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3.6 Non-Fictional Texts


 H+Pedia. https://hpluspedia.org/wiki/Main_Page.

 Harari, Yuval Noah. 2015. Homo Deus. A Brief History of Tomorrow.

In his new cult book, the author of Sapiens examines the future of Homo sapiens. He realizes that during the 21st century, humanity may gain immortality and God-like powers (homo deus), but he closes with the following question: “What will happen to society, politics and daily life when non-conscious but highly intelligent algorithms know us better than we know ourselves?”

 Kurzweil, Ray. 2005. The Singularity Is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology.

 More, Max/Natasha Vita-More (eds.). 2013. The Transhumanist Reader.

 Pottbäcker, Kirsten. 2006. Science (Fiction) in the Third Millennium. “Challenges” series.

Teaching Transhumanism

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