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Accessory Glands


The accessory genital glands of the bull include the vesicular gland, ampulla of the ductus deferens, and prostate and bulbourethral glands (Figure 1.15). The bilateral vesicular gland is the largest accessory gland in the bull and contributes the greatest volume to the ejaculate. It is a lobated gland of firm consistency. It lies dorsal to the bladder and lateral to the ureter and ampulla of the ductus deferens [1]. The body of the prostate lies dorsal to the urethra between and caudal to the vesicular glands. The disseminate part of the prostate is concealed in the wall of the urethra and covered by the urethral muscle [1]. The ampulla, vesicular glands, and prostate all empty their contents into the urethra through the colliculus seminalis. The bilateral bulbourethral gland lies on each side of the median plane dorsal to the urethra; it is mostly covered by the bulbospongiosus muscle. Its duct opens into the urethral recess [1] (Figure 1.15). The urethral recess is a blind pouch that exits dorsally into the penile urethra at the level of the ischiatic arch. The presence of this structure makes it difficult to pass a catheter retrograde into the bladder.

Figure 1.15 Secondary sex glands: Am = ampulla, Vs = vesicular glands, P = prostate, Bu = bulbourethral gland, Ub = urinary bladder.

Bovine Reproduction

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