 89–155. Cambridge: MIT Press.

27 Chomsky, N. 2001. Derivation by phase. In Ken Hale: A Life in Language, edited by M. Kenstowicz, 1–50. Cambridge: MIT Press.

28 Chomsky, N. 2004. Beyond explanatory adequacy. In Structure and Beyond: The Cartography of Syntactic Structures, edited by A. Belletti, 104–131. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

29 Chomsky, N. 2005. Three factors in language design. Linguistic Inquiry 36: 1–22.

30 Chomsky, N. 2007. Approaching UG from below. In Interfaces + Recursion =Language?, edited by H‐M. Gärtner, and U. Sauerland, 1–29. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.

31 Chomsky, N. 2008. On phases. In Foundational Issues in Linguistic Theory, edited by C. Otero, R. Freidin, and M‐L. Zubizarreta, 133–166. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

32 Chomsky, N. 2013. Problems of projection. Lingua 130: 33–49.

33 Chomsky, N. 2015. Problems of projection: Extensions. In Structures, Strategies and Beyond, edited by E. Di Domenico, C. Hamann, and S. Matteini, 1–16. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

34 Chomsky, N. 2018. Two notions of modularity. In On Concepts, Modules, and Language: Cognitive Science at Its Core, edited by R. G. de Almeida, and L. R. Gleitman, 25–40. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

35 Chomsky, N., Á. J. Gallego, and D. Ott. 2019. Generative grammar and the Faculty of Language: Insights, questions, and challenges. Catalan Journal of Linguistics Special Issue: 229–261.

36 Chomsky, N., and H. Lasnik. 1977. Filters and control. Linguistic Inquiry 8: 425–504.

37 Chomsky, N., and H. Lasnik. 1993. The theory of Principles and Parameters. In Syntax: An International Handbook of Contemporary Research, edited by J. Jacobs, A. von Stechow, W. Sternefeld, and T. Venneman, 506–569. New York: Walter de Gruyter.

38 Cinque, G. 1999. Adverbs and Functional Heads: A Cross‐Linguistic Perspective. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

39 Collins, C. 2002. Eliminating labels. In Derivation and Explanation in the Minimalist Program, edited by S. D. Epstein, and T. D. Seely, 42–64. Malden: Blackwell.

40 Collins, C. 2017. Merge(X,Y) = {X,Y}. In Labels and Roots, edited by L. S. Bauke and A. Blümel, 47–68. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.

41 Corbett, G. G. 1991. Gender. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

42 van Craenenbroeck, J., and J. Merchant. 2013. Ellipsis phenomena. In The Cambridge Handbook of Generative Syntax, edited by M. den Dikken, 701–745. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

43 D'Alessandro, R. 2015. Null subjects. In Contemporary Linguistic Parameters, edited by A. Fábregas, J. Mateu, and M. T. Putnam, 201–226. London: Bloomsbury Press.

44 den Dikken, M., and A. Lahne. 2013. The locality of syntactic dependencies. In The Cambridge Handbook of Generative Syntax, edited by M. den Dikken, 655–698. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

45 Dougherty, R. C. 1973. A survey of linguistic methods and arguments. Foundations of Language 10: 432–490.

46 Embick, D. 2015. The Morpheme: A Theoretical Introduction. Berlin: Mouton deGruyter.

47 Embick, D., and A. Marantz. 2008. Architecture and Blocking. Linguistic Inquiry 29: 1–53.

48 Embick, D., and R. Noyer. 2007. Distributed Morphology and the syntax‐morphology interface. In The Oxford Handbook of Linguistic Interfaces, edited by G. Ramchand, and C. Reiss, 289–324. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

49 Fitch, W. T. 2010. The Evolution of Language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

50 Fodor, J. 1983. The Modularity of Mind. Cambridge: MIT Press.

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52 Freidin, R. 2012. A brief history of generative grammar. In The Routledge Handbook of the Philosophy of Language, edited by D. Fara Graf and G. Russell, 895–916. London: Routledge.

53 Freidin, R., and H. Lasnik. 2011. Some roots of minimalism. In The Oxford Handbook of Linguistic Minimalism, edited by C. Boeckx, 1–26. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

54 Freidin, R., and J‐R. Vergnaud. 2001. Exquisite connections: Some remarks on the evolution of linguistic theory. Lingua 111: 128–172.

55 Gallego, Á. J. 2012. Introduction: A framework of phases for linguistic theory. In Phases: Developing the Framework, edited by Á. J. Gallego, 9–44. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.

56 Gould, S. J. 2002. The Structure of Evolutionary Theory. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

57 Grimstad, M. Berg, B. Ramsevik Riksem, T. Lohndal, and T. A. Åfarli. 2018. Lexicalist vs. exoskeletal approaches to language mixing. The Linguistic Review 35: 187–218.

58 Haegeman, L. 1994. Introduction to Government and Binding Theory. Oxford: Blackwell.

59 Hankamer, J. 1973. Unacceptable ambiguity. Linguistic Inquiry 4: 17–68.

60 Harris, Z. 1951. Methods in Structural Linguistics. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

61 Haspelmath, M. 2006. Against Markedness (And What to Replace It With). Journal of Linguistics 42: 25–70.

62 Haspelmath, M. 2008. Parametric versus functional explanations of syntactic universals. In The Limits of Syntactic Variation, edited by Theresa Biberauer, 75–107. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

63 Haugen, E. 1953. The Norwegian Language in America. Philadelphia: University of Philadelphia Press.

64 Hauser, M. D., N. Chomsky, and W. T. Fitch. 2002. The Faculty of Language: What Is It, Who Has It, and How Did it Evolve? Science 298: 1569–1579.

65 Hornstein, N. 2009. A Theory of Syntax. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

66 Hornstein, N. 2013. Three Grades of Grammatical Involvement: Syntax from a Minimalist Perspective. Mind & Language 28: 392–420.

67 Hornstein, N., J. Nunes, and K. K. Grohmann. 2005. Understanding Minimalism. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

68 Jaeggli, O., and N. Hyams. 1988. Morphological uniformity and the setting of the null subject parameter. In Proceedings of NELS 18, edited by J. Blevins, and J. Carter, 238–253. Amherst: GLSA, University of Massachusetts, Amherst.

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70 Kayne, R. S. 1980. Extensions of binding and case‐marking. Linguistic Inquiry 11: 75–96.

71 Koizumi, M. 1995. Phrase structure in minimalist syntax. Doctoral dissertation, MIT.

72 Kramer, R. 2015. The Morphosyntax of Gender. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

73 Kramer, R. 2016. The location of gender features in the syntax. Language and Linguistics Compass 10: 661–677.

74 Lakatos, I. 1968. Criticism and the methodology of scientific research programmes. Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 69: 149–186.

75 Lakatos, I. 1970. Falsifications and the methodology of scientific research programs. In Criticism and the Growth of Knowledge, edited by Imre Lakatos and Alan Musgrave, 91–195. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

76 Lakoff, G. 1970. Global rules. Language 46: 627–639.

77 Lasnik, H. 1981. Restricting the theory of transformations. In Explanation in Linguistics, edited by N. Hornstein, and D. Lightfoot, 152–173. London: Longmans.

78 Lasnik, H. 1999. Minimalist Analysis. Malden: Blackwell.

79 Lasnik, H. 2000. Syntactic Structures Revisited: Contemporary Lectures on Classic Transformational Theory. Cambridge: MIT Press.

80 Lasnik, H. 2005. Grammar, levels, and biology. In The Cambridge Companion to Chomsky, edited by J. McGilvray, 60–83. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

81 Lasnik, H. 2008. On the Development of Case Theory: Triumphs and Challenges. In Foundational Issues in Linguistic Theory, edited by C. Otero, R. Freidin, and M‐L. Zubizarreta, 17‐41. Cambridge: MIT Press.

82 Lasnik, H., and T. Lohndal. 2010. Government‐Binding/Principles & Parameters theory. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Cognitive Science 1: 40–50.

83 Lasnik, H., and T. Lohndal. 2013. Brief overview of the history of generative grammar. In The Cambridge Handbook of Generative Syntax, edited by M. den Dikken, 26–60. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

84 Lasnik, H., and M. Saito. 1991. On the subject of infinitives. In Papers from the 27th Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society, edited by L. M. Dobrin, L. Nichols, and R. M. Rodriguez, 324–343. Chicago, IL: Chicago Linguistic Society.

85 Lasnik, H., and J. Uriagereka. 2005. A Course in Minimalist Syntax. Malden: Blackwell.

86 Lohndal, T. 2013. Generative grammar and language mixing. Theoretical Linguistics 39: 215–224.

87 Lohndal, T. 2014. Phrase Structure and Argument Structure: A Case Study of the Syntax‐Semantics Interface. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

88 Lohndal, T. To appear. The exoskeletal model. In The Cambridge Handbook of Distributed Morphology, edited by A. Alexiadou, R. Kramer, A. Marantz, and I. Oltra‐Massuet. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

89 Lohndal, T., and J. Uriagereka. 2014. Principles and Parameters/Minimalism. In Routledge Handbook of Syntax, edited by A. Carnie, Y. Sato, and D. Siddiqi, 509–525. London: Routledge.

90 Lohndal, T., and J. Uriagereka. 2017. Third‐factor explanations and Universal Grammar. In The Oxford Handbook of Universal Grammar, edited by I. Roberts, 114–128. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

91 Marantz, A. 1997. No escape from syntax: Don't try morphological analysis in the privacy of your own lexicon. University of Pennsylvania Working Papers in Linguistics 4: 201–225.

92 Martin, R., and J. Uriagereka. 2000. Introduction: Some Possible Foundations of the Minimalist Program. In Step by Step: Essays on Minimalist Syntax in Honor of Howard Lasnik, edited by R. Martin, D. Michaels, and J. Uriagereka, 1–29. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

93 Newmeyer, F. J. 2005. Possible and Probable Languages. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

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95 Peters, S., and R. W. Ritchie. 1973. On the generative power of transformational grammars. Information Sciences 6: 49–83.

96 Polinsky, M. 2018. Heritage Languages and Their Speakers. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

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98 Postal, P. M. 1974. On Raising. Cambridge: MIT Press.

99 Ramchand, G., and P. Svenonius. 2014. Deriving the functional hierarchy. Language Sciences 46: 152–174.

100 Rizzi, L. 1982. Issues in Italian Syntax. Dordrecht: Foris.

101 Rizzi, L. 1997. The fine structure of the left periphery. In Elements of Grammar, edited by L. Haegeman, 281–337. Dordrecht: Kluwer.

102 Roberts, I. 2007. Diachronic Syntax. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

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104 [Published as Infinite Syntax! Norwood, N.J.: Ablex, 1986.]

105 Ross J. R. 1969. Guess who? In Papers from the Fifth Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistics Societyedited by R. I. Binnick A. Davison G. M. Greenand J. L. Morgan252–639. Chicago Linguistics SocietyUniversity of Chicago

106 Rothman, J. 2009a. Pragmatic deficits with syntactic consequences? L2 pronominal subjects and the syntax‐pragmatics interface. Journal of Pragmatics 41: 951–973.

107 Rothman, J. 2009b. Understanding the nature and outcomes of early bilingualism: Romance languages as heritage languages. International Journal of Bilingualism 13: 155–163.

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109 Samuels, B. 2012. Phonological Architecture: A Biolinguistic Perspectice. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

110 Shlonsky, U. 2010. The cartographic enterprise in syntax. Language and Linguistics Compass 4: 417–429.

111 Smith, N., and N. Allott. 2016. Chomsky – Ideas and Ideals. Third Edition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

112 Stowell, T. 1981. Origins of phrase structure. Doctoral dissertation, MIT.

113 Taraldsen, K. T. 1980. On the nominative island condition, vacuous application and the that‐trace filter. Bloomington: Indiana University Linguistics Circle.

114 Uriagereka, J. 1998. On government. Doctoral dissertation, University of Connecticut.

115 Uriagereka, J. 2008. Syntactic Anchors. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

116 Uriagereka, J. 2012. Spell‐Out and the Minimalist Program. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

117 Vergnaud, J‐R. 1977. Letter to Noam Chomsky and Howard Lasnik on “Filters and Control,” April 17, 1977. Printed in Foundational Issues in Linguistic Theory, 2008, edited by C. Otero, R. Freidin, and M‐L. Zubizarreta, 4–15. Cambridge: MIT Press.

118 Williams, E. 2007. Dumping lexicalism. In The Oxford Handbook of Linguistic Interfaces, edited by G. Ramchand, and C. Reiss, 353–382. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

119 Wiltschko, M. 2014. The Universal Structure of Categories: Towards a Formal Typology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

A Companion to Chomsky

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