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1 1 Robinson, T. and Shelton, J. (1977). Reproduction in cattle. In: Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 3e (eds. H.H. Cole and P.T. Cupps), 433–454. New York;: Academic Press.

2 2 Donaldson, L., Bassett, J., and Thorburn, G. (1970). Peripheral plasma progesterone concentration of cows during puberty, oestrous cycles, pregnancy and lactation, and the effects of under‐nutrition or exogenous oxytocin on progesterone concentration. J. Endocrinol. 48: 599–614.

3 3 Jones, E., Armstrong, J., and Harvey, R. (1991). Changes in metabolites, metabolic hormones, and luteinizing hormone before puberty in Angus, Braford, Charolais, and Simmental heifers. J. Anim. Sci. 69: 1607–1615.

4 4 Curtis, G., McGregor, C., Jones, D., and Grove‐White, D. (2018). The impact of early life nutrition and housing on growth and reproduction in dairy cattle. PLoS One 13 (2): e0191687.

5 5 Moran, C., Quirke, J., and Roche, J. (1989). Puberty in heifers: a review. Anim. Reprod. Sci. 18: 167–182.

6 6 Ramirez, D. and McCann, S. (1963). Comparison of the regulation of luteinizing hormone (LH) secretion in immature and adult rats. Endocrinology 72: 452–464.

7 7 Levasseur, M.‐C. (1979). Thoughts on puberty. The gonads. Ann. Biol. Anim. Biochim. Biophys. 19: 321–335.

8 8 Bettendorf, M., de Zegher, F., Albers, N. et al. (1999). Acute N‐methyl‐D,L‐aspartate administration stimulates the luteinizing hormone releasing hormone pulse generator in the ovine fetus. Horm. Res. 51: 25–30.

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10 10 d'Anglemont de Tassigny, X., Ackroyd, K., Chatzidaki, E., and Colledge, W. (2010). Kisspeptin signaling is required for peripheral but not central stimulation of gonadotropin‐releasing hormone neurons by NMDA. J. Neurosci. 30: 8581–8590.

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12 12 Madgwick, S., Evans, A., and Beard, A. (2005). Treating heifers with GnRH from 4 to 8 weeks of age advanced growth and the age at puberty. Theriogenology 63: 2323–2333.

13 13 Day, M., Imakawa, K., Garcia‐Winder, M. et al. (1984). Endocrine mechanisms of puberty in heifers: estradiol negative feedback regulation of luteinizing hormone secretion. Biol. Reprod. 31: 332–341.

14 14 Anderson, W., Forrest, D., Goff, B. et al. (1986). Ontogeny of ovarian inhibition of pulsatile luteinizing hormone secretion in postnatal Holstein heifers. Domest. Anim. Endocrinol. 3: 107–116.

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16 16 Day, M., Imakawa, K., Wolfe, P. et al. (1987). Endocrine mechanisms of puberty in heifers. Role of hypothalamo‐pituitary estradiol receptors in the negative feedback of estradiol on luteinizing hormone secretion. Biol. Reprod. 37: 1054–1065.

17 17 Kinder, J., Day, M., and Kittok, R. (1987). Endocrine regulation of puberty in cows and ewes. J. Reprod. Fertil. Suppl. 34: 167–186.

18 18 Gonzalez‐Padilla, E., Wiltbank, J., and Niswender, G. (1975). Puberty in beef heifers. I. The interrelationship between pituitary, hypothalamic and ovarian hormones. J. Anim. Sci. 40: 1091–1104.

19 19 Foster, D., Yellon, S., and Olster, D. (1985). Internal and external determinants of the timing of puberty in the female. J. Reprod. Fertil. 75: 327–344.

20 20 Cardoso, R., Alves, B., Sharpton, S. et al. (2015). Nutritional programming of accelerated puberty in heifers: involvement of pro‐opiomelanocortin neurones in the arcuate nucleus. J. Neuroendocrinol. 26 (8): 647–657.

21 21 Garverick, H. and Smith, M. (1986). Mechanisms associated with subnormal luteal function. J. Anim. Sci. 62: 92–105.

22 22 Garverick, H., Zollers, W., and Smith, M. (1992). Mechanisms associated with corpus luteum lifespan in animals having normal or subnormal luteal function. Anim. Reprod. Sci. 28: 111–124.

23 23 Hunter, M. (1991). Characteristics and causes of the inadequate corpus luteum. J. Reprod. Fertil. Suppl. 43: 91.

24 24 Wathes, D. and Lamming, G. (1995). The oxytocin receptor, luteolysis and the maintenance of pregnancy. J. Reprod. Fertil. Suppl. 49: 53.

25 25 McLeod, B., Peters, A., Haresign, W., and Lamming, G. (1985). Plasma LH and FSH responses and ovarian activity in prepubertal heifers treated with repeated injections of low doses of GnRH for 72 h. J. Reprod. Fertil. 74: 589–596.

26 26 Seidel, G., Larson, L., and Foote, R. (1971). Effects of age and gonadotropin treatment on superovulation in the calf. J. Anim. Sci. 33: 617–622.

27 27 Staigmiller, R., Short, R., and Bellows, R. (1979). Induction of LH surges with 17β estradiol in prepuberal beef heifers: an age dependent response. Theriogenology 11: 453–459.

28 28 Desjardins, C. and Hafs, H. (1969). Maturation of bovine female genitalia from birth through puberty. J. Anim. Sci. 28: 502–507.

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31 31 Laster, D., Smith, G., Cundiff, L., and Gregory, K. (1979). Characterization of biological types of cattle (cycle II) II. Postweaning growth and puberty of heifers. J. Anim. Sci. 48: 500–508.

32 32 Short, R. and Bellows, R. (1971). Relationships among weight gains, age at puberty and reproductive performance in heifers. J. Anim. Sci. 32: 127–131.

33 33 Hall, J., Staigmiller, R., Bellows, R. et al. (1995). Body composition and metabolic profiles associated with puberty in beef heifers. J. Anim. Sci. 73: 3409–3420.

34 34 Simpson, R., Armstrong, J., Harvey, R. et al. (1991). Effect of active immunization against growth hormone‐releasing factor on growth and onset of puberty in beef heifers. J. Anim. Sci. 69: 4914–4924.

35 35 Armstrong, J., Stanko, R., Cohick, W. et al. (1992). Endocrine events prior to puberty in heifers: role of somatotropin, insulin‐like growth factor‐I and insulin‐like growth factor binding proteins. J. Physiol. Pharmacol. 43:4 (1): 179–193.

36 36 Ferrell, C. (1982). Effects of postweaning rate of gain on onset of puberty and productive performance of heifers of different breeds. J. Anim. Sci. 55: 1272–1283.

37 37 Laster, D., Glimp, H., and Gregory, K. (1972). Age and weight at puberty and conception in different breeds and breed‐crosses of beef heifers. J. Anim. Sci. 34: 1031–1036.

38 38 Wiltbank, J., Gregory, K., Swiger, L. et al. (1966). Effects of heterosis on age and weight at puberty in beef heifers. J. Anim. Sci. 25: 744–751.

39 39 Gonzalez‐Padilla, E., Niswender, G., and Wiltbank, J. (1975). Puberty in beef heifers. II. Effect of injections of progesterone and estradiol‐17beta on serum LH, FSH and ovarian activity. J. Anim. Sci. 40: 1105–1109.

40 40 Imakawa, K., Day, M., Zalesky, D. et al. (1987). Effects of 17 beta‐estradiol and diets varying in energy on secretion of luteinizing hormone in beef heifers. J. Anim. Sci. 64: 805–815.

41 41 Chelikani, P., Ambrose, J., and Kennelly, J. (2003). Effect of dietary energy and protein density on body composition, attainment of puberty, and ovarian follicular dynamics in dairy heifers. Theriogenology 60: 707–725.

42 42 Gasser, C., Bridges, G., Mussard, M. et al. (2006). Induction of precocious puberty in heifers III: hastened reduction of estradiol negative feedback on secretion of luteinizing hormone. J. Anim. Sci. 84 (8): 2050–2056.

43 43 Wahab, F., Atika, B., and Shahab, M. (2013). Kisspeptin as a link between metabolism and reproduction: evidences from rodent and primate studies. Metabolism 62: 898–910.

44 44 Castellano, J., Bentsen, A., Mikkelsen, J., and Tena‐Sempere, M. (2010). Kisspeptins: bridging energy homeostasis and reproduction. Brain Res. 1364: 129–138.

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47 47 Casas, E., Lunstra, D., and Stone, R. (2004). Quantitative trait loci for male reproductive traits in beef cattle. Anim. Genet. 35: 451–453.

48 48 Alves, B., Unanian, M., Silva, E. et al. (2005). Use of RAPD markers for identifying Nelore bulls with early reproductive maturation onset. Anim. Reprod. Sci. 85: 183–191.

49 49 Fortes, M., Reverter, A., Zhang, Y. et al. (2010). Association weight matrix for the genetic dissection of puberty in beef cattle. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 107: 13642–13647.

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53 53 King, R., Kress, D., Anderson, D. et al. (1983). Genetic parameters in Herefords for puberty in heifers and scrotal circumference in bulls. Proc. West Sect. Am. Soc. Anim. Sci. 34: 11.

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56 56 Martinez‐Velazquez, G., Gregory, K., Bennett, G., and Van Vleck, L. (2003). Genetic relationships between scrotal circumference and female reproductive traits. J. Anim. Sci. 81: 395–401.

57 57 Morris, C., Wilson, J., Bennett, G. et al. (2000). Genetic parameters for growth, puberty, and beef cow reproductive traits in a puberty selection experiment. N. Z. J. Agric. Res. 43 (1): 83–91.

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60 60 Fortes, M., Lehnert, S., Bolormaa, S. et al. (2012). Finding genes for economically important traits: Brahman cattle puberty. Anim. Prod. Sci. 52: 143–150.

61 61 Gregory, K., Lunstra, D., Cundiff, L., and Koch, R. (1991). Breed effects and heterosis in advanced generations of composite populations for puberty and scrotal traits of beef cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 69: 2795–2807.

62 62 Patterson, D., Perry, R., Kiracofe, G. et al. (1992). Management considerations in heifer development and puberty. J. Anim. Sci. 70: 4018–4035.

63 63 Nunez‐Dominquez R, Cundiff L, Dickerson G, et al. (1985) Effects of managing heifers to calve first at two vs three years of age on longevity and lifetime production of beef cows. Roman L. Hruska US Meat Animal Research Center, Paper 42. Available at http://digitalcommons.unl.edu/hruskareports/42.

64 64 Byerley, D., Staigmiller, R., Berardinelli, J., and Short, R. (1987). Pregnancy rates of beef heifers bred either on puberal or third estrus. J. Anim. Sci. 65: 645–650.

65 65 Schillo, K., Hall, J., and Hileman, S. (1992). Effects of nutrition and season on the onset of puberty in the beef heifer. J. Anim. Sci. 70: 3994–4005.

66 66 Tortonese, D. and Inskeep, E. (1992). Effects of melatonin treatment on the attainment of puberty in heifers. J. Anim. Sci. 70: 2822–2827.

67 67 Hansen, P., Kamwanja, L., and Hauser, E. (1983). Photoperiod influences age at puberty of heifers. J. Anim. Sci. 57: 985–992.

68 68 King, B., Kirkwood, R., Cohen, R. et al. (1995). Effect of zeranol implants on age at onset of puberty, fertility and embryo fetal mortality in beef heifers. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 75: 225–230.

69 69 Rosasco, S., Kassetas, C., Cox, S. et al. (2019). Effects of growth‐promoting implants administered during the suckling phase or at weaning on growth and reproduction in replacement beef heifers grazing native range. Transl. Anim. Sci. 3 (1): 1774–1778.

70 70 Hunter, M. and Southee, J. (1987). Treatment with progesterone affects follicular steroidogenesis in anestrous ewes. Anim. Reprod. Sci. 14: 273–279.

71 71 Glencross, R. (1984). A note on the concentrations of plasma oestradiol‐17 and progesterone around the time of puberty in heifers. Anim. Prod. 39: 137–140.

72 72 Anderson, L., McDowell, C., and Day, M. (1996). Progestin‐induced puberty and secretion of luteinizing hormone in heifers. Biol. Reprod. 54: 1025–1031.

73 73 Imwalle, D., Patterson, D., and Schillo, K. (1998). Effects of melengestrol acetate on onset of puberty, follicular growth, and patterns of luteinizing hormone secretion in beef heifers. Biol. Reprod. 58: 1432–1436.

74 74 Ramirez‐Godinez, J., Kiracofe, G., McKee, R. et al. (1981). Reducing the incidence of short estrous cycles in beef cows with norgestomet. Theriogenology 15: 613–623.

75 75 Smith, V., Chenault, J., McAllister, J., and Lauderdale, J. (1987). Response of postpartum beef cows to exogenous progestogens and gonadotropin releasing hormone. J. Anim. Sci. 64: 540.

76 76 Zollers, W., Garverick, H., Smith, M. et al. (1993). Concentrations of progesterone and oxytocin receptors in endometrium of postpartum cows expected to have a short or normal oestrous cycle. J. Reprod. Fertil. 97: 329–337.

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80 80 Trenkle, A. and Willham, R. (1977). Beef production efficiency. Science 198: 1009–1015.

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82 82 Gasser, C., Grum, D., Mussard, M. et al. (2006). Induction of precocious puberty in heifers I. Enhanced secretion of luteinizing hormone. J. Anim. Sci. 84: 2035–2041.

83 83 Gasser, C., Behlke, E., Grum, D., and Day, M. (2006). Effect of timing of feeding a high‐concentrate diet on growth and attainment of puberty in early‐weaned heifers. J. Anim. Sci. 84: 3118–3122.

84 84 Arije, G. and Wiltbank, J. (1971). Age and weight at puberty in Hereford heifers. J. Anim. Sci. 33: 401–406.

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96 96 Davis Rincker, L., VandeHaar, M., Wolf, C. et al. (2011). Effect of intensified feeding of heifer calves on growth,pubertal age, calving age, milk yield, and economics. J. Dairy Sci. 94: 3554–3567.

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98 98 Cooke, R., Moriel, P., Cappellozza, B. et al. (2018). Effects of temperament on growth, plasma cortisol concentrations and puberty attainment in Nelore beef heifers. Animal 13 (6): 1208–1213.

99 99 Wehrman, M., Kojima, F., Sanchez, T. et al. (1996). Incidence of precocious puberty in developing beef heifers. J. Anim. Sci. 74: 2462–2467.

100 100 Walsh, S., Mossa, F., Butler, S. et al. (2014). Heritability and impact of environmental effects during pregnancy on antral follicle count in cattle. J. Dairy Sci. 97 (7): 4503–4511.

101 101 Tenley, S., Gomes, R., Rosasco, S. et al. (2019). Maternal age influences the number of primordial follicles in the ovaries of yearling Angus heifers. Ann. Reprod. Sci. 200: 105–112.

102 102 Holm, D., Thompson, P., and Irons, P. (2009). The value of reproductive tract scoring as a predictor of fertility and production outcomes in beef heifers. J. Anim. Sci. 87: 1934–1940.

103 103 Pence M, BreDahl R, Thomson J., 2000, Clinical use of reproductive tract scoring to predict pregnancy outcome. Beef Research Report 1999, Paper 32.

104 104 Patterson D, Wood S, Randle R., (1999), Procedures that support reproductive management of replacement beef heifers. Proceedings of the American Society for Animal Science.

Bovine Reproduction

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