Читать книгу Innovations in Preventive Dentistry - Группа авторов - Страница 8
ОглавлениеAAPD, American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry
ACFP, amorphous calcium fluoride phosphate
ACP, amorphous calcium phosphate
ACPA, anti-citrullinated protein antibody
AD, Alzheimer disease
ART, atraumatic restorative therapy
BL, bone loss
BMI, body mass index
BOP, bleeding on probing
CAL, clinical attachment level
CHALO, Child Health Action to Lower Oral Health and Obesity
CI, confidence interval
CPP, casein phosphopeptide
CRFA, Common Risk Factor Approach
CRP, C-reactive protein
DIFOTI, digital imaging fiber-optic transillumination
DHSW, Dental Health Support Worker
DM, diabetes mellitus
dmfs, decayed, missing, or filled surfaces
DMFT, decayed, missing, or filled teeth
EADPH, European Association of Dental Public Health
ECC, early childhood caries
EHCP, Essential Health Care Program
EPS, extracellular polymeric substances
FOTI, fiber-optic transillumination
GA, general anesthesia
GBR, guided bone regeneration
GER, guided enamel regeneration
GTR, guided tissue regeneration
GWAS, genome-wide association studies
HA, hydroxyapatite
IADR, International Association for Dental Research
ICDAS, International Caries Detection and Assessment System
IgA, immunoglobulin A
IL, interleukin
MFP, monofluorophosphate
MI, motivational interviewing
MIH, molar incisor hypomineralization
NCD, noncommunicable disease
NHS, National Health Service
NNT, number needed to treat
NOCTP, nonoperative caries treatment program
NRCC, nonrestorative cavity control
NSF, nano silver fluoride
OHI, oral hygiene instruction
OHRQoL, oral health-related quality of life
OR, odds ratio
ORCA, European Organisation for Caries Research
OSAS, obstructive sleep apnea syndrome
PAD, peptidylarginine deiminase
PD, probing depth
PISA, periodontal inflamed surface area
PMPR, professional mechanical plaque removal
PSI, Periodontal Screening Index
QLF, quantitative light-induced fluorescence
RME, rapid maxillary expansion
RR, relative risk
RRR, relative risk reduction
SaC, Specific affected Caries Index
SAPM, self-assembling peptide matrix
SDF, silver diammine fluoride
SDG, Sustainable Development Goal
S-ECC, severe early childhood caries
SES, socioeconomic status
SCT, social cognitive theory
SiC, Significant Caries Index
SMART, silver modified atraumatic restorative technique
SNP, single nucleotide polymorphism
SPT, supportive periodontal therapy
SSB, sugar-sweetened beverages
TMD, temporomandibular disorders
TNF, tumor necrosis factor
VAS, visual analog scale
WASH, water, sanitation, and hygiene
WHO, World Health Organization
WIC, Women, Infants, and Children program