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1.2 Defining and Understanding Cognitive Computing
ОглавлениеCognitive computing can be defined as hardware and software to learn so that they need not be reprogrammed and automate the cognitive tasks [11]. This technology brings under its cover many different technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Advanced Analytics, Natural Language Processing, Big Data Analytics, and Distributed Computing. The impact of this technology can be seen in health care, business, decision making, private lives, and many more.
Two disciplines are brought together with cognitive computing
1 Cognitive Science
2 Computer Science.
The term cognitive science refers to the science of mind and the other is a computational approach where the theory is put into practice.
The ultimate objective of cognitive computing is that it must able to replicate the human thinking ability in a computer model. Using technologies like machine learning, natural language processing, advanced analytics, data mining, and statistics had made these things possible where the working of the human brain can be mimicked [8].
From a long back, we can construct the computers which perform the calculations at a high speed, also able to develop supercomputers which can do calculations in a fraction of second, but they are not able to perform the tasks as humans do like the reasoning, understanding and recognizing the objects and images.
Cognitive researchers discover the mental capability of humans through an examination of the aspects like memory, emotion, reasoning, perception, and language [12]. Figure 1.1 shows the Human centered cognitive cycle. On analysis, the human being’s cognitive process can be divided into two stages. One is the humans use their sensory organs to perceive the information about their surrounding environment and become aware of it, in this manner humans gather the input from the outside environment. The second stage is that this information is carried by the nerves to the brain for processing and the process of storing, analyzing, and learning takes place [13].
Figure 1.1 Human-centered cognitive cycle.
Many researchers and scientists from many years had tried to develop the systems that can mimic the human thoughts and process, but it is relatively complex to transform the intricacy of thinking of humans and actions into systems. Human beings have a lot of influence on them such as perception, culture, sentiment, lifestyle, and implicit beliefs about their surrounding environment. Cognition is the basic framework that not only leverages the way we imagine but also the way we behave and the way we make decisions. To understand this let us consider some examples that we see around us. Why there are different recommendations and approaches between the treatments for the same disease with different doctors? Why do people with the same background born and brought up in the same family have different views and opinions about the world?
Dr. Daniel Kahneman is a Nobel Prize winner in economic sciences in 2002 had paved a way for the cognitive computing approach. He had made a lot of research in the area of psychology of judgment and decision making [11]. The approach is divided into two systems: 1. Intuitive thinking and 2. Controlled andrulecentric thinking.
System 1: Intuitive thinking
In this system, reasoning occurs in the human brain naturally. The conclusions are drawn using our instincts. In System 1 human thinking begins the moment they are born. Humans learn to notice and recognize the things and their relationship by themselves. To illustrate this we consider some examples for better understanding. The children correlate their parent’s voices with safety. People correlate strident sound with danger. At the same time, we can see that children with a harsh mother are not going to have a similar experience with the voice of the mother as the child with a good mother. Humans learn more things over time and continue assimilating their thoughts into their mode of working in the world. The chess grandmaster can play the game with their mind anticipating their opponent’s move and also they can play the game entirely in their mind without any need to touch the chessboard. The surrounding environment plays a major role in a person’s behavior, it affects their emotions and attitudes. A person brought up in treacherous surroundings, have a different attitude about the people compared to a person brought up in healthy surroundings. In System1 using the perception, we gather the data about the world and connect the events. In the cognitive computing point of view, this System 1 had taught the way how we gather information from the surroundings helps us to conclude. Figure 1.2 shows collaboration between the Intuitive thinking and analysis.
System 2: Controlled and rulecentric thinking.
In this process, the reasoning is based on an additional premeditated process. This conclusion is made by taking into consideration both observations and test assumptions, rather than simply what is understood. In this type of system the thinking process to get a postulation, it uses a simulation model and observes the results of that particular statement. To do this a lot of data is required and a model is built to test the perceptions made by System 1. Consider the treatment of cancer patients in which a large number of ways and drugs are available to treat the patients. The cancer drugs not only kill the cancer cells but also kill the healthy cells, making the patient feel the side effects of it. When a drug company comes with any novel drug it tests on animals, records its results, and then it is tested on humans. After a long verification of the data checking the side effects of the drug on the other parts of the body, the government permits to release the drug into the market where it takes a long time from research to availability of that drug. In System 1 when a drug can destroy the cancer cells it determines it can be put onto the market. It is completely biased. System 2 will not conclude as of System 1, it collects the data from various sources, refines it, and then it comes to a conclusion. Although this process is slow it is important to study all the things before jumping to a conclusion. One of the most complex problems is predicting the outcomes as many factors can affect the outcomes. So, it is very important to merge the spontaneous thinking with the computational models.
Figure 1.2 Intuitive thinking and analysis [11].
The cognitive system is based on three important principles
1 Learn
2 Model
3 Hypothesis generation.
1 Learn: The cognitive framework must be able to learn. The framework use information to make inductions about an area, a theme, an individual, or an issue dependent on preparing and perceptions from all assortments, volumes, and speed of information.
2 Model: To learn, the framework it requires to make a model or portrayal of a domain which incorporates interior and conceivably exterior information and presumptions that direct what realizing calculations are utilized. Understanding the setting of how the information fits into the model is critical to a cognitive framework.
3 Generate hypotheses: A cognitive framework expects that there will be several solutions or answers to a question. The most fitting answer depends on the information itself. In this way, an intellectual framework is probabilistic. A theory is an up-and-comer clarification for a portion of the information previously comprehended. A cognitive framework utilizes the information to prepare, test, or score speculation.