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1.2 Related Works


While several SB-focused survey papers have been released, none focuses on the role of data analysis and ML within SBs. All the relevant survey papers are comprehensively presented in Table 1.1.

Table 1.1 Report data of a survey.

Cite Purpose Limitations
Chan et al. [12] A country and continent arranged project SH Review as well as the associated technologies for monitoring systems and assistive robotics. It not emphasized on the importance of ML and big data analytics, it does not review and classify the papers according to the applications of SH
Alam et al. [13] Research objectives and services-based review of SH projects; namely, comfort, healthcare, and security. It not emphasized on the importance of ML and big data analytics for SB.
Lobaccaro et al. [14] Review of existing software, hardware, and communications control systems for S.H and smart grid. It not emphasized on the importance of ML and big data analytics. It also does not focus on reviewing and categorizing papers according to the applications of SH.
Pan et al. [15] The energy efficiency and the vision of microgrids topics research review in SBs. The emphasis of the paper is not the ML and big data analytics for SB services. It does not consist of the other applications of SB rather than energy efficiency.
Ni et al. [16] Propose a classification of activities considered in SH for older peoples independent living, they also classify sensors and data processing techniques in SH. Does not cover all the services in SH. It also does not categorize the research according to different ML model styles.
Rashidi and Mi-hailidis [17] Review AAL technologies, tools, and techniques. The paper focuses only on AAL in healthcare, and does not cover the other applications in SH or SB; in addition, there is no classifying of the researches according to ML model styles.
Peetoom et al. [18] The monitoring technologies that detect ADL or significant events in SH based review. Does not focus on the role of ML in SB.
Salih and Abraham [19] The ambient intelligence assisted healthcare monitoring focuses only on AAL in healthcare, and does not cover the other applications in SH or SB in the review. The challenges and the future research directions in the field not covered in the research.
Perera et al. [20] Discuss and analyzed the works in context awareness from an IoT perspective Not emphasized specifically on the SB domain and its application services.
Tsai et al. [21] Data mining technologies for IoT applications data reviewed. SB applications not emphasized.
Mahdavinejad et al. [22] Discussed and analyzed some ML methods applied to IoT data by studying smart cities as a use case scenario. Not concentrated on SB and its applications as a use case.

Chan et al. in 2008 [12] gave a description of intelligent home study. It even speaks about smart and friendly robotics. The article examines the nation and the continent’s smart home programs. Alam et al. [13] presented information on sensors, apps, algorithms and protocols of communication used in smart homes. The paper explores intelligent homes focused on their facilities and study aims: protection, fitness and comfort.

Lobaccaro et al. [14] shared the notion of a smart house but smart grid technology and address obstacles, advantages and potential developments of intelligent home technology. Pan et al. [15] analyzed the research of SBs with microgrids on efficient energy usage. The study explores subjects for analysis and latest developments in SBs and microgrid vision.

For multiple study articles research on making the autonomous lives of seniors for smart homes simpler has been checked. Ni et al. [16] have reported on sensing machine features including practices which can help elderly people reside peacefully in intelligent residences. Rashidi and Mihailidis provided a study on environmental assistance systems for elderly people [17]. Peetoom et al. [18] concentrated software tracking that understands householder existence, including reduced identification and changes of safety condition. Salih et al. [19] proposed a health-assisted urban knowledge report surveillance system identifying different methods included in current research literature, as well as connectivity and wireless sensor network technology.

Digital Cities Roadmap

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