Читать книгу AI and IoT-Based Intelligent Automation in Robotics - Группа авторов - Страница 22
Оглавление1. Qin, T., Li, P., Shen, S., VINS-Mono: A Robust and Versatile Monocular Visual-Inertial State Estimator. IEEE Trans. Rob., 34, 4, 1004–1020, Aug. 2018.
2. Pequito, S., Khorrami, F., Krishnamurthy, P., Pappas, G.J., Analysis and Design of Actuation–Sensing–Communication Interconnection Structures Toward Secured/Resilient LTI Closed-Loop Systems. IEEE Trans. Control Network Syst., 6, 2, 667–678, June 2019.
3. Chang, X. and Yang, G., New Results on Output Feedback $H_{\infty} $ Control for Linear Discrete-Time Systems. IEEE Trans. Autom. Control, 59, 5, 1355–1359, May 2014.
4. Li, Z., Zhang, T., Ma, C., Li, H., Li, X., Robust Passivity Control for 2-D Uncertain Markovian Jump Linear Discrete-Time Systems. IEEE Access, 5, 12176–12184, 2017.
5. Yang, C., Ge, S.S., Xiang, C., Chai, T., Lee, T.H., Output Feedback NN Control for Two Classes of Discrete-Time Systems with Unknown Control Directions in a Unified Approach. IEEE Trans. Neural Networks, 19, 11, 1873–1886, Nov. 2008.
6. Münz, U., Pfister, M., Wolfrum, P., Sensor and Actuator Placement for Linear Systems Based on Optimization. IEEE Trans. Autom. Control, 59, 11, 2984–2989, Nov. 2014.
7. Sui, S., Tong, S., Chen, C.L.P., Finite-Time Filter Decentralized Control for Nonstrict-Feedback Nonlinear Large-Scale Systems. IEEE Trans. Fuzzy Syst., 26, 6, 3289–3300, Dec. 2018.
8. Rakovic, S.V. and Baric, M., Parameterized Robust Control Invariant Sets for Linear Systems: Theoretical Advances and Computational Remarks. IEEE Trans. Autom. Control, 55, 7, 1599–1614, July 2010.
9. Li, Y., Sun, K., Tong, S., Adaptive Fuzzy Robust Fault-Tolerant Optimal Control for Nonlinear Large-Scale Systems. IEEE Trans. Fuzzy Syst., 26, 5, 2899–2914, Oct. 2018.
10. Zhang, H. and Feng, G., Stability Analysis and $H_{\infty}$ Controller Design of Discrete-Time Fuzzy Large-Scale Systems Based on Piecewise Lyapunov Functions. IEEE Trans. Syst. Man Cybern. Part B (Cybernetics), 38, 5, 1390–1401, Oct. 2008.
11. Bakule, L., Rodellar, J., Rossell, J.M., Robust Overlapping Guaranteed Cost Control of Uncertain State-Delay Discrete-Time Systems. IEEE Trans. Autom. Control, 51, 12, 1943–1950, Dec. 2006.
12. Liu, Y. and Tong, S., Adaptive NN Tracking Control of Uncertain Nonlinear Discrete-Time Systems with Nonaffine Dead-Zone Input. IEEE Trans. Cybern., 45, 3, 497–505, March 2015.
13. Li, D. and Li, D., Adaptive Control via Neural Output Feedback for a Class of Nonlinear Discrete-Time Systems in a Nested Interconnected Form. IEEE Trans. Cybern., 48, 9, 2633–2642, Sept. 2018.
14. Alzenad, M., El-Keyi, A., Yanikomeroglu, H., 3D placement of an unmanned aerial vehicle base station for maximum coverage of users with different QoS requirements. IEEE Wirel. Commun. Lett., 7, 38–41, 2018.
*Corresponding author: vishaldutt53@gmail.com