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List of Illustrations


1 Chapter 1Figure 1.1 The six guiding principles of EMS Agenda 2050.

2 Chapter 2Figure 2.1 Airway management algorithm. Source: Wang HE, Kupas DF, Greenwood...

3 Chapter 3Figure 3.1 BVM ventilationFigure 3.2 Orotracheal intubationFigure 3.3 Manual in‐line stabilization for intubation of the patient with s...Figure 3.4 GlideScopeTM video laryngoscopeFigure 3.5 Corkscrew of endotracheal tube for digital intubationFigure 3.6 Gum elastic bougie threaded into an endotracheal tube. The bougie...Figure 3.7 i‐gel.Figure 3.8 LT airway.Figure 3.9 Laryngeal Mask Airway.Figure 3.10 Cricothyroidotomy.Figure 3.11 Esophageal detector device.Figure 3.12 Colorimetric carbon dioxide detector.Figure 3.13 Waveform carbon dioxide detector.

4 Chapter 4Figure 4.1 Prone intubation.Figure 4.2 Left lateral decubitus intubating position.Figure 4.3 Kneeling intubation.Figure 4.4 Sitting intubation.Figure 4.5 Straddle intubation.Figure 4.6 Face‐to‐face “tomahawk” intubation position.Figure 4.7 Small continuous battery‐powered end‐tidal CO2 device.Figure 4.8 An example of a condensed airway pack with a laryngoscope roll (a...

5 Chapter 5Figure 5.1 Normal capnographic waveformFigure 5.2 A capnogram depicting bronchospasm with a characteristic “shark f...Figure 5.3 Ultrasound image depicting B‐lines, which may be seen in ADHF and...

6 Chapter 6Figure 6.1 Oxygen‐hemoglobin dissociation curveFigure 6.2 Capnography waveforms. (a) Normal waveform. Point A is beginning ...Figure 6.3 Bag‐valve mask device

7 Chapter 8Figure 8.1 IV starting equipment.Figure 8.2 18‐ and 20‐gauge IV catheters with needles.Figure 8.3 Position of tourniquet proximal to target vein.Figure 8.4 “Flash” of blood indicating that needle is within the vein’s lume...Figure 8.5 External jugular vein.Figure 8.6 Intraosseous equipment.Figure 8.7 Central venous catheter kit.

8 Chapter 9Figure 9.1 A prehospital 12‐lead ECG showing atrial fibrillation with a rapi...

9 Chapter 10Figure 10.1 The classic one‐lead ECG appearance (lead II here) of torsades d...

10 Chapter 11Figure 11.1 IABP arterial pressure tracings with 1:1 augmentation and 2:1 au...Figure 11.2 HeartMate II LVAD. LVAS, left ventricular assist system.Figure 11.3 Emergency assessment of a patient with an LVAD.Figure 11.4 The first ECG depicts failure of electrical capture with pacer s...

11 Chapter 12Figure 12.1 Contributors to cardiac arrest survival. While the first links o...Figure 12.2 The frame of survival. Source: Nadarajan GD, Tiah L, Ho AFW, et ...Figure 12.3 Relation of collapse to CPR and defibrillation to survival: simp...Figure 12.4 Predicted survival versus defibrillation response interval.Figure 12.5 ACLS cardiac arrest algorithm for patients with suspected or con...

12 Chapter 22Figure 22.1 ECG of a patient with hyperkalemia. Note wide complex tachycardi...Figure 22.2 ECG of patient with hyperkalemia with junctional bradycardia.

13 Chapter 23Figure 23.1 Health care workers exiting a containerized biocontainment syste...Figure 23.2 Transport team arrives with a patient at the dedicated entrance ...

14 Chapter 24Figure 24.1 Proportions of unintentional injury deaths in the United States ...

15 Chapter 28Figure 28.1 View from left side of driver’s toe pan intrusion.Figure 28.2 View through sunroof of door panel intrusion into driver’s seat....

16 Chapter 29Figure 29.1 Bullets of various lengths and diameters, compared with an AA ba...Figure 29.2 Examples of bullet shapes and deformity designed to inflict tiss...Figure 29.3 Effect of yaw in creating a larger surface area of effect.Figure 29.4 Shotgun injuries to chest.Figure 29.5 X‐ray of shotgun injuries to chest.Figure 29.6 Sonic wave and cavitation produced by a high‐velocity bullet in ...Figure 29.7 Knife left in situ in the wound for removal in the operating roo...Figure 29.8 Tourniquet in place in a patient with extensive thigh injury. So...Figure 29.9 Tourniquet in place above knee in simulated lower leg crush/near...

17 Chapter 32Figure 32.1 Example of an abdominal blast injury.

18 Chapter 33Figure 33.1 Rule of nines.Figure 33.2 Location of escharotomy incisions.

19 Chapter 35Figure 35.1 The SOF‐T tourniquet.Figure 35.2 The Combat Ready Clamp.Figure 35.3 IT Clamp.

20 Chapter 37Figure 37.1 Intraocular foreign body x‐ray (lateral view).Figure 37.2 Intraocular foreign body x‐ray (anterior‐posterior view).Figure 37.3 Intraocular foreign body on slit lamp.Figure 37.4 Hyphema from air bag injury.Figure 37.5 Foreign body in eyelid.Figure 37.6 Ruptured globe.Figure 37.7 Grading of traumatic hyphema.

21 Chapter 39Figure 39.1 Guidelines for field triage of injured patients–United States, 2...Figure 39.2 Measures of field triage accuracy.

22 Chapter 45Figure 45.1 Cesarean delivery. Retraction of abdominal wall and displacement...Figure 45.2 Cesarean delivery. A, Small vertical incision made into the lowe...Figure 45.3 Cesarean delivery. Delivery of the infant from a vertex position...

23 Chapter 46Figure 46.1 A patient undergoing continuous eye irrigation using a nasal can...

24 Chapter 48Figure 48.1 Death rates in individuals 15 and older attributed to excessive ...Figure 48.2 Windchill chart.Figure 48.3 Charcoal vest. Charcoal inserts are burned in the body of the de...

25 Chapter 49Figure 49.1 NOAA’s National Weather Service Heat Index.Figure 49.2 Vermont State exertional heat stroke protocol. State of Vermont ...

26 Chapter 52Figure 52.1 Boyle’s law.

27 Chapter 53Figure 53.1 A length‐based resuscitation tape.Figure 53.2 A length‐based resuscitation tape measuring from the head of the...

28 Chapter 56Figure 56.1 Computerized emergency information form.

29 Chapter 63Figure 63.1 National Center for Missing and Exploited Children–Child Sex Tra...Figure 63.2 Blue Campaign Wallet Card (“Indicator Card”), created in July 20...Figure 63.3 National Human Trafficking Resource Center–Framework for a Human...

30 Chapter 65Figure 65.1 Metro Regional EMS Consortium 2020 Death and Dying Protocol, Cla...Figure 65.2 End of Life Conversation Field Guide.Figure 65.3 Comparison of advance directives, POLST, and DNAR orders.Figure 65.4 Sample–National POLST form.Figure 65.5 U.S. map of POLST programs.Figure 65.6 Hospice symptom management at end of life. Important considerati...Figure 65.7 Guidance for crisis care in the setting of severe, pervasive sur...

31 Chapter 66Figure 66.1a‐d Civilian‐led rescue organizations such as the Cajun Navy use ...Figure 66.2 Form for on‐scene physicians.

32 Chapter 71Figure 71.1 Real‐time geographic information system display, showing a heat ...

33 Chapter 72Figure 72.1 The 360°/ 365 Emergency Medical Care System circle.Figure 72.2 Sequential versus simultaneous process.

34 Chapter 78Figure 78.1 The model rehab area. This accommodates the various key function...Figure 78.2 Sample rehab tag, showing identification, vital signs, and dispo...

35 Chapter 79Figure 79.1 Percentage of EMS workers with poor sleep quality across years a...Figure 79.2 Proportion of EMS workers who self‐report severe mental and phys...

36 Chapter 80Figure 80.1 EMS worker self‐reported injury.

37 Chapter 81Figure 81.1 PTE protocol flow chart PTE = potentially traumatic event; TF‐CB...

38 Chapter 82Figure 82.1 EMS agenda 2050 summary.Figure 82.2 The EMS Education Agenda for the Future describes an interdepend...Figure 82.3 Terms related to regulatory concepts.

39 Chapter 87Figure 87.1 2019 “EMS On The Hill Day”; Drs. Paul Rosytkus and Ritu Sahni at...

40 Chapter 88Figure 88.1 Example of a “First Card.” Source:Figure 88.2 Sample chief complaint protocol. Source:Figure 88.3 Sample determinant codes and responses. Source:Figure 88.4 Sample QI matrix PSAP dispatch priority vs. EMS disposition

41 Chapter 89Figure 89.1 An ambulance crash in 2019. The ambulance in this picture was st...

42 Chapter 90Figure 90.1 Access/demand management for regional system.Figure 90.2 From current system to future system.Figure 90.3 Steps in building an interoperable communications system.

43 Chapter 92Figure 92.1 Model state EMS system agency. From: State Emergency Medical Ser...Figure 92.2 As identified in the 2019 National EMS Scope of Practice Model, ...

44 Chapter 93Figure 93.1 Adult per capita cigarette consumption and major smoking and hea...Figure 93.2 Mortality per 1,000 persons was calculated for the central water...

45 Chapter 95Figure 95.1 Small structure ICS. ICS for small structure fire requiring only...Figure 95.2 Incident command transition. Transition of incident command duri...Figure 95.3 Incident command board. This command board allows the IC to trac...Figure 95.4 Control and unity. Maintaining span of control and unity of comm...Figure 95.5 Large‐scale event chart. Organizational chart for a large‐scale ...

46 Chapter 97Figure 97.1 Core capabilities by mission area. Planning, public information ...Figure 97.2 Example of an incident command system organization with a single...

47 Chapter 99Figure 99.1 SALT triage scheme. LSI, life‐saving interventionsFigure 99.2 START triage algorithm.Figure 99.3 JumpSTART pediatric triage algorithm. AVPU scale: alert, voice, ...

48 Chapter 100Figure 100.1 Incident command system organizational chart for unified comman...Figure 100.2 Mass casualty incident protocol.Figure 100.3 Role of medical director.

49 Chapter 101Figure 101.1 Estimate, planning, and execution cycle.Figure 101.2 Hospital evacuation by the National Disaster Medical System.Figure 101.3 Federal coordinating centers.

50 Chapter 102Figure 102.1 Partial setup of national disaster mobile hospital showing oper...Figure 102.2 Resuscitation treatment area, DMAT NC‐1 at Sea Island G8 Confer...

51 Chapter 103Figure 103.1 a and b Level A ensemble.Figure 103.2 a and b: Level B ensemble.Figure 103.3 a and b Level C ensemble.Figure 103.4 NIOSH/OSHA decontamination setup illustration.Figure 103.5 a and b Decontamination corridors using fire apparatus.

52 Chapter 104Figure 104.1 Liquids may be difficult to contain. Source:Figure 104.2 Soot, an aerosolized solid from a structure fire.

53 Chapter 105Figure 105.1 Relative penetration in human tissue of ionizing radiation.Figure 105.2 Distance causes decrease in radiation exposures exponentiallyFigure 105.3 Radiation‐induced skin injuries from fluoroscopy.Figure 105.4 Andrews lymphocyte nomogram.Figure 105.5 REAC/TS hemogram showing the effects of exposure of 300 rad (30...

54 Chapter 107Figure 107.1 A tactical medic confers with a hazmat technician during an ope...Figure 107.2 A tactical medic establishing intravenous access while wearing ...Figure 107.3 Tactical medical clinicians providing immediate care to a falle...Figure 107.4 A tactical physician providing direct medical oversight of airw...

55 Chapter 108Figure 108.1 Confined space simulator, Indiana County (PA) Public Safety Tra...Figure 108.2a Confined space familiarization for Yale emergency medicine res...Figure 108.2b The resident has been lowered into the entry chamber of the si...Figure 108.3 Confined space familiarization for Yale emergency medicine resi...Figure 108.4 Pennsylvania US&R Task Force 1 training at a demolished 13‐stor...

56 Chapter 109Figure 109.1 Low‐angle rescue with guiding line.Figure 109.2 High‐angle rescue.Figure 109.3 Cave/confined space rescue.Figure 109.4 Snow rescue.Figure 109.5 Incident Command apparatus.Figure 109.6 Wilderness EMS Incident Command.

57 Chapter 111Figure 111.1 The Swiss cheese model of accidents. Multiple approaches are ta...

58 Chapter 113Figure 113.1 Diagram of the Deming System of Profound Knowledge.Figure 113.2 Model for Improvement. Source: Langley G, Moen R, Nolan K et al...Figure 113.3 Plan‐Do‐Study‐Act Cycle.Figure 113.4 Sample fishbone or Ishikawa diagram. AHA, American Heart Associ...Figure 113.5 Sample driver diagram. This diagram shows a driver diagram acco...Figure 113.6 Run chart demonstrating a down‐scoping trend in average compres...Figure 113.7 Control chart demonstrating fluid bolus administration for all ...Figure 113.8 Global Trigger Tool.

59 Chapter 115Figure 115.1 The researcher looks to determine who was exposed to the risk f...Figure 115.2 The principal advantages of a cohort study are that the tempora...Figure 115.3 Adaptive design planning process.

60 Chapter 120Figure 120.1 At position A, there is compelling evidence for adoption of the...

61 Chapter 121Figure 121.1 Example of a 2 × 2 table.This figure shows data from a hypothet...

Emergency Medical Services

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