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1 1 Elizabeth Macarthur to Bridget Kingdon, 7 March 1791, in Joy Hughes ed., The journals of Elizabeth Macarthur 1789–1798, Historic Houses Trust of NSW, Sydney, 1984, p.24.

2 2 William Charles Wentworth, Australasia. A poem., London, 1823, p. 22.

3 3 Louise Anemaat, Natural Curiosity. Unseen art of the First Fleet, NewSouth Publishing, 2014, pp. 51 & 66.

4 4 David Collins (Brian Fletcher ed.), An account of the English Colony in New South Wales, vol. 1, 1798, AH & AW Reed, Sydney, 1975, p. 416.

5 5 Anonymous, “Cunningham’s New South Wales”, Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine, November 1827, p. 603.

6 6 Thomas Palmer to Joyce, 15 December 1794, in Historical Records of NSW, vol.1 pt.2, p. 870.

7 7 Keith Vincent Smith, “Tupaia’s sketchbook”, in Electronic British Library Journal, 2005, article 10: http://www.bl.uk/eblj/2005articles/pdf/article10.pdf accessed 17 October 2017.

8 8 James Cook, Journal of Remarkable Occurrences aboard His Majesty’s Bark Endeavour, 6 May 1770.

9 9 James Auchmuty ed.,The voyage of Governor Phillip to Botany Bay, (London, 1789), Angus & Robertson, 1970, p. 26.

10 10 Arthur Bowes Smyth, The journal of Arthur Bowes Smyth: Surgeon Lady Penryhn 1787–1789, Australian Document Library, Sydney, 1979, p. 70.

11 11 In Bowes Smyth – drawings from his journal `A Journal of a Voyage from Portsmouth to New South Wales and China in the Lady Penrhyn . .’, 1787–1789, no. 6, in ML Safe 1/15.

12 12 Bowes Smyth, Journal…, p. 58.

13 13 George MacKaness ed., Thomas Watling. Limner of Dumfries, Australian Historical Monographs 1979 (1945), p. 9.

14 14 Richard Neville, A rage for curiosity, 1997, p. 65.

15 15 Arthur Phillip to Sir Joseph Banks, 13 April 1790, Sir Joseph Banks papers, Mitchell Library, Series 37.11.

16 16 See Bernard Smith, European vision and the South Pacific, 2nd ed., Harper & Row, 1984, pp. 159–163.

17 17 Jane Lennon “Art and science: early Australian natural history drawings and engravings” in Australiana, vol.17, no.3, August 1995, pp.72–77. See also Louise Anemaat, Natural Curiosity: unseen art of the First Fleet, Newsouth Publishing, 2014 for further discussion on the Sydney Bird Painter.

18 18 For an excellent, and full, account of this complex situation see Anemaat, Natural Curiosity, 2014.

19 19 John Latham to AB Lambert, 26 January 1800, ML SAFE/PXD 1098/vol. 1.

20 20 Anemaat, Natural Curiosity, 2014, p.163 & 165. The unknown artist’s Sooty Tern is in the State Library of NSW at PXD 1098 vol. 4 f.5; Watling’s New Holland Tern is in the Natural History Museum, London, at Watling Drawing no. 342.

21 21 For Watling’s plagiarism of John Symth’s A tour in the United States of America (1784), see Louise Anemaat, Natural curiosity, p. 178.

22 22 George Mackaness ed., Letters from an exile at Botany Bay to his Aunt in Dumfries, (1794), 1979.

23 23 Daniel Southwell to his mother 14 April 1790 Historical Records of New South Wales, vol. II, p. 712.

24 24 Balloderree Watling Collection Drawing no. 58, Natural History Museum, London; Collins, An account of the English Colony in New South Wales, vol. 1, 1798, (1975, p. 146).

25 25 Watling Drawings 23 and 24, Natural History Museum, London.

26 26 Tench, A complete account of the settlement at Port Jackson, p. 59.

27 27 Tench, A complete account of the settlement at Port Jackson, p. 71.

28 28 Tench, A complete account of the settlement at Port Jackson, p. 34.

29 29 House of Commons, Report from the select committee on the state of gaols, London, 1819, p. 147.

30 30 John Thomas Smith, Remarks on rural scenery: with twenty etchings of cottages, 1797, p. 14.

31 31 Minutes of Court of Civil Jurisdiction, State Archives & Records of NSW, WCCJ/6, Location 5/110, pp. 236–240.

32 32 This watercolor remained in the possession of the Johnston family until they gave it in the early 1890s, with other documents relating to the are st, to the NSW Government. Not long after this the NSW Government Printer published photo-lithographed copies of it, ensuring that it became one of the definitive images of Bligh. It is now in the Mitchell Library at Safe 4/5.

33 33 Sydney Gazette 28 March 1812.

34 34 The authorship of these plates was unclear for many years as Wallis was described as the artist in legends printed beneath a number of them. However the emergence of a grangerized copy of An historical account of the colony of New South Wales in 2011 confirmed Lycett as the artist. In what appear to be the original watercolors for many of the plates pasted into this volume, Wallis himself has written under them “Drawn by a convict”, strongly inferring that Lycett was their artist as they can be confidently attributed to him on stylistic grounds. See Album of original drawings by Captain James Wallis and Joseph Lycett … Mitchell Library SAFE/PXE 1072.

35 35 Wallis, An Historical Account of the Colony of New South Wales…, pp. 1&2.

36 36 Macquarie to Bathurst, 28 Feb. 1820, HRA, vol.x, p. 291. Macquarie forgets that he sent a very accurate and most correct view of Sydney to Viscount Castlereagh in 1812 cf. HRA vol.vii, p.332; in June he was praising the superiority of Evans’s views.

37 37 Richard Neville, Mr. JW Lewin. Painter & Naturalist, Newsouth Publishing, 2012, pp. 224–226.

38 38 Neville, Mr. JW Lewin. Painter & Naturalist, pp.194–211.

39 39 James Porter 5 November 1815 Log of the Hebe [transcribed by Michael Flynn] ML DOC 3388.

40 40 Sydney Gazette 19 January 1811, p. 2.

41 41 James Wallis, Historical account of the colony of New South Wales, London, 1821, description of plate VI.

42 42 Shane Frost, “Burigon: Chief of the Newcastle Tribe”, in John McPhee ed., Joseph Lycett. Convict artist, Historic Houses Trust, 2006, p. 91 .

43 43 Barron Field, Geographical memoirs on New South Wales, London, 1827, p. 435.

44 44 See Christies, South Kensington, Topographical Pictures, 28 May 1987, Lots 225–226.

45 45 Thomas Lewin preface to John Lewin, Prodromus Entomology. Natural history of Lepidopterous Insects of New South Wales, London, 1805.

46 46 Lewin to Drury, 7 March 1803, ML A 358.

47 47 Alan Cunningham, 24 March 1817, J. Bowie Correspondence, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, AJCP M 730, p.247.

48 48 Elizabeth Ellis, Rare & curious: the secret history of Governor Macquarie’s collector’s chest, Miegunyah Press, 2010.

49 49 For Wallis’s memoir see Manuscripts and artworks from an album assembled by Major James Wallis, Mitchell Library, PXD 1008 vol.1/1.

50 50 Alexander Riley to Edward Riley, Riley Papers, ML A110 p.15.

51 51 Roger Butler “Joseph Lycett. Artist in Print”, in McPhee ed., Joseph Lycett. Convict artist, 2006, pp. 40–47.

52 52 For a discussion on this genre see David Hansen, Dempsey’s people. A folio of British street portraits, National Portrait Gallery, 2017.

53 53 Augustus Earle “Natives of New South Wales as seen in the streets of Sydney”, in Views in New South Wales and Van Diemens Land, London, 1830, n.p.

54 54 Sydney Gazette 28 July 1829, p.3.

55 55 Rae to Prout 20 May 1847 p. 662. John Rae Letterbook, ML MSS.

56 56 Heads of the People, 28 August 1847 p. 145.

57 57 Sydney Morning Herald 22 June 1847 p. 2.

58 58 The Australian 31 July 1835 p. 3. Elizabeth Ellis quotes this comment in her comprehensive account of Martens in her Conrad Martens. Life & Art, State Library of NSW Press, 1994.

59 59 Ellis, Conrad Martens. Life & Art, p. 24.

60 60 Sydney Illustrated p. 35.

61 61 Sydney Illustrated p. 22.

62 62 Sydney Illustrated p. 2.

63 63 John Rae to his mother, 14 February 1844, John Rae letter book 1840–1854, ML MSS 6998, p. 343.

64 64 Sydney Morning Herald 7 May 1847 p. 3.

65 65 V*/NZ Wars/3 and DG SV1A/9, State Library of NSW.

66 66 Sydney Morning Herald 24 June 1850 p. 1. Aboriginal in pursuit of game might be the painting in the Mitchell Library at ML 568. See also Sydney Morning Herald 20 july 1850 p.5.

67 67 J.B.Martin, Reminiscences, 1884, p. 11.

68 68 James Hamilton, A Strange Business. Making Art and Money in Nineteenth Century Britain, Atlantic Books, 2014, p. 294.

69 69 Sydney Morning Herald 28 October 1847 p. 3.

70 70 Parramatta Chronicle and Cumberland General Advertiser 10 February 1844 p. 2.

71 71 Sydney Herald 18 October 1841 p. 2.

72 72 Australian Sporting Magazine, Sydney, January 1851.

73 73 John Lhotsky “The state of the arts in New South Wales and Van Diemen’s Land”, The Art Union, vol.1, 1839, p. 99.

74 74 George Combe, Constitution of Man considered in relation to external objects, (Boston 1834), New York 1974, p. 117.

75 75 Sydney Times 17 September 1836 p. 3; see also Sydney Morning Herald 15 September 1836; Australian 16 September 1836 p. 3.

A Companion to Australian Art

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