Halifax Station, Unknown | 289 |
On the Capture of the Guerrière, Philip Freneau | 290 |
Firstfruits in 1812, Wallace Rice | 291 |
The Battle of Queenstown, William Banker, Jr. | 292 |
The Wasp's Frolic, Unknown | 293 |
The United States and Macedonian, Unknown | 293 |
The United States and Macedonian, Unknown | 294 |
Jack Creamer, James Jeffrey Roche | 295 |
Yankee Thunders, Unknown | 296 |
The General Armstrong, Unknown | 296 |
Capture of Little York, Unknown | 298 |
The Death of General Pike, Laughton Osborn | 299 |
Old Fort Meigs, Unknown | 300 |
The Shannon and the Chesapeake, Thomas Tracy Bouvé | 300 |
Chesapeake and Shannon, Unknown | 301 |
Defeat and Victory, Wallace Rice | 302 |
Enterprise and Boxer, Unknown | 302 |
Perry's Victory, Unknown | 303 |
The Battle of Erie, Unknown | 303 |
Perry's Victory—A Song, Unknown | 305 |
The Fall of Tecumseh, Unknown | 305 |
The Legend of Walbach Tower, George Houghton | 306 |
The Battle of Valparaiso, Unknown | 307 |
The Battle of Bridgewater, Unknown | 308 |
The Hero of Bridgewater, Charles L. S. Jones | 309 |
The Battle of Stonington, Philip Freneau | 309 |
The Ocean-Fight, Unknown | 310 |
The Lost War-Sloop, Edna Dean Proctor | 311 |
On the British Invasion, Philip Freneau | 312 |
The Battle of Lake Champlain, Philip Freneau | 312 |
The Battle of Plattsburg Bay, Clinton Scollard | 313 |
The Battle of Plattsburg, Unknown | 314 |
The Battle of Baltimore, Unknown | 315 |
Fort McHenry, Unknown | 316 |
The Star-Spangled Banner, Francis Scott Key | 317 |
Ye Parliament of England, Unknown | 318 |
The Bower of Peace, Robert Southey | 318 |
Reid at Fayal, John Williamson Palmer | 319 |
The Fight of the Armstrong Privateer, James Jeffrey Roche | 319 |
The Armstrong at Fayal, Wallace Rice | 321 |
Fort Bowyer, Charles L. S. Jones | 323 |
The Battle of New Orleans, Thomas Dunn English | 323 |
Jackson at New Orleans, Wallace Rice | 325 |
To the Defenders of New Orleans, Joseph Rodman Drake | 326 |
The Hunters of Kentucky, Unknown | 326 |
The Constitution's Last Fight, James Jeffrey Roche | 327 |
Sea and Land Victories, Unknown | 328 |
Ode to Peace, Unknown | 329 |
The West |
The Settler, Alfred B. Street | 329 |
The Mothers of the West, William Davis Gallagher | 330 |
On the Emigration to America, Philip Freneau | 331 |
John Filson, William Henry Venable | 331 |
Sainclaire's Defeat, Unknown | 332 |
Johnny Appleseed, William Henry Venable | 334 |
The Founders of Ohio, William Henry Venable | 335 |
Blennerhassett's Island, Thomas Buchanan Read | 335 |
The Battle of Muskingum, William Harrison Safford | 337 |
To Aaron Burr, under Trial for High Treason, Sarah Wentworth Morton | 338 |
The Battle of Tippecanoe, Unknown | 339 |
The Tomb of the Brave, Joseph Hutton | 339 |
Sa-cá-ga-we-a, Edna Dean Proctor | 340 |
On the Discoveries of Captain Lewis, Joel Barlow | 341 |
Whitman's Ride for Oregon, Hezekiah Butterworth | 342 |
Discovery of San Francisco Bay, Richard Edward White | 343 |
John Charles Frémont, Charles F. Lummis | 345 |
"The Days of 'Forty-Nine," Unknown | 345 |
The Old Santa Fé Trail, Richard Burton | 346 |
California, Lydia Huntley Sigourney | 346 |
Through Five Administrations |
Theodosia Burr, John Williamson Palmer | 346 |
On the Death of Commodore Oliver H. Perry, John G. C. Brainard | 347 |
On the Death of Joseph Rodman Drake, Fitz-Greene Halleck | 348 |
On Laying the Corner-Stone of the Bunker Hill Monument, John Pierpont | 348 |
La Fayette, Dolly Madison | 349 |
The Death of Jefferson, Hezekiah Butterworth | 349 |
Old Ironsides, Oliver Wendell Holmes | 351 |
Concord Hymn, Ralph Waldo Emerson | 351 |
The Wreck of the Hesperus, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow | 351 |
Old Tippecanoe, Unknown | 353 |
The Death of Harrison, Nathaniel Parker Willis | 353 |
The War with Mexico |
The Valor of Ben Milam, Clinton Scollard | 354 |
Ben Milam, William H. Wharton | 355 |
The Men of the Alamo, James Jeffrey Roche | 355 |
The Defence of the Alamo, Joaquin Miller | 357 |
The Fight at San Jacinto, John Williamson Palmer | 357 |
Song of Texas, William Henry Cuyler Hosmer | 358 |
Texas, John Greenleaf Whittier | 358 |
Mr. Hosea Biglow speaks, James Russell Lowell | 360 |
The Guns in the Grass, Thomas Frost | 361 |
Rio Bravo—A Mexican Lament, Charles Fenno Hoffman | 362 |
To Arms, Park Benjamin | 363 |
Monterey, Charles Fenno Hoffman | 363 |
Victor Galbraith, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow | 364 |
Buena Vista, Albert Pike | 364 |
The Angels of Buena Vista, John Greenleaf Whittier | 366 |
The Bivouac of the Dead, Theodore O'Hara | 368 |
What Mr. Robinson thinks, James Russell Lowell | 369 |
Battle of the King's Mill, Thomas Dunn English | 370 |
The Siege of Chapultepec, William Haines Lytle | 371 |
Illumination for Victories in Mexico, Grace Greenwood | 371 |
The Crisis, John Greenleaf Whittier | 372 |
The Volunteers, William Haines Lytle | 374 |
Fourteen Years of Peace |
The Ship Canal from the Atlantic to the Pacific, Francis Lieber | 374 |
The War Ship of Peace, Samuel Lover | 375 |
On the Defeat of Henry Clay, William Wilberforce Lord | 376 |
On the Death of M. D'Ossoli and his Wife, Margaret Fuller, Walter Savage Landor | 376 |
The Last Appendix to "Yankee Doodle," Unknown | 376 |
Daniel Webster, Oliver Wendell Holmes | 377 |
The Flag, James Jeffrey Roche | 378 |
Kane, Fitz-James O'Brien | 379 |
Herndon, S. Weir Mitchell | 380 |
Blood is Thicker than Water, Wallace Rice | 380 |
Baron Renfrew's Ball, Charles Graham Halpine | 382 |
Battle-Hymn of the Republic, Julia Ward Howe | 384 |
The Slavery Question |
To William Lloyd Garrison, John Greenleaf Whittier | 385 |
Clerical Oppressors, John Greenleaf Whittier | 385 |
The Debate in the Sennit, James Russell Lowell | 386 |
Ichabod, John Greenleaf Whittier | 388 |
The Kidnapping of Sims, John Pierpont | 388 |
The Kansas Emigrants, John Greenleaf Whittier | 389 |
Burial of Barber, John Greenleaf Whittier | 389 |
The Defence of Lawrence, Richard Realf | 390 |
The Fight over the Body of Keitt, Unknown | 391 |
Le Marais du Cygne, John Greenleaf Whittier | 392 |
How Old Brown took Harper's Ferry, Edmund Clarence Stedman | 393 |
The Battle of Charlestown, Henry Howard Brownell | 395 |
Brown of Ossawatomie, John Greenleaf Whittier | 396 |
Glory Hallelujah! or John Brown's Body, Charles Sprague Hall | 397 |
John Brown, Edna Dean Proctor | 397 |
John Brown: a Paradox, Louise Imogen Guiney | 397 |
Lecompton's Black Brigade, Charles Graham Halpine | 398 |
Lincoln, the Man of the People, Edwin Markham | 399 |
Brother Jonathan's Lament for Sister Caroline, Oliver Wendell Holmes | 400 |
Jefferson D., H. S. Cornwell | 401 |
The Old Cove, Henry Howard Brownell | 401 |
A Spool of Thread, Sophie E. Eastman | 402 |
God save Our President, Francis DeHaes Janvier | 403 |
The Gauntlet |
Bob Anderson, my Beau, Unknown | 403 |
On Fort Sumter, Unknown | 403 |
Sumter, Edmund Clarence Stedman | 404 |
The Battle of Morris' Island, Unknown | 404 |
Sumter—A Ballad of 1861, Unknown | 405 |
The Fight at Sumter, Unknown | 407 |
Sumter, Henry Howard Brownell | 408 |
The Great Bell Roland, Theodore Tilton | 408 |
Men of the North and West, Richard Henry Stoddard | 409 |
Out and Fight, Charles Godfrey Leland | 409 |
No More Words, Franklin Lushington | 410 |
Our Country's Call, William Cullen Bryant | 410 |
Dixie, Albert Pike | 411 |
A Cry to Arms, Henry Timrod | 411 |
"We Conquer or Die," James Pierpont | 412 |
"Call All," Unknown | 412 |
The Bonnie Blue Flag, Annie Chambers Ketchum | 413 |
I give my Soldier Boy a Blade, Unknown | 413 |
The North gets its Lesson |
The Nineteenth of April, Lucy Larcom | 414 |
Through Baltimore, Bayard Taylor | 414 |
My Maryland, James Ryder Randall | 415 |
Ellsworth, Unknown | 416 |
Colonel Ellsworth, Richard Henry Stoddard | 416 |
On the Death of "Jackson," Unknown | 417 |
The Virginians of the Valley, Francis Orrery Ticknor | 417 |
Bethel, A. J. H. Duganne | 417 |
Dirge, Thomas William Parsons | 419 |
Wait for the Wagon, Unknown | 419 |
Upon the Hill before Centreville, George Henry Boker | 420 |
Manassas, Catherine M. Warfield | 423 |
A Battle Ballad, Francis Orrery Ticknor | 424 |
The Run from Manassas Junction, Unknown | 425 |
On to Richmond, John R. Thompson | 426 |
Cast Down, but not Destroyed, Unknown | 427 |
Shop and Freedom, Unknown | 428 |
The C. S. A. Commissioners, Unknown | 428 |
Death of the Lincoln Despotism, Unknown | 429 |
Jonathan to John, James Russell Lowell | 430 |
A New Song to an Old Tune, Unknown | 432 |
The Grand Army of the Potomac |
Civil War, Charles Dawson Shanly | 432 |
The Picket-Guard, Ethel Lynn Beers | 433 |
Tardy George, Unknown | 433 |
How McClellan took Manassas, Unknown | 434 |
Wanted—A Man, Edmund Clarence Stedman | 435 |
The Gallant Fighting "Joe," James Stevenson | 436 |
Kearny at Seven Pines, Edmund Clarence Stedman | 437 |
The Burial of Latané, John R. Thompson | 437 |
The Charge by the Ford, Thomas Dunn English | 438 |
Dirge for Ashby, Margaret Junkin Preston | 439 |
Malvern Hill, Herman Melville | 439 |
A Message, Elizabeth Stuart Phelps | 440 |
Three Hundred Thousand More, James Sloan Gibbons | 440 |
Cedar Mountain, Annie Fields | 441 |
"Our Left," Francis Orrery Ticknor | 441 |
Dirge for a Soldier, George Henry Boker | 442 |
The Reveille, Bret Harte | 442 |
Beyond the Potomac, Paul Hamilton Hayne | 443 |
Barbara Frietchie, John Greenleaf Whittier | 444 |
Marthy Virginia's Hand, George Parsons Lathrop | 445 |
The Victor of Antietam, Herman Melville | 445 |
The Crossing at Fredericksburg, George Henry Boker | 446 |
At Fredericksburg, John Boyle O'Reilly | 447 |
Fredericksburg, Thomas Bailey Aldrich | 449 |
By the Potomac, Thomas Bailey Aldrich | 449 |
The Washers of the Shroud, James Russell Lowell | 450 |
The War in the West |
The Little Drummer, Richard Henry Stoddard | 451 |
The Death of Lyon, Henry Peterson | 453 |
Zagonyi, George Henry Boker | 453 |
Battle of Somerset, Cornelius C. Cullen | 454 |
Zollicoffer, Henry Lynden Flash | 454 |
Boy Brittan, Forceythe Willson | 455 |
Albert Sidney Johnston, Kate Brownlee Sherwood | 456 |
Albert Sidney Johnston, Francis Orrery Ticknor | 457 |
Beauregard, Mrs. C. A. Warfield | 457 |
The Eagle of Corinth, Henry Howard Brownell | 458 |
The Battle of Murfreesboro, Kinahan Cornwallis | 459 |
Little Giffen, Francis Orrery Ticknor | 460 |
The Battle Autumn of 1862, John Greenleaf Whittier | 460 |
The Coast and the River |
At Port Royal, John Greenleaf Whittier | 461 |
Ready, Phœbe Cary | 461 |
The Daughter of the Regiment, Clinton Scollard | 462 |
The Turtle, Unknown | 462 |
The Attack, Thomas Buchanan Read | 463 |
The Cumberland, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow | 464 |
On Board the Cumberland, George Henry Boker | 464 |
The Cumberland, Herman Melville | 466 |
How the Cumberland went down, S. Weir Mitchell | 466 |
The Cruise of the Monitor, George Henry Boker | 467 |
The Sinking of the Merrimack, Lucy Larcom | 468 |
The River Fight, Henry Howard Brownell | 468 |
The Ballad of New Orleans, George Henry Boker | 472 |
The Varuna, George Henry Boker | 474 |
The Surrender of New Orleans, Marion Manville | 475 |
Mumford, Ina M. Porter | 476 |
Butler's Proclamation, Paul Hamilton Hayne | 476 |
Emancipation |
To John C. Frémont, John Greenleaf Whittier | 477 |
Astræa at the Capitol, John Greenleaf Whittier | 478 |
Boston Hymn, Ralph Waldo Emerson | 478 |
The Proclamation, John Greenleaf Whittier | 480 |
Treason's Last Device, Edmund Clarence Stedman | 480 |
Laus Deo, John Greenleaf Whittier | 481 |
The "Grand Army's" Second Campaign |
Mosby at Hamilton, Madison Cawein | 482 |
John Pelham, James Ryder Randall | 482 |
Hooker's Across, George Henry Boker | 483 |
Stonewall Jackson's Way, John Williamson Palmer | 483 |
Keenan's Charge, George Parsons Lathrop | 484 |
"The Brigade must not know, Sir," Unknown | 485 |
Stonewall Jackson, Henry Lynden Flash | 486 |
The Dying Words of Stonewall Jackson, Sidney Lanier | 486 |
Under the Shade of the Trees, Margaret Junkin Preston | 486 |
The Ballad of Ishmael Day, Unknown | 487 |
Riding with Kilpatrick, Clinton Scollard | 488 |
Gettysburg, Edmund Clarence Stedman | 489 |
The High Tide at Gettysburg, Will Henry Thompson | 491 |
Gettysburg, James Jeffrey Roche | 492 |
The Battle-Field, Lloyd Mifflin | 492 |
John Burns of Gettysburg, Bret Harte | 493 |
Kentucky Belle, Constance Fenimore Woolson | 494 |
The Draft Riot, Charles de Kay | 496 |
Lincoln at Gettysburg, Bayard Taylor | 497 |
With Grant on the Mississippi |
Running the Batteries, Herman Melville | 498 |
Before Vicksburg, George Henry Boker | 499 |
Vicksburg, Paul Hamilton Hayne | 499 |
The Battle-Cry of Freedom, George Frederick Root | 500 |
The Black Regiment, George Henry Boker | 500 |
The Ballad of Chickamauga, Maurice Thompson | 501 |
Thomas at Chickamauga, Kate Brownlee Sherwood | 502 |
Garfield's Ride at Chickamauga, Hezekiah Butterworth | 503 |
The Battle of Lookout Mountain, George Henry Boker | 505 |
The Battle in the Clouds, William Dean Howells | 506 |
Charleston, Henry Timrod | 507 |
The Battle of Charleston Harbor, Paul Hamilton Hayne | 507 |
Bury Them, Henry Howard Brownell | 508 |
Twilight on Sumter, Richard Henry Stoddard | 509 |
The Final Struggle |
Put it Through, Edward Everett Hale | 509 |
Logan at Peach Tree Creek, Hamlin Garland | 510 |
A Dirge for McPherson, Herman Melville | 511 |
With Corse at Allatoona, Samuel H. M. Byers | 511 |
Allatoona, Unknown | 512 |
Sherman's March to the Sea, Samuel H. M. Byers | 512 |
The Song of Sherman's Army, Charles Graham Halpine | 513 |
Marching through Georgia, Henry Clay Work | 513 |
Ethiopia Saluting the Colors, Walt Whitman | 514 |
Sherman's in Savannah, Oliver Wendell Holmes | 514 |
Savannah, Alethea S. Burroughs | 514 |
Carolina, Henry Timrod | 515 |
Charleston, Paul Hamilton Hayne | 515 |
Romance, William Ernest Henley | 516 |
The Foe at the Gates, John Dickson Bruns | 516 |
Ulric Dahlgren, Kate Brownlee Sherwood | 517 |
Lee to the Rear, John Randolph Thompson | 518 |
Can't, Harriet Prescott Spofford | 519 |
Obsequies of Stuart, John Randolph Thompson | 519 |
A Christopher of the Shenandoah, Edith M. Thomas | 520 |
Sheridan at Cedar Creek, Herman Melville | 521 |
Sheridan's Ride, Thomas Buchanan Read | 521 |
The Year of Jubilee, Henry Clay Work | 522 |
Virginia Capta, Margaret Junkin Preston | 523 |
The Fall of Richmond, Herman Melville | 523 |
The Surrender at Appomattox, Herman Melville | 524 |
Lee's Parole, Marion Manville | 524 |
Robert E. Lee, Julia Ward Howe | 524 |
Winslow and Farragut |
The Eagle and Vulture, Thomas Buchanan Read | 525 |
Kearsarge and Alabama, Unknown | 526 |
Kearsarge, S. Weir Mitchell | 526 |
The Alabama, Maurice Bell | 527 |
Craven, Henry Newbolt | 527 |
Farragut, William Tuckey Meredith | 528 |
Through Fire in Mobile Bay, Unknown | 529 |
The Bay Fight, Henry Howard Brownell | 530 |
"Albemarle" Cushing, James Jeffrey Roche | 535 |
At the Cannon's Mouth, Herman Melville | 537 |
The Martyr President |
Lincoln, S. Weir Mitchell | 537 |
O Captain! My Captain! Walt Whitman | 537 |
The Dead President, Edward Rowland Sill | 538 |