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List of Illustrations
Оглавление1 Chapter 1Figure A1.1 Coeliotomy in a porcupinefish (Diodon holocanthus) showing the c...Figure A1.2 Radiograph of an Atlantic spadefish (Chaetodipterus faber) showi...Figure A1.3 Leakage of drug with green marker following intramuscular inject...Figure A1.4 Intact (a) and incised (b) swim bladder of a bluestriped grunt (Figure A1.5 Swim bladder variations including two lobes in a spangled grunte...Figure A1.6 Eyelid on a crevalle jack (Caranx hippos).Figure A1.7 Otoliths visible on lateral radiograph of a red drum (Sciaenops ...Figure A1.8 Computed tomography of the skull of a moray eel (Muraenidae) sho...Figure A1.9 Teeth in a California sheephead (Semicossyphus pulcher) (a) and ...Figure A1.10 Angling of the esophagus seen at necropsy of a lookdown (Selene...Figure A1.11 Ultrasound of the spiral intestine of an African lungfish (Prot...Figure A1.12 Normal gills seen during necropsy of a sweetlips (Plectorhinchu...Figure A1.13 Exposed pseudobranch (arrow) in a soldierfish (Myripristis sp.)...Figure A1.14 Air‐breathing structures: modified pharyngeal mucosa in an elec...Figure A1.15 Kidneys in a deacon rockfish (Sebastes diaconus): cranial kidne...Figure A1.16 Ampullae of Lorenzini in a bamboo shark (Chiloscyllium sp.) (ar...Figure A1.17 Cross‐section through the peduncle of a blacktip reef shark (Ca...Figure A1.18 Modified iris of a clearnose skate (Raja eglanteria); the spira...Figure A1.19 Gross appearance of a normal liver (a) and a small liver (b) at...Figure A1.20 Interrenal gland (arrow) between the kidneys removed from a sou...Figure A1.21 Preopercular spine on a marine angelfish.Figure A1.22 Sexual dimorphism in brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis); a fem...
2 Chapter 2Figure A2.1 Dissolved oxygen meter.Figure A2.2 Changes in dissolved oxygen (DO), carbon dioxide (CO2), and pH a...Figure A2.3 Total gas pressure meter readings from a fish system showing the...Figure A2.4 A simple schematic of the nitrogen cycle.Figure A2.5 Sequential increases in ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate as the nit...
3 Chapter 3Figure A3.1 Gas exchange using an air stone (a) and a degassing tower (b)....Figure A3.2 Centrifugal pumps for water flow. There are mechanical filters (...Figure A3.3 Sock filters (a) and a rotating drum filter (b).Figure A3.4 Sand filter (a), canister filter (b), bead filter (c).Figure A3.5 Settling tank.Figure A3.6 Foam fractionator.Figure A3.7 Granular activated carbon.Figure A3.8 Undergravel filter showing the direction of water flow (blue arr...Figure A3.9 Foam/sponge filter showing the direction of water flow (blue arr...Figure A3.10 Biotower showing the direction of water flow (blue arrows) and ...Figure A3.11 Biowheel filter (a) and fluidized bed (b).Figure A3.12 A sulfur denitrification system.Figure A3.13 Algal scrubber wheels.Figure A3.14 Diagram showing ultraviolet light disinfection.Figure A3.15 Ozone disinfection system showing the ozone gas generator (a), ...Figure A3.16 Heat exchanger.Figure A3.17 Rubber bushings for mounting of pumps to minimize noise and vib...
4 Chapter 4Figure A4.1 Body condition score system for koi (Cyprinus carpio koi) and si...Figure A4.2 Body condition score system for southern stingrays (Hypanus amer...Figure A4.3 Body condition score system for reef sharks (Carcharhinus sp.) a...
5 Chapter 5Figure A5.1 Training a reticulated whipray (Himantura uarnak) to feed at a s...
6 Chapter 6Figure A6.1 Venom is found under the epithelium of the rigid fin spines in l...Figure A6.2 Plastic nets that are suitable for catching and restraining fish...Figure A6.3 Cutting/shearing teeth on a piranha (Pygocentrus nattereri).Figure A6.4 Normal eye of a squirrelfish (Holocentrus sp.).Figure A6.5 Normal gills of a koi (Cyprinus carpio koi) (a). Irregular, cong...Figure A6.6 Normal abdominal pores in a female stingray (Hypanus sp.) (*) ei...Figure A6.7 Claspers (Cl) in a male little skate (Leucoraja erinacea) with v...Figure A6.8 Obtaining a weight on a little skate (Leucoraja erinacea) under ...Figure A6.9 Measuring the total length on a sand tiger shark (Carcharias tau...Figure A6.10 External tag tied loosely onto a leafy seadragon (Phycodurus eq...Figure A6.11 Skin scrape on a sedated orangespine unicornfish (Naso lituratu...Figure A6.12 Gill biopsy being taken from a squirrelfish (Holocentrus spp.) ...Figure A6.13 Cloacal wash on a male sandbar shark (Carcharhinus plumbeus)....Figure A6.14 Sketch of venipuncture from the ventral tail vein and heart (a)...Figure A6.15 Venipuncture options in elasmobranchs: ventral tail vessel in a...Figure A6.16 Inflamed abdominal pores in a southern stingray (Hypanus americ...
7 Chapter 7Figure A7.1 Direct microscopy of a gill clip wet mount demonstrating Ichthyo...Figure A7.2 Postmortem distortion of trichodinids seen on direct microscopy ...Figure A7.3 Wet mount of an ulcerative skin lesion in a channel catfish (Ict...Figure A7.4 Wet mounts of gill clips that are well‐made with individualized ...Figure A7.5 Wet mount of a fresh gill clip (a) showing filament epithelium (...Figure A7.6 Sessile ciliates (Ambiphrya sp., arrows) and congestion in a gil...Figure A7.7 Eosinophilic granular cells (EGCs) in a gill clip from a threadf...Figure A7.8 Eosinophilic granular cells (EGCs) in the intestinal submucosa o...Figure A7.9 A normally occurring melanophore in a fin clip from a grass carp...Figure A7.10 Eggs of the Asian tapeworm (Schyzocotyle acheilognathi) in feca...Figure A7.11 Eimeria southwelli oocyst, with four sporocysts each containing...Figure A7.12 Impression smear of exudate from a channel catfish (Ictalurus p...Figure A7.13 Cytologic artifacts include a sample that is too thick (a); poo...Figure A7.14 In contrast to Figure A7.13f, there is good morphologic detail ...Figure A7.15 Well‐executed Gram stain showing good differentiation between p...Figure A7.16 Gram‐positive staining of microsporidian spores (a) and the pol...Figure A7.17 Mycobacteria are negatively staining, rod‐shaped spaces in the ...Figure A7.18 Acid‐fast stains also highlight microsporidian spores (a), the ...Figure A7.19 Histologic section of normal, well‐fixed kidney from an electri...Figure A7.20 Common histologic artifacts can be caused by placing too thick ...Figure A7.21 A spun PCV tube should be read at the red cell and white cell i...Figure A7.22 A hemocytometer with peripheral blood from a channel catfish (I...Figure A7.23 Peripheral blood from a southern stingray (Hypanus americanus) ...Figure A7.24 Peripheral blood from a southern stingray (Hypanus americanus) ...Figure A7.25 Peripheral blood from a channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) s...Figure A7.26 Histologic section of cranial kidney from a brown trout (Salmo ...Figure A7.27 Peripheral blood from a southern stingray (Hypanus americanus) ...Figure A7.28 Pallor and edema in channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) gills...Figure A7.29 Heavy growth of various bacterial colony types following cultur...Figure A7.30 X‐cell pseudotumor in a histologic section of skin from a slipp...Figure A7.31 Histologic sections of skin from a giant guitarfish (Rhynchobat...
8 Chapter 8Figure A8.1 Heavy‐duty plastic bag (a) and radiolucent tunnel (b) to protect...Figure A8.2 Dorsoventral radiograph of a thornback guitarfish (Platyrhinoidi...Figure A8.3 Lateral radiograph of a parrotfish (Sparisoma sp.) showing norma...Figure A8.4 Lateral radiograph of a blue tang surgeonfish (Acanthurus coerul...Figure A8.5 Dorsoventral radiograph of a longspined porcupinefish (Diodon ho...Figure A8.6 Water droplets creating artifacts (arrows) on a radiograph of a ...Figure A8.7 Taking a radiograph of a marine angelfish (Centropyge sp.) in wa...Figure A8.8 Standing lateral radiograph of a cownose ray (Rhinoptera bonasusFigure A8.9 Positive contrast in the gastrointestinal tract and pouch of a m...Figure A8.10 Positive contrast injected into the dorsal fin sinus of a bonne...Figure A8.11 A sand tiger shark (Carcharias taurus) with kyphosis and scolio...Figure A8.12 Recirculating anesthetic bath for computed tomography of a yell...Figure A8.13 Conventional computed tomography images: transverse section sho...Figure A8.14 Conventional computed tomography image showing good soft tissue...Figure A8.15 Custom‐made plastic cover for a portable ultrasound machine.Figure A8.16 Possible arrangement of time gain compensation (TGC) to smooth ...Figure A8.17 Ultrasound image of the liver (L), and spleen (S) of a southern...Figure A8.18 Radiographs of a map puffer (Arothron mappa) with a lytic spina...Figure A8.19 Lateral radiograph of an Atlantic spadefish (Chaetodipterus fab...Figure A8.20 A queen angelfish (Holacanthus ciliaris) with negative buoyancy...Figure A8.21 Lateral radiograph of a striped burrfish (Chilomycterus schoepf...Figure A8.22 Lateral radiograph of a male lined seahorse (Hippocampus erectu...Figure A8.23 Lateral radiograph of horse‐eye jack (Caranx latus) that had in...Figure A8.24 Ultrasound image of a neon goby (Elacatinus oceanops) in ventro...Figure A8.25 Ultrasound of a black‐blotched stingray (Taeniurops meyeni) sho...Figure A8.26 Largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) with aqueous iodine int...
9 Chapter 9Figure A9.1 Skin scrape examined under direct microscopy showing the differe...Figure A9.2 Wet mount of a gill biopsy and skin scrape (a); normal gills on ...Figure A9.3 Skin scrapes examined under direct microscopy showing scales fro...Figure A9.4 Normal fin biopsy examined under direct microscopy with some air...Figure A9.5 Cavities opened in a cownose ray (Rhinoptera bonasus) showing on...Figure A9.6 Necropsy images with organs in situ from a clinically healthy br...Figure A9.7 Gastrointestinal tract and rectal gland (*) (a) and erosive lesi...Figure A9.8 Normal teleost heart showing the four compartments. SV: sinus ve...Figure A9.9 Gross image of wet mount samples of the spleen and liver under c...Figure A9.10 Wet mounts examined under direct microscopy: normal liver with ...Figure A9.11 Abnormalities seen on impression smears: intracellular bacteria...Figure A9.12 Normal gills from a sheepshead minnow (Cyprinodon variegatus) e...Figure A9.13 Normal liver from a banded killifish (Fundulus diaphanus) showi...Figure A9.14 Abundant lipid vacuoles in a normal liver from a horn shark (He...Figure A9.15 Granulomas in the liver of a rosyside dace (Clinostomus fundulo...Figure A9.16 Normal kidney from a three‐spot angelfish (Apolemichthys trimac...Figure A9.17 Anterior kidney from a glass knifefish (Eigenmannia virescens) ...Figure A9.18 Low (a) and high (b) magnification images of a normal Leydig or...Figure A9.19 Normal ovary from a black grouper (Mycteroperca bonaci) (a) and...Figure A9.20 Cutaneous phaeohyphomycosis in a four‐spot flounder (Hippogloss...Figure A9.21 Fish parasites in histologic section. Digenes in the ganglia of...
10 Chapter 10Figure A10.1 Fish anesthesia using a syringe and red rubber catheter (a) and...Figure A10.2 Heart rate monitoring using Doppler ultrasound during anesthesi...
11 Chapter 11Figure A11.1 A plastic self‐retaining retractor in place for an exploratory ...Figure A11.2 The VITOM system (video telescopic operating microscope) positi...Figure A11.3 Ford interlocking suture pattern (a); subcuticular suture patte...Figure A11.4 Removal of a mass from a goldfish (Carassius auratus) (a); post...Figure A11.5 Enucleation in a channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus): periocu...Figure A11.6 Pseudobranch ablation in a squirrelfish (Holocentrus sp.).Figure A11.7 Exploratory coeliotomy in a channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatu...Figure A11.8 Guillotine liver biopsy in a channel catfish (Ictalurus punctat...Figure A11.9 Ovariectomy in a spotfin porcupinefish (Diodon hystrix) (a); re...Figure A11.10 Enterotomy in a channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus): a segme...Figure A11.11 A 2.7 mm telescope system: 2.7 mm 30° telescope housed within ...Figure A11.12 Handling of the 2.7 mm telescope housed within a 4.8 mm operat...Figure A11.13 Gill endoscopy in a channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus): a 2...Figure A11.14 Stomatoscopy in a channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) using ...Figure A11.15 Gastroscopy in a channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) using a...Figure A11.16 Cloacoscopy in a channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) using a...Figure A11.17 A surgical approach is made for a coelioscopy in a channel cat...Figure A11.18 Coelioscopy in a channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) using a...Figure A11.19 Coelioscopy in a channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) using a...Figure A11.20 Pneumocystoscopy in a channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) us...Figure A11.21 Biopsy sample handling: the biopsy cup is placed in a small vo...Figure A11.22 Endosurgical ovariectomy in a Gulf sturgeon (Acipenser oxyrinc...
12 Chapter 12Figure A12.1 Intramuscular injection in the epaxial muscles of a koi (Cyprin...Figure A12.2 Intracoelomic injection in a koi (Cyprinus carpio koi).Figure A12.3 Blood transfusion in the ventral tail vein of an Atlantic sting...Figure A12.4 Local skin hyperpigmentation in a brook trout (Salvelinus fonti...
13 Chapter 13Figure A13.1 Formalin degradation rates in saltwater aquariums following seq...Figure A13.2 Praziquantel degradation rates in saltwater aquariums following...Figure A13.3 Chloroquine degradation rates in saltwater aquariums following ...Figure A13.4 This diver is wearing appropriate personal protective equipment...
14 Chapter 14Figure A14.1 Vinyl nets used for catching fish.Figure A14.2 Clear tunnel that can be used to catch and transfer a large sha...Figure A14.3 A boat‐based recompression chamber.Figure A14.4 Sketch of a 400 m long, bottom set long‐line system.Figure A14.5 PVC pipe used to reduce the risk of a hook being swallowed.Figure A14.6 To fill a fish transport bag with oxygen, the rigid line should...Figure A14.7 Acclimating fish in floating bags; the bags will be opened and ...
15 Chapter 15Figure A15.1 Example of a quarantine system that would be suitable for a sma...Figure A15.2 Example of a quarantine system that would be suitable for koi (Figure A15.3 Example of a saddle tank that allows fish within a quarantine g...Figure A15.4 Large window in the side of a fiberglass tank used for fish qua...
16 Chapter 17Figure B2.1 Flared operculi and gaping mouths in two rockfish (Sebastes spp....Figure B2.2 Gill wet mounts under direct microscopy: normal gills (a), incre...Figure B2.3 Normal dark red gills (seen during venipuncture) (a), moderate g...
17 Chapter 18Figure B3.1 Signs of systemic inflammation including generalized hyperemia i...Figure B3.2 White spots due to Cryptocaryon irritans in a smooth trunkfish (
18 Chapter 19Figure B4.1 Emaciation in a clearnose skate (Raja eglanteria) (a) and foxfac...Figure B4.2 Coelomic distension in a mullet (Mugil sp.) (a) and Dif‐Quik sta...Figure B4.3 Per cloaca removal of a necrotic fetus in a cownose ray (Rhinopt...Figure B4.4 Mild beak overgrowth in a parrotfish (Scaridae).Figure B4.5 Anal distension in a seabass (Centropristis sp.).
19 Chapter 20Figure B5.1 Scoliosis and kyphosis in a sand tiger shark (Carcharias taurus)...Figure B5.2 Radiograph showing lordoscoliosis in a spangled perch (Leiopothe...
20 Chapter 21Figure B6.1 Exophthalmos in a short bigeye (Pristigenys alta) due to gas (a)...Figure B6.2 Cataract and cutaneous ulceration.
21 Chapter 22Figure C1.1 Predicting early morning dissolved oxygen levels in a pond using...Figure C1.2 Gas emboli on a gill wet mount under direct microscopy (a), on t...
22 Chapter 23Figure C2.1 Bite wounds to the pectoral fin of a female bullnose ray (Myliob...Figure C2.2 Barrier to prevent fish from jumping out of the system. The pane...Figure C2.3 Lateral line depigmentation in a northern sea robin (Prionotus c...Figure C2.4 Goiters presenting as a ventral opercular mass in a grunt (Haemu...Figure C2.5 Ultrasound images of cystic ovaries (a) and mucometra (b) in a s...Figure C2.6 Severe coelomic distension due to egg retention in an oyster toa...Figure C2.7 Corneal lipidosis in a green moray (Gymnothorax funebris).Figure C2.8 Obese grunt (Haemulon sp.) on necropsy showing excess fat throug...
23 Chapter 24Figure C3.1 Carp pox (Cyprinid herpesvirus‐1) lesions on the skin and fins o...Figure C3.2 Koi herpes virus (cyprinid herpesvirus‐3) gill lesions in koi (C...Figure C3.3 Typical necropsy findings of viral hemorrhagic septicemia in rai...Figure C3.4 Koi (Cyprinus carpio koi) recumbent on the substrate due to carp...Figure C3.5 Plaques due to lymphocystivirus in a blue hamlet (Hypoplectrus g...Figure C3.6 Signs of vacuolation (*) and necrosis (arrowheads) on histology ...
24 Chapter 25Figure C4.1 Cytologic appearance of curved Gram‐negative bacilli, consistent...Figure C4.2 Gross appearance of columnaris lesions on a grouper (EpinephelusFigure C4.3 Typical appearance of Streptococcus spp. on Gram stain showing c...Figure C4.4 Severe granulomatous renomegaly due to bacterial kidney disease ...Figure C4.5 Mycobacterial lesions: cutaneous ulceration in mummichogs (Fundu...Figure C4.6 Long, branching, acid‐fast rods consistent with Nocardia sp. on ...Figure C4.7 Nodules due to epitheliocystis on direct microscopy of a gill bi...
25 Chapter 26Figure C5.1 Oomycete infection on a cardinal tetra (Paracheirodon axelrodi);...Figure C5.2 Cytologic appearance of Exophiala sp. under wet mount (a) and on...Figure C5.3 Cytologic appearance of characteristic sickle‐shaped macroconidi...Figure C5.4 Microsporidial xenoma in the muscle of a shorthorn sculpin (Myox...Figure C5.5 Mesomycetozoea infection in a cardinal tetra (Paracheirodon axel...
26 Chapter 27Figure C6.1 Ichthyophthirius multifiliis infection producing white spots in ...Figure C6.2 Cryptocaryon irritans trophont on a gill biopsy under direct mic...Figure C6.3 Chilodonella sp. ciliate on skin scrape under direct microscopy ...Figure C6.4 Brooklynella sp. ciliates under direct microscopy of a skin scra...Figure C6.5 Scuticociliates under direct microscopy of skin scrapes at ×40 (...Figure C6.6 Trichodinid ciliates under direct microscopy of skin scrapes (a ...Figure C6.7 Direct, bright‐field microscopy of sessile ciliates: Ambiphrya s...Figure C6.8 Cryptobia (Trypanoplasma) sp. on a blood smear; Leishman and Gie...Figure C6.9 Ichthyobodo sp. from a gill biopsy under direct microscopy (a) a...Figure C6.10 Abundant Hexamita sp. under direct microscopy of an intestinal ...Figure C6.11 Amyloodinium sp. and increased mucus on a gill biopsy under dir...
27 Chapter 28Figure C7.1 Prolific egg production by a capsalid monogenean (a) and skin sc...Figure C7.2 Life cycle of Neobenedenia spp.Figure C7.3 Benedeniella posterocolpa on the ventrum of a cownose ray (Rhino...Figure C7.4 Life cycle of Dactylogyrus spp.Figure C7.5 Life cycle of Gyrodactylus spp.Figure C7.6 Dendromonocotyle sp. on direct microscopy of a skin scrape at x1...Figure C7.7 Dermophthirius penneri from a blacktip shark (Carcharhinus limba...Figure C7.8 Polyopisthocotyles tightly embedded in gill tissue (a); examinat...Figure C7.9 Diagram of the life cycle of digenes with fish as the definitive...Figure C7.10 Eggs from blood flukes on direct microscopy of a gill biopsy at...Figure C7.11 Turbellarians on direct microscopy of a gill biopsy (a) and fol...Figure C7.12 Cestodes on direct microscopy of a squash prep of a hake fry (M...Figure C7.13 Leeches visible in the oral cavity of a cownose ray (Rhinoptera...Figure C7.14 Live anisakid larva seen in a monkfish (Lophius americanus) fil...Figure C7.15 Camallanid nematodes on direct microscopy of a coelomic sample....Figure C7.16 An adult female philometrid nematode being removed from the ret...Figure C7.17 Anguillicolid nematodes on necropsy (a) and radiography (b) of ...Figure C7.18 Black linear tracts on the skin of a sandbar shark (Carcharhinu...Figure C7.19 Pentastomid larvae on direct examination of a serosal scrape fr...Figure C7.20 The acanthocephalan Pomphorhynchus laevis in the gastrointestin...Figure C7.21 Parasitic copepods: unidentified copepods on the skin of a sand...Figure C7.22 Free‐living copepod on direct microscopy of a gill biopsy.Figure C7.23 Isopod distending the operculum of a killifish (Fundulus sp.); ...Figure C7.24 Argulus sp. on a giant gudgeon (Oxyeleotris selheimi) on examin...
28 Chapter 29Figure C8.1 “Typical” myxozoan spores with two polar capsules seen on impres...Figure C8.2 Enteromyxum sp. spores on direct cytology of the gastrointestina...Figure C8.3 Bright‐field microscopy of Henneguya creplini myxospores from a ...Figure C8.4 Spores from a Myxobolus sp. on impression smear using Dif‐Quik® ...Figure C8.5 Spores from Ceratonova shasta on histology of the intestines of ...Figure C8.6 Polycystic kidneys in a goldfish (Carassius auratus) infected wi...Figure C8.7 Histology image of spores from a Kudoa sp. in the muscle of a bu...Figure C8.8 Proliferative kidney disease (PKD) caused by Tetracapsuloides br...Figure C8.9 Spores from Eimeria southwelli sp. on bright‐field microscopy of...Figure C8.10 Cryptosporidium oocysts on acid‐fast staining of the gastrointe...